Early on in bifrost, we used a static template for a short time. As time evolved, so did the template, and we were able to rely upon the conductor placing the boot.ipxe file upon startup. Ironic since performed the copy upon driver init as opposed to once a deployment has been requested. As it is no longer needed, we shouldn't put an invalid ipxe boot configuration in place. Removing legacy copy. Change-Id: I7f2fc2afca6c8ee0f18efe8aa461bf906794e049
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# TODO(TheJulia): The pxelinux folder is statically coded in ironic.
# For now, we need to use it, but we can patch that.
- name: "Set up PXE and iPXE folders"
file: name={{item}} owner=ironic group=ironic state=directory mode=0755
- /tftpboot
- /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
- "{{ http_boot_folder }}"
- "{{ http_boot_folder }}/pxelinux.cfg"
- name: "Place tftpd map-file"
copy: src=tftpboot-map-file dest=/tftpboot/map-file owner=ironic group=ironic
- name: "Disable service {{ tftp_service_name }}"
service: name="{{ tftp_service_name }}" state=stopped enabled=no
- name: "Place boot.ipxe helper script /etc/ironic"
copy: src=boot.ipxe dest=/etc/ironic/boot.ipxe owner=ironic group=ironic mode=0744
- name: "Place tftp config file"
copy: src=xinetd.tftp dest=/etc/xinetd.d/tftp
- name: "Download ipxe files if asked"
include: get_ipxe.yml
when: download_ipxe | bool == true
- name: "Copy iPXE image into place"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/undionly.kpxe dest=/tftpboot/ remote_src=true
# NOTE(TheJulia): Copy full iPXE chain loader images in case they are required.
- name: "Copy full iPXE image into {{ http_boot_folder }}/"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/{{ ipxe_full_binary }} dest={{ http_boot_folder }}/ remote_src=true
- name: "Copy full iPXE image into /tftpboot"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/{{ ipxe_full_binary }} dest=/tftpboot/ remote_src=true
- name: "Set up iPXE for EFI booting"
- name: "Check if the iPXE EFI image is present"
path: "{{ ipxe_dir }}/{{ ipxe_efi_binary }}"
get_md5: false
register: test_ipxe_efi_binary_path
ignore_errors: true
- name: "Abort if iPXE EFI image is missing"
msg: >
Aborting installation: The {{ ipxe_efi_binary }} image was not found
at the {{ ipxe_dir }} location. Please place this file or consider
re-running with download_ipxe set to a value of true.
- test_ipxe_efi_binary_path.stat.exists | bool == false
- name: "Copy iPXE EFI image into {{ http_boot_folder }}/"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/{{ ipxe_efi_binary }} dest={{ http_boot_folder }}/ remote_src=true
- name: "Copy iPXE EFI image into /tftpboot"
copy: src={{ ipxe_dir }}/{{ ipxe_efi_binary }} dest=/tftpboot/ remote_src=true
when: enable_uefi_ipxe | bool == true
# Similar logic to below can be utilized to retrieve files
- name: "Determine if folder exists, else create and populate folder."
stat: path="{{ ironic_tftp_master_path }}"
register: test_master_images
- name: "Create master_images folder"
file: name="{{ ironic_tftp_master_path }}" state=directory owner=ironic group=ironic
when: test_master_images.stat.exists == false
# TODO(TheJulia): The pxelinux folder is statically coded in ironic.
# For now, we need to use it, but we can patch that.
- name: "Inspector - Place default tftp boot file in {{ http_boot_folder}}/pxelinux.cfg/"
dest="{{ http_boot_folder }}/pxelinux.cfg/default"
when: enable_inspector | bool == true