Accidently changed present to absent while testing and then committed the change. Setting the desired state back to present.
Getting Started
- openstack-infra/shade library -> https://review.openstack.org/159609
- openstack-infra/os-client-config -> https://review.openstack.org/159563
- os_baremetal ansible module under development -> https://github.com/juliakreger/ansible-modules-extras/blob/features/new-openstack/cloud/os_baremetal.py
- Information defining your hardware in a CSV file.
CSV File Format
The CSV file has the following columns:
- MAC Address
- Management username
- Management password
- Management Address
- CPU Count
- Memory size in MB
- Disk Storage in GB
- Flavor (Not Used)
- Type (Not Used)
- Host UUID
- Host or Node name
- Host IP Address to be set
- ipmi_target_channel - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to single
- ipmi_target_address - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to single
- ipmi_transit_channel - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to dual
- ipmi_transit_address - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to dual
Example: 00:11:22:33:44:55,root,undefined,,1,8192,512,Control,VM
An example file is included called baremetal.csv.example
How this works?
The enroll.yaml playbook, requires a variable be set or passed into the playbook execution of baremetal_csv_file which is the path to the CSV file to be consumed and loaded into ironic.
ansible-playbook -i ../inventory/localhost -vvvv enroll.yaml -e baremetal_csv_file=./baremetal.csv