Removal and split of the group_vars all file resulted in a general clean-up and optomization of dependency information with-in the roles as defaults are required and a number of them were being supplied from group_vars/all. Additionally split out the group_vars/all file into group_vars/baremetal and group_vars/localhost files with improved comments to help direct a user wanting to perform deeper customization. Due to variable loading processes, additionally unwire the bifrost- create-bootable-image role, as it is no longer developed upon and the default vars are conflicting with the variables used across role. Additionally updated READMEs where appropriate. Co-Authored-By: stephane <stephane@alum.mit.edu> Change-Id: Ia6226a8573753ff02da19dcb3c2b5abfb9b3c297
Vagrant support for developers ============================== Bifrost vagrant file for developers can be found in the tools/vagrant_dev_env directory. Running 'vagrant up' from with in this folder will bring up an Ubuntu Trusty box with bifrost installed. By default the vm will have three interfaces: eth0 - connected to a NAT network eth1 - connected to Host-only network named: vboxnet1 eth2 - bridged - adapter must be set in Vagrantfile Walkthrough done on OS X: ------------------------- Setup vagrant by: Installing git Installing virtualbox Installing vagrant Installing ansible Configure Vagrant with the correct box: vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64 Clone bifrost repo: git clone https://github.com/openstack/bifrost.git change in to the bifrost directory cd bifrost/tools/vagrant_dev_env edit Vagrantfile: change public_key to correct key name change network_interface to match your needs change bridged adaptor Boot the vm with: vagrant up