The dnsmasq man page says, regarding the dhcp-host option: Addresses allocated like this are not constrained to be in the range given by the --dhcp-range option, but they must be in the same subnet as some valid dhcp-range. This confusingly-worded datum means that even when dhcp-host is defined, which we do when setting inventory_dhcp=true, we need to specify some kind of dhcp-range. There are a few valid arguments we could supply to the dhcp-range parameter, but the easiest is just to go back to using the existing dhcp_pool_{start,end} parameters, from which dnsmasq will infer a subnet. An alternative to this is to be more strict by using the 'static' keyword for dhcp-range. We would still need to specify the dhcp_pool_start value, which is a required argument for dhcp-range. Change-Id: I4d09c3a716b864c0b0d74cc83a2f0ac7414b386c
Vagrant support for developers
Bifrost vagrant file for developers can be found in the
directory. Running
vagrant up
from within this folder will bring up an Ubuntu
Trusty box with Bifrost installed.
By default, the VM will have three interfaces:
- eth0 - connected to a NAT network
- eth1 - connected to Host-only network named: vboxnet1
- eth2 - bridged - adapter must be set in Vagrantfile
Walkthrough done on OS X
Setup vagrant by:
- Installing git
- Installing virtualbox
- Installing vagrant
- Installing ansible
Configure Vagrant with the correct box:
vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
Clone bifrost repo:
git clone https://github.com/openstack/bifrost.git
Change into the bifrost directory:
cd bifrost/tools/vagrant_dev_env
Edit the Vagrantfile:
- Change the
value to a valid network interface to allow Bare Metal connectivity - Change
to correct key name - Change
to match your needs
Boot the VM with:
vagrant up