This change adds option remote_syslog_server, which allows to configure address of server to which rsyslog will send logs. Change-Id: I028bf219e2c3fc7aef95f543fbc5c33028bfe2e9
This role installs a standalone ironic deployment with all required substrate in order for it to be utilized, including MySQL, RabbitMQ, dnsmasq, and nginx.
This role requires:
- Ansible 1.9
Internet access was originally a requirement but no longer is. See doc/source/offline-install.rst for details on installing without it.
Role Variables
Testing mode is intended to help facilitate testing of the bifrost roles and ironic by utilizing virtual machines on the localhost and the agent_ssh driver. This variable should be set globally for playbooks utilizing the bifrost-ironic-install role.
testing: false
Node cleaning, which was a feature added to ironic during the Kilo cycle, removes the previous contents of a node once it has been moved from an active to available state, such as setting the provision state to deleted. Bifrost disables this by default in order to allow initial users to not be impacted by node cleaning operations upfront when they are testing and evaluating bifrost. In the event of a production deployment, cleaning should be enabled.
cleaning: false
The ironic python client and shade libraries can be installed directly from Git. The default is to utilize pip to install the current versions in pypi, however testing may require master branch or custom patches.
ironicclient_source_install: false shade_source_install: false
Bifrost requires access to the network where nodes are located, in order to provision the nodes. By default, this setting is set to a value for local VM based testing, however if and when you're ready to deploy to a physical environment, you will need to set the network_interface variable to the attached network.
network_interface: "virbr0"
By default this role installs dnsmasq to act as a DHCP server for provisioning hosts. In the event this is not required, set the following configuration:
include_dhcp_server: false
If you chose to utilize the dhcp server, You may wish to set default ranges:
dhcp_pool_start: dhcp_pool_end:
And also set the default dhcp address lease time:
dhcp_lease_time: 12h
Alternatively, a user can choose to perform static DHCP assignments to nodes.
This can be enabled by setting the inventory_dhcp
setting to true
This will result in the dhcp_pool_start
and dhcp_pool_end
only being used to define the range of valid ips to be accepted, and the
setting being bound to the first listed MAC address for
the node.
If you choose to use the static DHCP assignments, you may need to set
the dhcp_static_mask
setting according to your needs. It defaults to
a /24 range.
In the case of static inventory, please also consider to set the
setting to infinite, to avoid unnecessary refreshes
of ips.
If you want to force all hostnames to resolve to ipv4_address
set on
the inventory, please set the inventory_dns
setting to true
In case your HW needs a kernel option to boot, set the following variable:
extra_kernel_options: Default undefined.
When testing, the default ironic conductor driver is "agent_ssh". When testing mode has not been engaged, drivers can be set via the enabled_drivers variable which defaults to: "agent_ipmitool,pxe_amt,agent_ilo,agent_ucs"
By default, PXE driver baseline support, in terms of installation of the
iSCSI client and configuration of sudoers and rootwrap configuration is
enabled. If you wish to disable this functionality, set
to a value of false
enable_pxe_drivers: false
In the event of an external DHCP server being used, the user will need to configure their DHCP server such that PXE, and iPXE chain loading occurs. For additional information for setting up DHCP in this scenario refer to the bifrost documentation file doc/source/deploy/dhcp.rst.
Additional default variables exist in defaults/main.yml, however these are mainly limited to settings which are unlikely to be modified, unless a user has a custom Ironic Python Agent image, or needs to modify where the httpboot folder is set to.
This role has several variables that can vary between OS families, distributions, and their specific versions. These are specified in the required_defaults_* files. They are imported in a particular order. For example, for Ubuntu 15.04, the role will attempt to import the following files:
- required_defaults_Debian.yml
- required_defaults_Ubuntu.yml
- required_defaults_Ubuntu_15.04.yml
Not all of the possible files for a given distribution/version combination need to exist. The recommended approach for adding a new variable is:
Put the variable in the most generic set of defaults to which it applies: for example, if a given variable is applicable to all Debian-family operating systems, put it in required_defaults_Debian.yml
Variables specified in the more specific files will be used to override values in the more generic defaults files.
If a given default applies to multiple versions of a distribution, that variable needs to be specified for each version which it affects.
If you wish to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), such as to connect a javascript based web client, options have been added to allow a user to enable the integrated support.
By default, this support is disabled, but the configuration options are below:
enable_cors: Boolean value, default false, to enable CORS support.
cors_allowed_origin: A URL string that represents the origin sent by the client web browser. If CORS is enabled, and this is not set, it will default to http://localhost:8000/.
enable_cors_credential_support: Boolean value, default false. This variable toggles the CORS configuration to expect user authentication. Since bifrost makes use of noauth mode, this realistically should not be modified.
domain: String value, default to false. If set, domain setting is configured in dnsmasq.
remote_syslog_server: String value, default undefined. If set, rsyslog is configured to send logs to this server.
remote_syslog_port: String value, default is 514. If set, custom port is configured for remote syslog server.
Hardware Inspection Support
Bifrost also supports the installation of ironic-inspector in standalone mode, which enables the user to allow for identification of the system properties via a workflow.
enable_inspector: Boolean value, default true. Set this value to false to prevent installing ironic-inspector.
inspector_auth: Sets ironic-inspector's authentication method. Possible values
are keystone
and noauth
. noauth
is recommended since
bifrost by default installs ironic as standalone without
keystone. The default value is noauth
inspector_debug: Boolean value, default true. Enables debug level logging for inspector. Note that this default may change in future.
inspector_manage_firewall: Boolean value, default false. Controls whether ironic-inspector should manage the firewall rules of the host. Bifrost's installation playbook adds the rule to permit the callback traffic, so you shouldn't need to enable this.
ironic_auth_strategy: Sets the auth_strategy
ironic-inspector should use
with ironic. Possible values are noauth
. The default value is noauth
inspector_data_dir: Base path for ironic-inspector's temporary data and log
files. The default location is
inspector_port_addition: Defines which MAC addresses to add as ports during
introspection. Possible values are all
, active
and pxe
. The default value is pxe
inspector_keep_ports: Defines which ports on a node to keep after
introspection. Possible values are all
, present
and added
. The default value is present
inspector_store_ramdisk_logs: Boolean value, default true. Controls if the inspector agent will retain logs from the ramdisk that called the inspector service.
enable_inspector_discovery: Boolean value, default true. This instructs inspector to add new nodes that are discovered via PXE booting on the same network to ironic.
inspector_default_node_driver: The default driver to utilize when adding
discovered nodes to ironic.
The default value set by bifrost is
. Users should change this
setting for their install environment if
an alternative default driver is required.
Virtual Environment Install
Bifrost can install ironic into a python virtual environment using the following configuration options:
enable_venv: Enables virtual environment support. Boolean value; the default is false. enable_venv is automatically defined as true if VENV is set in the user's environment.
bifrost_venv_dir: The full path of the virtual environment directory. The default value is /opt/stack/bifrost. When VENV is set in the user's environment, its contents will be used to set bifrost_venv_dir.
bifrost_venv_env: An environment dictionary that includes the environment variables used to run commands which require the virtual environment. The default values are derived from the standard 'activate' script which virtualenv installs. It is best not to reset this value unless you know you need to.
This role, by default, deploys an alternative boot.ipxe file to the one that ironic deploys, and configures ironic to use this alternative file. This is because not every boot case can be covered. If you encounter a case where you find that you need to modify the file, please notify us by filing a bug in Launchpad, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bifrost/.
None at this time.
Example Playbook
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Install ironic locally"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- role: bifrost-ironic-install cleaning: false testing: true network_interface: "virbr0"
Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Author Information
Ironic Developers