- hosts: all name: Autoconverted job legacy-bifrost-integration-tinyipa from old job gate-bifrost-integration-tinyipa-ubuntu-xenial roles: - role: bindep bindep_dir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/{{ zuul.projects['git.openstack.org/openstack/bifrost'].src_dir }}" tasks: - name: Set script name for testing without Keystone set_fact: script_name: scripts/test-bifrost.sh when: not (use_keystone | default(false) | bool) - name: Set script name for testing with Keystone set_fact: script_name: scripts/test-bifrost-keystone-auth.sh when: use_keystone | default(false) | bool - name: Ensure legacy workspace directory file: path: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace' state: directory - shell: cmd: | set -e set -x CLONEMAP=`mktemp` REQS_DIR=`mktemp -d` function cleanup { mkdir -p $WORKSPACE rm -rf $CLONEMAP $REQS_DIR } trap cleanup EXIT cat > $CLONEMAP << EOF clonemap: - name: openstack/bifrost dest: . EOF # zuul cloner works poorly if there are 2 names that are the # same in here. if [[ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" != "openstack/requirements" ]]; then cat >> $CLONEMAP << EOF - name: openstack/requirements dest: $REQS_DIR EOF fi /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner -m $CLONEMAP --cache-dir /opt/git \ git://git.openstack.org openstack/bifrost openstack/requirements # REQS_DIR is not set for openstack/requirements and there is also # no need to copy in this case. if [[ "$ZUUL_PROJECT" != "openstack/requirements" ]]; then cp $REQS_DIR/upper-constraints.txt ./ fi executable: /bin/bash chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace' environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}' - shell: cmd: | set -u set -e set -x cd $WORKSPACE /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner --cache-dir /opt/git \ git://git.openstack.org \ openstack/bifrost \ openstack/ironic \ openstack/python-ironicclient \ openstack-infra/shade \ openstack/openstacksdk \ openstack/ironic-inspector \ openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client \ openstack/requirements export GIT_BASE=$(pwd) export UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE=$WORKSPACE/upper-constraints.txt cd openstack/bifrost "{{ script_name }}" executable: /bin/bash chdir: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace' environment: '{{ zuul | zuul_legacy_vars }}'