network_metadata's parameter "nics" is expected to be a list. In some instances it will be left as a string unless the type is explicitly set. Also the default of '' is incorrect since a string is not expected but a list. Omitting it is the correct way, since it is not rquired. Change-Id: If3376ee24507ed6f22e269e4440d2e371ff33eb4
Creates configdrives for nodes being provisioned in bifrost.
This playbook is intended to be executed prior to the deployments of nodes via the bifrost-deploy-nodes-dynamic role, as part of bifrost. It creates a basic configuration drive containing network configuration and an SSH key permitting the user to login to the host.
Role Variables
This role, like the other deployment related bifrost playbooks are expected to be executed with the bifrost dynamic inventory or a compatible configuration data source.
Additional key variables are:
addressing_mode: If defined and set to a value of "dhcp", this role sets the primary interface to utilize DHCP. ipv4_subnet_mask: This is the subnet mask(e.g. or similar) that matches the static addressing which desires to be imprinted into the configuration drive. ipv4_gateway: This is the IPv4 default router address within the IPv4 subnet being utilized for IP addresses for the nodes being deployed. ipv4_interface_mac: Optional: The MAC address of the network interface to assign the IPv4 address to. node_default_network_interface: This is the default network interface within the nodes to be deployed which the new IP configuration will be applied to. Note: This is likely to be deprecated and removed in the future as bifrost will likely change methods utilized to include networking configuration into the configuration drive sufficiently that this should no longer be required. ipv4_nameserver: Defines the IPv4 nameserver to configure the node with initially in order to support name resolution. ipv4_address: The IPv4 address of the node to be deployed, if applicable. ironic_url: Defines URL to ironic API. Defaults to "http://localhost:6385/" ssh_public_key_path: Defines the path to the SSH public key file to be inserted into the configuration drive. ssh_public_key: If a user wishes to define an SSH public key as a string, this variable can be utilized which overrides the ssh_public_key_path setting. uuid: The UUID value for the node. http_boot_folder: The folder where to save the configuration drive file to. write_interfaces_file: Legacy option to write an debian style network interfaces configuration file. This is required for deployment where simple-init cannot be used, in particular when using Cirros. node_network_info: Optional: If defined, the contents are written out to the network_info.json file, effectively allowing a user to override the network configuration contents based on the inventory data.
The attempt with this playbook is to create a very simple and easily modifiable configuration drive to be loaded to the remote machine. This is done for each host that the role is run against. If one wishes to insert additional files, this can be done by editing the tasks/main.yml file. As the drives are generated in a stepwise fashion, it is important to make note of and use the "{{ uuid }}" variable as that is utilized to delineate the file destinations between different configuration drives that may be in the process of being created.
Additional detail on the format of configuration drives can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/cli_config_drive.html
If one wishes to manually modify a configuration drive after the fact, the files are base64 encoded, gzip compressed, ISO9660 filesystems. Ironic will fail the deployment of the configuration drive if the file is not first found to be base64 encoded, and then gzip compressed. Alternatively, the configuration drive can be a vfat filesystem, although this carries with it some risks if the filesystem is always treated as a source of truth upon system boot.
One final note. The size of the configuration drives is limited to 64MB. This is not a limit of bifrost, but a limit due to the code utilized to write the configuration drive out.
This role is expected to be executed on a system that has had the bifrost-ironic-install role executed upon it, however as the configuration drive creation step is fairly self contained, it can be executed as a separate step.
Example Playbook
- hosts: baremetal
connection: local
become: no
- role: bifrost-configdrives-dynamic
Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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Author Information
Ironic Developers