#!/bin/bash set -euxo pipefail export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 SCRIPT_HOME="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)" BIFROST_HOME=$SCRIPT_HOME/.. USE_DHCP="${USE_DHCP:-false}" BUILD_IMAGE="${BUILD_IMAGE:-false}" BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE=${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE:-'/tmp/baremetal.json'} ENABLE_KEYSTONE="${ENABLE_KEYSTONE:-false}" ZUUL_BRANCH=${ZUUL_BRANCH:-} CLI_TEST=${CLI_TEST:-false} BOOT_MODE=${BOOT_MODE:-} ENABLE_TLS=${ENABLE_TLS:-false} ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER=${ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER:-false} USE_VMEDIA=${USE_VMEDIA:-false} # Set defaults for ansible command-line options to drive the different # tests. # NOTE(TheJulia/cinerama): The variables defined on the command line # for the default and DHCP tests are to drive the use of Cirros as the # deployed operating system, and as such sets the test user to cirros, # and writes a debian style interfaces file out to the configuration # drive as cirros does not support the network_data.json format file # placed in the configuration drive. The "build image" test does not # use cirros. # NOTE(rpittau) we can't use kvm in CI VM_DOMAIN_TYPE=qemu export VM_DISK_CACHE="unsafe" TEST_VM_NUM_NODES=1 USE_CIRROS=true TESTING_USER=cirros TEST_PLAYBOOK="test-bifrost.yaml" USE_INSPECTOR=true INSPECT_NODES=true INVENTORY_DHCP=false INVENTORY_DHCP_STATIC_IP=false DOWNLOAD_IPA=true CREATE_IPA_IMAGE=false WRITE_INTERFACES_FILE=true PROVISION_WAIT_TIMEOUT=${PROVISION_WAIT_TIMEOUT:-900} NOAUTH_MODE=${NOAUTH_MODE:-false} CLOUD_CONFIG="" WAIT_FOR_DEPLOY=true # Get OS information source /etc/os-release || source /usr/lib/os-release OS_DISTRO="$ID" # Setup openstack_ci test database if run in OpenStack CI. if [ "$ZUUL_BRANCH" != "" ]; then sudo mkdir -p /opt/libvirt/images VM_SETUP_EXTRA="--storage-pool-path /opt/libvirt/images" fi if [ -d "${WORKSPACE:-}" ]; then BIFROST_CLI_EXTRA="${BIFROST_CLI_EXTRA:-} --extra-vars copy_from_local_path=true" fi source $SCRIPT_HOME/env-setup.sh # We're expected to test with SELinux enforcing if which setenforce &> /dev/null; then SELINUX_STATUS=$(sudo getenforce) if [ "$SELINUX_STATUS" == "Disabled" ]; then echo "Selinux is Disabled, please enable it and restart the host" exit 1 fi sudo setenforce Enforcing fi if [ ${USE_CIRROS} = "true" ] && [ ! -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub" ]; then # CentOS/RHEL 8 and 9, as well as Fedora, do not work with the RSA key # that the Cirros' SSH server uses. Generate an ECDSA key pair instead. ssh-keygen -t ECDSA -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_ecdsa" -N "" fi # Note(cinerama): activate is not compatible with "set -u"; # disable it just for this line. set +u source ${VENV}/bin/activate set -u ANSIBLE=${VENV}/bin/ansible-playbook ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERP=${VENV}/bin/python3 # Adjust options for DHCP, VM, or Keystone tests if [ ${USE_DHCP} = "true" ]; then ENABLE_INSPECTOR=false INSPECT_NODES=false TEST_VM_NUM_NODES=3 INVENTORY_DHCP=true INVENTORY_DHCP_STATIC_IP=true WRITE_INTERFACES_FILE=false elif [ ${BUILD_IMAGE} = "true" ]; then USE_CIRROS=false TESTING_USER=root VM_MEMORY_SIZE="4096" ENABLE_INSPECTOR=false INSPECT_NODES=false DOWNLOAD_IPA=false CREATE_IPA_IMAGE=true elif [ ${ENABLE_KEYSTONE} = "true" ]; then NOAUTH_MODE=false CLOUD_CONFIG+=" -e cloud_name=bifrost" fi REDEPLOY_NODES=$USE_CIRROS if [[ -n "$BOOT_MODE" ]]; then CLOUD_CONFIG+=" -e default_boot_mode=$BOOT_MODE" VM_SETUP_EXTRA+=" -e default_boot_mode=$BOOT_MODE" fi if [ ${USE_VMEDIA} = "true" ]; then TEST_VM_NODE_DRIVER=redfish CLOUD_CONFIG+=" -e default_boot_interface=redfish-virtual-media" # The default won't work for other hardware types CLOUD_CONFIG+=" -e enabled_hardware_types=redfish" fi on_exit() { $SCRIPT_HOME/collect-test-info.sh } trap on_exit EXIT # Change working directory cd $BIFROST_HOME/playbooks # Syntax check of dynamic inventory test path for task in syntax-check list-tasks; do ${ANSIBLE} -vvvv \ -i inventory/localhost \ test-bifrost-create-vm.yaml \ --${task} ${ANSIBLE} -vvvv \ -i inventory/localhost \ ${TEST_PLAYBOOK} \ --${task} \ -e testing_user=${TESTING_USER} done # Create the test VMs ../bifrost-cli --debug testenv \ --count ${TEST_VM_NUM_NODES} \ --memory ${VM_MEMORY_SIZE:-1024} \ --disk ${VM_DISK:-5} \ --inventory "${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE}" \ --driver ${TEST_VM_NODE_DRIVER:-ipmi} \ --extra-vars git_url_root="${WORKSPACE:-https://opendev.org}" \ ${VM_SETUP_EXTRA:-} \ ${BIFROST_CLI_EXTRA:-} if [ ${USE_DHCP} = "true" ]; then # reduce the number of nodes in JSON file # to limit number of nodes to enroll for testing purposes python $BIFROST_HOME/scripts/split_json.py 2 \ ${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE} \ ${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE}.new \ ${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE}.rest \ && mv ${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE}.new ${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE} fi if [ ${CLI_TEST} = "true" ]; then ../bifrost-cli --debug install --testenv \ --extra-vars git_url_root="${WORKSPACE:-https://opendev.org}" \ ${BIFROST_CLI_EXTRA:-} fi set +e # Set BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE} # Execute the installation and VM startup test. ${ANSIBLE} -vvvv \ -i inventory/bifrost_inventory.py \ -i inventory/target \ ${TEST_PLAYBOOK} \ -e use_cirros=${USE_CIRROS} \ -e use_tinyipa=true \ -e testing_user=${TESTING_USER} \ -e test_vm_num_nodes=${TEST_VM_NUM_NODES} \ -e inventory_dhcp=${INVENTORY_DHCP} \ -e inventory_dhcp_static_ip=${INVENTORY_DHCP_STATIC_IP} \ -e enable_inspector=${USE_INSPECTOR} \ -e inspect_nodes=${INSPECT_NODES} \ -e redeploy_nodes=${REDEPLOY_NODES} \ -e download_ipa=${DOWNLOAD_IPA} \ -e create_ipa_image=${CREATE_IPA_IMAGE} \ -e write_interfaces_file=${WRITE_INTERFACES_FILE} \ -e wait_timeout=${PROVISION_WAIT_TIMEOUT} \ -e noauth_mode=${NOAUTH_MODE} \ -e enable_keystone=${ENABLE_KEYSTONE} \ -e wait_for_node_deploy=${WAIT_FOR_DEPLOY} \ -e not_enrolled_data_file=${BAREMETAL_DATA_FILE}.rest \ -e enable_tls=${ENABLE_TLS} \ -e enable_prometheus_exporter=${ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER} \ -e generate_tls=${ENABLE_TLS} \ -e skip_install=${CLI_TEST} \ -e skip_package_install=${CLI_TEST} \ -e skip_bootstrap=${CLI_TEST} \ -e skip_start=${CLI_TEST} \ -e skip_migrations=${CLI_TEST} \ ${CLOUD_CONFIG} EXITCODE=$? if [ $EXITCODE != 0 ]; then echo "****************************" echo "Test failed. See logs folder" echo "****************************" fi exit $EXITCODE