# Example command line to use: # Create a VM: # ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/localhost test-bifrost-create-vm.yaml # Set BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE # export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/tmp/baremetal.json # Execute the installation and VM startup test. # ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/bifrost_inventory.py test-bifrost.yaml -e use_cirros=true -e testing_user=cirros --- - hosts: localhost connection: local name: "Prepare testing environment" become: no gather_facts: yes tasks: - name: "Set testing to true" set_fact: testing: true - block: - name: "Set variables if running in the CI" set_fact: cirros_deploy_image_upstream_url: file:///opt/cache/files/cirros-0.5.1-x86_64-disk.img copy_from_local_path: true git_url_root: "{{ lookup('env', 'WORKSPACE') }}" - name: "Check if openstacksdk is cloned" stat: path: "{{ git_url_root }}/openstack/openstacksdk" register: sdk_path - name: "Use openstacksdk from source if it's cloned" set_fact: openstacksdk_source_install: true when: sdk_path.stat.exists when: lookup('env', 'ZUUL_BRANCH') | length > 0 - import_playbook: install.yaml - import_playbook: enroll-dynamic.yaml - hosts: baremetal name: "Test introspection data" become: no connection: local roles: - role: bifrost-test-inspection when: inspect_nodes | default(false) | bool - import_playbook: deploy-dynamic.yaml - hosts: baremetal name: "Prepare for deployment verification" become: no connection: local serial: 1 roles: - role: bifrost-prepare-for-test-dynamic # The testvm Host group is added by bifrost-prepare-for-test based # on the contents of the JSON file. - hosts: test name: "Tests connectivity to the VM" become: no gather_facts: no remote_user: "{{ testing_user }}" serial: 1 any_errors_fatal: yes max_fail_percentage: 0 roles: - role: bifrost-test-vm - import_playbook: redeploy-dynamic.yaml when: redeploy_nodes | default(false) | bool - hosts: baremetal connection: local name: "Unprovisions the test node" become: no gather_facts: no roles: - role: bifrost-unprovision-node-dynamic wait_for_node_undeploy: true - role: ironic-delete-dynamic # The following tasks are intended to test DHCP functionality - hosts: localhost connection: local name: "Start VMs that were not enrolled to ironic" become: yes vars: not_enrolled_data_file: /tmp/baremetal.json.rest tasks: # NOTE(TheJulia): Moved the power ON of the excess VMs until after # the other test VMs have been shutdown, in order to explicitly # validate that the dhcp config is working as expected and not # serving these requests. - name: Power on remaining test VMs virt: name: "{{ item.key }}" state: running with_dict: "{{ lookup('file', not_enrolled_data_file) | from_json }}" ignore_errors: yes when: inventory_dhcp | bool - name: Wait 30 seconds pause: seconds: 30 when: inventory_dhcp | bool - hosts: localhost connection: local name: "Executes DHCP test script" become: yes gather_facts: yes vars: inventory_dhcp: "{{ inventory_dhcp | bool }}" inventory_dhcp_static_ip: "{{ inventory_dhcp_static_ip | bool }}" roles: - { role: bifrost-test-dhcp, when: inventory_dhcp | bool } environment: http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}" https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','https_proxy') }}"