Will Szumski cd559480c9 Make sure deploy_logs_local_path exists
If log_dir was not set to '/var/log/ironic/', the parent directory of
deploy_logs_local_path would not exist and you would see a:

    OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/log/ironic'

In the logs on a failed deployment. This change allows customization
of deploy_logs_local_path.

Change-Id: I4c4ae77b64fc12006b9193fb1c3f0d13becc367d
Story: 2006150
Task: 35649
2019-07-02 08:56:57 +00:00

362 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
- name: "Fail if authentication configuration conflicts."
msg: >
noauth_mode and enable_keystone are mutually exclusive options.
Please set one to "false".
when: >
noauth_mode | bool == true and enable_keystone is defined and
enable_keystone | bool == true
- name: "If VENV is set in the environment, enable installation into venv"
enable_venv: true
when: lookup('env', 'VENV') | length > 0
# NOTE(sean-k-mooney) only the RabbitMQ server and MySQL db are started
# during bootstrapping. all other services are started in the Start phase.
- name: "Start database service"
service: name={{ mysql_service_name }} state=started enabled=yes
when: ironic.database.host == 'localhost'
- name: "Create ironic user in RabbitMQ"
user: "ironic"
password: "{{ ironic_db_password }}"
force: yes
state: present
configure_priv: ".*"
write_priv: ".*"
read_priv: ".*"
no_log: true
when: use_rabbitmq
- name: "Set mysql_username if environment variable mysql_user is set"
mysql_username: "{{ lookup('env', 'mysql_user') }}"
when: lookup('env', 'mysql_user') | length > 0
no_log: true
- name: "Set mysql_password if environment variable mysql_pass is set"
mysql_password: "{{ lookup('env', 'mysql_pass') }}"
when: lookup('env', 'mysql_pass') | length > 0
no_log: true
- name: Setting MySQL socket fact
mysql_socket_path: "/var/{% if ansible_os_family | lower == 'redhat' %}lib{% else %}run{% endif %}/{% if ansible_os_family | lower == 'debian' %}mysqld/mysqld.sock{% else %}mysql/mysql.sock{% endif %}"
when: ansible_version.full is version_compare('2.6.5', '>=')
- name: "MySQL - Creating DB"
login_unix_socket: "{{ mysql_socket_path | default(omit) }}"
name: "{{ ironic.database.name }}"
state: present
encoding: utf8
login_user: "{{ mysql_username | default(None) }}"
login_password: "{{ mysql_password | default(None) }}"
register: test_created_db
when: ironic.database.host == 'localhost'
- name: "MySQL - Creating user for Ironic"
login_unix_socket: "{{ mysql_socket_path | default(omit) }}"
name: "{{ ironic.database.username }}"
password: "{{ ironic.database.password }}"
priv: "{{ ironic.database.name }}.*:ALL"
state: present
login_user: "{{ mysql_username | default(None) }}"
login_password: "{{ mysql_password | default(None) }}"
when: ironic.database.host == 'localhost'
- name: "Create an ironic service group"
name: "ironic"
- name: "Create an ironic service user"
name: "ironic"
group: "ironic"
- name: "Ensure /etc/ironic exists"
name: "/etc/ironic"
state: directory
owner: "ironic"
group: "ironic"
mode: 0755
# Note(TheJulia): The rootwrap copies will need to be re-tooled
# to possibly directly retreive current files if a source install
# is not utilized.
- name: "Copy rootwrap.conf from ironic source folder"
src: "{{ ironic_git_folder }}/etc/ironic/rootwrap.conf"
dest: "/etc/ironic/rootwrap.conf"
remote_src: yes
mode: 0644
owner: root
group: root
when: skip_install is not defined
# Note(ashestakov): "copy" module in ansible doesn't support recursive
# copying on remote host. "cp" command used instead.
- name: "Copy rootwrap.d contents from ironic source folder"
command: cp -r "{{ ironic_git_folder }}/etc/ironic/rootwrap.d/" "/etc/ironic/rootwrap.d"
when: skip_install is not defined
- name: "Populate keystone for Bifrost"
include: keystone_setup.yml
when: enable_keystone is defined and enable_keystone | bool == true
# NOTE(pas-ha) needed to e.g. pick up new interfaces after libvirt install
- name: "Refresh facts"
gather_timeout: "{{ fact_gather_timeout }}"
- name: "Generate ironic Configuration"
include: ironic_config.yml
- name: "Set permissions on directory for the ironic user"
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
owner: "ironic"
group: "ironic"
- "{{ ironic_log_dir }}"
- "{{ ironic_agent_deploy_logs_local_path }}"
- name: "Create ironic DB Schema"
command: ironic-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf create_schema
environment: "{{ bifrost_venv_env if enable_venv else {} }}"
when: >
ironic.database.host == 'localhost' and
test_created_db.changed | bool == true
- name: "Upgrade ironic DB Schema"
command: ironic-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf upgrade
environment: "{{ bifrost_venv_env if enable_venv else {} }}"
when: >
ironic.database.host != 'localhost' or
test_created_db.changed | bool == false
- name: "Create service folder if systemd template is defined"
path: "{{ init_dest_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
when: init_template == 'systemd_template.j2'
- name: "Install ironic-inspector to permit use of inspection interface"
include: inspector_bootstrap.yml
when: enable_inspector | bool == true
- name: "Get ironic-api & ironic-conductor install location"
shell: echo $(dirname $(which ironic-api))
register: ironic_install_prefix
environment: "{{ bifrost_venv_env if enable_venv else {} }}"
- name: "Set permissions for /var/lib/ironic for the ironic user"
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
mode: 0750
owner: "ironic"
group: "ironic"
- "/var/lib/ironic"
- "/var/lib/ironic/master_images"
- "/var/lib/ironic/images"
- name: "Place ironic services on Debian family"
src: "{{ init_template }}"
dest: "{{ init_dest_dir }}{{ item.service_name }}{{ init_ext }}"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
- { service_path: "{{ ironic_install_prefix.stdout | default('') }}", service_name: 'ironic-api', username: 'ironic', args: '--config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf'}
- { service_path: "{{ ironic_install_prefix.stdout | default('') }}", service_name: 'ironic-conductor', username: 'ironic', args: '--config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf'}
- ansible_distribution not in ["CentOS","RedHat"]
- name: "Place ironic services on RedHat family"
src: "{{ init_template }}"
dest: "{{ init_dest_dir }}{{ item.service_name }}{{ init_ext }}"
owner: "root"
group: "root"
- { service_path: "{{ ironic_install_prefix.stdout | default('') }}", service_name: 'ironic-api', username: 'ironic', args: '--config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf --log-file {{ ironic_log_dir }}/ironic-api.log'}
- { service_path: "{{ ironic_install_prefix.stdout | default('') }}", service_name: 'ironic-conductor', username: 'ironic', args: '--config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf --log-file {{ ironic_log_dir }}/ironic-conductor.log'}
- ansible_distribution in ["CentOS","RedHat"]
- name: "Create and populate /tftpboot"
include: create_tftpboot.yml
- name: "Setup Inventory Hosts Directory"
path: "/etc/dnsmasq.d/bifrost.hosts.d"
state: directory
owner: "root"
group: "root"
mode: 0755
when: inventory_dhcp | bool == true
- name: "Setup Inventory DHCP Hosts Directory"
path: "/etc/dnsmasq.d/bifrost.dhcp-hosts.d"
state: directory
owner: "root"
group: "root"
mode: 0755
when: inventory_dhcp | bool == true
- name: "Retrieve interface IP informations"
itf_infos: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + ans_network_interface]['ipv4'] }}"
dhcp_netaddr: "{{ dhcp_pool_start }}/{{ dhcp_static_mask }}"
when: include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- name: "Compute interface and DHCP network informations"
itf_netaddr1: "{{ itf_infos['address'] }}/{{ itf_infos['netmask'] }}"
itf_netaddr2: "{{ itf_infos['network'] }}/{{ itf_infos['netmask'] }}"
itf_broadcast: "{{ itf_infos['broadcast'] }}/{{ itf_infos['netmask'] }}"
dhcp_netaddr: "{{ dhcp_netaddr | ipaddr('network') }}/{{ dhcp_static_mask }}"
when: include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- name: "Validate interface network addresses"
fail: msg="Interface {{ ans_network_interface }} network incoherence {{ itf_netaddr1 | ipaddr('network') }}/{{ itf_netaddr1 | ipaddr('prefix') }} vs {{ itf_netaddr2 }}/{{ itf_netaddr2 | ipaddr('prefix') }}"
- include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- itf_netaddr1 | ipaddr('network') != itf_netaddr2 | ipaddr('network')
- name: "Validate interface broadcast addresses"
fail: msg="Interface {{ ans_network_interface }} broadcast incoherence {{ itf_netaddr1 | ipaddr('broadcast') }}/{{ itf_netaddr1 | ipaddr('prefix') }} vs {{ itf_broadcast | ipaddr('broadcast') }}/{{ itf_broadcast | ipaddr('prefix') }}"
- include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- itf_netaddr1 | ipaddr('broadcast') != itf_broadcast | ipaddr('broadcast')
- name: "Validate DHCP and interface addresses"
debug: msg="Interface {{ ans_network_interface }} and DHCP networks are incoherent {{ itf_netaddr2 | ipaddr('network') }}/{{ itf_netaddr2 | ipaddr('prefix') }} {{ dhcp_netaddr | ipaddr('network') }}/{{ dhcp_netaddr | ipaddr('prefix') }} overriding DHCP with interface settings"
- include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- itf_netaddr2 | ipaddr('network') != dhcp_netaddr | ipaddr('network')
- name: "Computing new DHCP informations"
dhcp_start_ip: "{{ dhcp_pool_start.split('.')[-1] }}"
dhcp_end_ip: "{{ dhcp_pool_end.split('.')[-1] }}"
dhcp_netaddr: "{{ itf_netaddr1 | ipaddr('network') }}"
- include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- itf_netaddr2 | ipaddr('network') != dhcp_netaddr | ipaddr('network')
# Note(olivierbourdon38): we could do much more complex network
# computation to derive exact (or way closer to exact) range for
# the new network depending on netmasks and indexes.
- name: "Computing new DHCP range"
dhcp_pool_start: "{{ '.'.join(dhcp_netaddr.split('.')[0:-1]) }}.{{ dhcp_start_ip }}"
dhcp_pool_end: "{{ '.'.join(dhcp_netaddr.split('.')[0:-1]) }}.{{ dhcp_end_ip }}"
- include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- itf_netaddr2 | ipaddr('network') != dhcp_netaddr | ipaddr('network')
- name: "Deploy dnsmasq configuration file"
template: src=dnsmasq.conf.j2 dest=/etc/dnsmasq.conf
when: include_dhcp_server | bool == true
# NOTE(Shrews) When testing, we want to use our custom dnsmasq.conf file,
# not the one supplied by libvirt.
- name: "Look for libvirt dnsmasq config"
stat: path=/etc/dnsmasq.d/libvirt-bin
register: test_libvirt_dnsmasq
when: include_dhcp_server | bool == true
- name: "Disable libvirt dnsmasq config"
command: mv /etc/dnsmasq.d/libvirt-bin /etc/dnsmasq.d/libvirt-bin~
when: >
include_dhcp_server | bool == true and
test_libvirt_dnsmasq.stat.exists | bool == true and
testing | bool == true
- name: "Deploy nginx configuration file for serving HTTP requests"
template: src=nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- name: "Ensure inspector object storage directory exists"
path: "{{ http_boot_folder }}/ironic-inspector"
state: directory
owner: "{{ nginx_user }}"
group: "{{ nginx_user }}"
- enable_inspector | bool
- inspector_store_data_in_nginx | bool
- name: "Download Ironic Python Agent kernel & image"
include: download_ipa_image.yml
when: create_ipa_image | bool == false and download_ipa | bool == true
- name: "Download cirros to use for deployment if requested"
url: "{{ cirros_deploy_image_upstream_url }}"
dest: "{{ deploy_image }}"
when: use_cirros | bool == true
- name: >
"Explicitly permit nginx port (TCP) for file downloads from nodes to be provisioned
and TCP/6385 for IPA callback"
chain: INPUT
action: insert
protocol: tcp
destination_port: "{{ item }}"
in_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
jump: ACCEPT
- "{{ file_url_port }}"
- 6385
- block:
- name: "Explicitly allow nginx and IPA port (TCP) on selinux"
ports: "{{ file_url_port }},6385"
proto: tcp
setype: http_port_t
state: present
- name: "Add proper context on created data for http_boot"
target: "{{ http_boot_folder }}(/.*)?"
setype: httpd_sys_content_t
state: present
- name: "Add proper context on inspector data store"
target: "{{ http_boot_folder }}/ironic-inspector(/.*)?"
setype: httpd_sys_rw_content_t
state: present
- enable_inspector | bool
- inspector_store_data_in_nginx | bool
- name: Copy ironic policy file to temporary directory
src: ironic_policy.te
dest: /tmp/ironic_policy.te
- name: Check ironic policy module
command: checkmodule -M -m -o /tmp/ironic_policy.mod /tmp/ironic_policy.te
- name: Package ironic policy module
command: semodule_package -m /tmp/ironic_policy.mod -o /tmp/ironic_policy.pp
- name: Include ironic policy module
command: semodule -i /tmp/ironic_policy.pp
- name: Enable ironic policy module
command: semodule -e ironic_policy
when: (ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' or ansible_os_family == 'Suse') and
ansible_selinux.status == 'enabled' and ansible_selinux.mode == "enforcing"
- name: "Configure remote logging"
template: src=10-rsyslog-remote.conf.j2 dest=/etc/rsyslog.d/10-rsyslog-remote.conf
when: remote_syslog_server is defined and remote_syslog_server != ""