#!/bin/bash set -eu ANSIBLE_GIT_URL=${ANSIBLE_GIT_URL:-https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git} ANSIBLE_GIT_BRANCH=${ANSIBLE_GIT_BRANCH:-stable-2.0} ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT=${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT:-/opt/stack} function check_get_module () { local file=${1} local url=${2} if [ ! -e ${file} ]; then wget -O ${file} ${url} fi } # Check zypper before apt-get in case zypper-aptitude # is installed if [ -x '/usr/bin/zypper' ]; then if ! $(python --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H zypper install -y python fi if ! zypper search --match-exact --installed python-devel &>/dev/null; then sudo -H zypper install -y python-devel fi if ! $(gcc -v &>/dev/null); then sudo -H zypper install -y gcc fi if ! $(git --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H zypper install -y git fi if ! $(wget --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H zypper install -y wget fi if [ -n "${VENV-}" ]; then if $(virtualenv --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H zypper install -y python-virtualenv fi fi if ! zypper search --match-exact --installed libopenssl-devel &>/dev/null; then sudo -H zypper install -y libopenssl-devel fi if ! zypper search --installed libffi-devel &>/dev/null; then sudo -H zypper install -y libffi-devel fi if ! zypper search --installed net-tools &>/dev/null; then sudo -H zypper install -y net-tools fi if ! zypper search --match-exact --installed python-pip &>/dev/null; then sudo -H zypper install -y python-pip fi # Make sure python-pip is the preferred one if readlink -f /etc/alternatives/pip | grep -q "3."; then sudo -H update-alternatives --set pip /usr/bin/pip2.* fi elif [ -x '/usr/bin/apt-get' ]; then if ! $(gcc -v &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install gcc fi if ! $(git --version &>/dev/null) ; then sudo -H apt-get -y install git fi if ! $(python --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install python-minimal fi if ! $(dpkg -l libpython-dev &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install libpython-dev fi if ! $(dpkg -l wget &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install wget fi if [ -n "${VENV-}" ]; then if ! $(virtualenv --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install python-virtualenv fi fi if ! $(dpkg -l libssl-dev &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install libssl-dev fi if ! $(dpkg -l libffi-dev &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install libffi-dev fi if ! $(dpkg -l net-tools &>/dev/null); then sudo -H apt-get -y install net-tools fi elif [ -x '/usr/bin/yum' ]; then if ! $(python --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install python fi if ! yum -q list installed python-devel; then sudo -H yum -y install python-devel fi if ! $(gcc -v &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install gcc fi if ! $(git --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install git fi if ! $(wget --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install wget fi if [ -n "${VENV-}" ]; then if $(virtualenv --version &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install python-virtualenv fi fi if ! $(rpm -q openssl-devel &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install openssl-devel fi if ! $(rpm -q libffi-devel &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install libffi-devel fi if ! $(rpm -q net-tools &>/dev/null); then sudo -H yum -y install net-tools fi else echo "ERROR: Supported package manager not found. Supported: apt,yum,zypper" fi if [ -n "${VENV-}" ]; then echo "NOTICE: Using virtualenv for this installation." if [ ! -f ${VENV}/bin/activate ]; then # only create venv if one doesn't exist sudo -H -E virtualenv --no-site-packages ${VENV} fi # Note(cinerama): activate is not compatible with "set -u"; # disable it just for this line. set +u source ${VENV}/bin/activate set -u VIRTUAL_ENV=${VENV} else echo "NOTICE: Not using virtualenv for this installation." fi # If we're using a venv, we need to work around sudo not # keeping the path even with -E. PYTHON=$(which python) # To install python packages, we need pip. # # We can't use the apt packaged version of pip since # older versions of pip are incompatible with # requests, one of our indirect dependencies (bug 1459947). # # Note(cinerama): We use pip to install an updated pip plus our # other python requirements. pip breakages can seriously impact us, # so we've chosen to install/upgrade pip here rather than in # requirements (which are synced automatically from the global ones) # so we can quickly and easily adjust version parameters. # See bug 1536627. if ! which pip; then wget -O /tmp/get-pip.py https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py sudo -H -E ${PYTHON} /tmp/get-pip.py fi PIP=$(which pip) sudo -H -E ${PIP} install "pip>6.0" sudo -H -E ${PIP} install -r "$(dirname $0)/../requirements.txt" u=$(whoami) g=$(groups | awk '{print $1}') if [ ! -d ${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT} ]; then mkdir -p ${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT} || (sudo mkdir -p ${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT}) fi sudo -H chown -R $u:$g ${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT} cd ${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT} if [ ! -d ansible ]; then git clone $ANSIBLE_GIT_URL --recursive -b $ANSIBLE_GIT_BRANCH cd ansible else cd ansible git remote update origin --prune git fetch --tags git checkout $ANSIBLE_GIT_BRANCH git pull --rebase origin $ANSIBLE_GIT_BRANCH git submodule update --init --recursive git fetch fi # Note(TheJulia): These files should be in the ansible folder # and this functionality exists for a level of ansible 1.9.x # backwards compatability although the modules were developed # for Ansible 2.0. check_get_module `pwd`/lib/ansible/modules/core/cloud/openstack/os_ironic.py \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/stable-2.0/cloud/openstack/os_ironic.py check_get_module `pwd`/lib/ansible/modules/core/cloud/openstack/os_ironic_node.py \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/stable-2.0/cloud/openstack/os_ironic_node.py # Note(TheJulia): Proposed, however not yet accepted. Once the pull request # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/1681 has merged, this # URL should be changed. check_get_module `pwd`/lib/ansible/modules/extras/cloud/openstack/os_ironic_inspect.py \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juliakreger/ansible-modules-extras/feature/os-ironic-inspect/cloud/openstack/os_ironic_inspect.py if [ -n "${VENV-}" ]; then sudo -H -E ${PIP} install --upgrade ${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT}/ansible echo echo "To use bifrost, do" echo "source ${VENV}/bin/activate" echo "source env-vars" echo "Then run playbooks as normal." echo else echo echo "If you're using this script directly, execute the" echo "following commands to update your shell." echo echo "source env-vars" echo "source ${ANSIBLE_INSTALL_ROOT}/ansible/hacking/env-setup" echo fi