225 lines
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225 lines
13 KiB
# Written expecting APT based packaging, however would be trivial to
# extend another packaging system
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Install services required for ironic"
sudo: yes
gather_facts: yes
- name: "Update Package Cache"
local_action: apt update_cache=yes
- name: "Install packages"
local_action: apt name={{ item }}
- mysql-server
- dnsmasq
- rabbitmq-server
- python-dev
- python-pip
- python-mysqldb
- python-configparser
- libffi-dev
- libxslt-dev
- libssl-dev
- libxml2-dev
- ipxe
- tftp-hpa
- syslinux
- xinetd
- parted
- ipmitool
- psmisc
- nginx
- wget
- name: "Ensuring /opt/stack is present"
local_action: file name=/opt/stack state=directory owner=root group=root
# This won't be necessary in the long run, however until a suitable version
# lands upstream, it is required.
- name: "Retrieving latest known os_ironic.py file"
local_action: get_url url={{ latest_os_ironic_url }} dest=/opt/stack/ansible/lib/ansible/modules/extras/cloud/os_ironic.py
- name: "Downloading Ironic"
local_action: command git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic chdir=/opt/stack creates=/opt/stack/ironic
# TODO: Remove eventually once the features land.
- name: "Ironic - checking out master branch"
local_action: command git checkout -f master chdir=/opt/stack/ironic
- name: "Ironic - resetting master branch"
local_action: command git reset --hard master chdir=/opt/stack/ironic
- name: "Ironic - resyncing to current master branch"
local_action: command git pull --ff-only chdir=/opt/stack/ironic/
- name: "Ironic - Downloading PXE support for IPA"
local_action: command git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack/ironic refs/changes/28/155728/16 chdir=/opt/stack/ironic
- name: "Ironic - Checking out PXE support for IPA"
local_action: command git checkout FETCH_HEAD chdir=/opt/stack/ironic
# TODO: The pip installation of python-ironicclient is disabled in order to
# support rev 158520.
#- name: "Install ironic client"
# local_action: pip name=python-ironicclient state=present
- name: "python-ironicclient - Retrieving library from git.openstack.org"
local_action: command git clone https://review.openstack.org/openstack/python-ironicclient chdir=/opt/stack creates=/opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- name: "python-ironicclient - Checking out master branch"
local_action: command git checkout -f master chdir=/opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- name: "python-ironicclient - Resetting local repository"
local_action: command git reset --hard master chdir=/opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- name: "python-ironicclient - Resyncing local reposiory"
local_action: command git pull --ff-only chdir=/opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- name: "python-ironicclient - Downloading patch to support noauth mode."
local_action: command git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack/python-ironicclient refs/changes/20/158520/1 chdir=/opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- name: "python-ironicclient - Checking out patch to support noauth mode."
local_action: command git checkout FETCH_HEAD chdir=/opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- name: "python-ironicclient - Installing patched python-ironicclient library."
local_action: command pip install -I --force-reinstall /opt/stack/python-ironicclient
- name: "proliantutils - Install from pip"
local_action: pip name=proliantutils state=present
# TODO: The next two packages installed via git and then manyally installed
# as the os_ironic.py library requires revisions that have not yet
# landed for noauth mode.
# TODO: If the portion below remains for any period of time, it should
# be converted to an include... or consider converting to the integrated
# git module.
- name: "Shade - Retrieving library from git.openstack.org"
local_action: command git clone https://review.openstack.org/openstack-infra/shade chdir=/opt/stack creates=/opt/stack/shade
- name: "Shade - Checking out master branch"
local_action: command git checkout -f master chdir=/opt/stack/shade
- name: "Shade - Resetting local repository"
local_action: command git reset --hard master chdir=/opt/stack/shade
- name: "Shade - Resyncing local reposiory"
local_action: command git pull --ff-only chdir=/opt/stack/shade
- name: "Shade - Downloading patch to support noauth mode."
local_action: command git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack-infra/shade refs/changes/09/159609/5 chdir=/opt/stack/shade
- name: "Shade - Checking out patch to support noauth mode."
local_action: command git checkout FETCH_HEAD chdir=/opt/stack/shade
- name: "Shade - Installing patched shade library."
local_action: command pip install -I --force-reinstall /opt/stack/shade
- name: "os-client-config - Retrieving from git.openstack.org"
local_action: command git clone https://review.openstack.org/stackforge/os-client-config chdir=/opt/stack creates=/opt/stack/os-client-config
- name: "os-client-config - checking out master branch"
local_action: command git checkout -f master chdir=/opt/stack/os-client-config
- name: "os-client-config - Resetting local repository"
local_action: command git reset --hard master chdir=/opt/stack/os-client-config
- name: "os-client-config - Resyncing local reposiory"
local_action: command git pull --ff-only chdir=/opt/stack/os-client-config
- name: "os-client-config - Downloading patch to support noauth mode."
local_action: command git fetch https://review.openstack.org/stackforge/os-client-config refs/changes/63/159563/2 chdir=/opt/stack/os-client-config
- name: "os-client-config - Checking out os-client-config patch to support noauth mode."
local_action: command git checkout FETCH_HEAD chdir=/opt/stack/os-client-config
- name: "os-client-config - Installing patched os-client-config."
local_action: command pip install -I --no-deps --force-reinstall /opt/stack/os-client-config
#END TODO note from above
- name: "Starting MySQL"
local_action: service name=mysql state=started
- name: "Starting rabbitmq-server"
local_action: service name=rabbitmq-server state=started
- name: "RabbitMQ - Testing if hostname is defined firsts in /etc/hosts"
local_action: command grep -i "*.{{ ansible_hostname }}\ localhost" /etc/hosts
ignore_errors: yes
register: test_grep_fix_hostname
- name: "RabbitMQ - Fixing /etc/hosts"
local_action: command sed -i 's/localhost/{{ ansible_hostname }} localhost/' /etc/hosts
when: test_grep_fix_hostname.rc != 0
- name: "Ensuring guest user is removed from rabbitmq"
local_action: rabbitmq_user user=guest state=absent force=yes
- name: "Creating Ironic user in RabbitMQ"
local_action: rabbitmq_user user=ironic password={{ ironic_db_password }} force=yes state=present configure_priv=.* write_priv=.* read_priv=.*
no_log: true
- name: "MySQL - Creating DB"
local_action: mysql_db login_user=root login_password={{ mysql_password }} name=ironic state=present encoding=utf8
register: test_created_db
no_log: True
- name: "MySQL - Creating user for Ironic"
local_action: mysql_user login_user=root login_password={{ mysql_password }} name=ironic password={{ ironic_db_password }} priv=ironic.*:ALL state=present
no_log: True
- name: "Install Ironic using pip"
local_action: pip name=/opt/stack/ironic state=latest
- name: "Ensure /etc/ironic exists"
local_action: file name=/etc/ironic state=directory
- name: "Place Ironic Config file"
local_action: template src=templates/ironic.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ironic/ironic.conf
- name: "Copy policy.json to /etc/ironic"
local_action: copy src=/opt/stack/ironic/etc/ironic/policy.json dest=/etc/ironic/
- name: "Creating Ironic DB Schema"
local_action: command ironic-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf create_schema
when: test_created_db.changed == true
- name: "Upgrading Ironic DB Schema"
local_action: command ironic-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf upgrade
when: test_created_db.changed == false
- name: "Creating an ironic service group"
local_action: group name=ironic
- name: "Creating an ironic service user"
local_action: user name=ironic group=ironic
- name: "Placing services"
local_action: template src=templates/init_template.j2 dest=/etc/init/{{item.service_name}}.conf owner=root group=root
- { service_name: 'ironic-api', username: 'ironic', args: '--config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf'}
- { service_name: 'ironic-conductor', username: 'ironic', args: '--config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf'}
- name: "Start ironic-conductor"
local_action: service name=ironic-conductor state=started
- name: "Start ironic-api"
local_action: service name=ironic-api state=started
- name: "Start ironic-conductor"
local_action: service name=ironic-conductor state=restarted
- name: "Start ironic-api"
local_action: service name=ironic-api state=reloaded
- name: "Setting up PXE and iPXE folders"
local_action: file name={{item}} owner=ironic group=ironic state=directory
- /tftpboot
- /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg
- "{{ http_boot_folder }}"
- name: "Placing pxelinux.0"
local_action: copy src=/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 dest=/tftpboot
- name: "Place tftp config file"
local_action: copy src=files/xinetd.tftp dest=/etc/xinetd.d/tftp
- name: "Copy iPXE image into place"
local_action: copy src=/usr/lib/ipxe/undionly.kpxe dest=/tftpboot/
- name: "Deploy dnsmasq configuration file"
local_action: template src=templates/dnsmasq.conf.j2 dest=/etc/dnsmasq.conf
- name: "Deploying nginx configuraiton file for serving HTTP requests"
local_action: template src=templates/nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
- name: "Ensuring dnsmasq is running"
local_action: service name={{ item }} state=started
- xinetd
- dnsmasq
- nginx
- name: "Sending services a reload signal"
local_action: service name={{ item }} state=reloaded
- xinetd
- nginx
- name: "Sending services a force-reload signal"
local_action: command /etc/init.d/dnsmasq force-reload
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Retrieve Images"
sudo: yes
gather_facts: yes
# Similar logic to below can be utilized to retrieve files
- name: "Determine if folder exists, else create and populate folder."
local_action: stat path=/tftpboot/master_images
register: test_master_images
- name: "Create master_images folder"
local_action: file name=/tftpboot/master_images state=directory
when: test_master_images.stat.exists == false
# This is overly complex, however get_url will always re-retrieve the file
# if it already exists, and this is to prevent that behavior.
- name: "Test if CoreOS kernel is present"
local_action: stat path={{ http_boot_folder }}/coreos_production_pxe.vmlinuz
register: test_core_os_kernel_present
- name: "Download CoreOS kernel"
local_action: get_url url=http://tarballs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/coreos/files/coreos_production_pxe.vmlinuz dest={{ http_boot_folder }}/coreos_production_pxe.vmlinuz
when: test_core_os_kernel_present.stat.exists == false
- name: "Test if CoreOS image is present"
local_action: stat path={{ http_boot_folder }}/coreos_production_pxe_image-oem.cpio.gz
register: test_core_os_image_present
- name: "Download CoreOS image"
local_action: get_url url=http://tarballs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/coreos/files/coreos_production_pxe_image-oem.cpio.gz dest={{ http_boot_folder }}/coreos_production_pxe_image-oem.cpio.gz
when: test_core_os_image_present.stat.exists == false
- name: "Test if Ubuntu 14.04 server cloud amd64 is present"
local_action: stat path={{ http_boot_folder }}/ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz
register: test_core_os_image_present
- name: "Download CoreOS image"
local_action: get_url url=http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/release/ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz dest={{ http_boot_folder }}/ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz
when: test_core_os_image_present.stat.exists == false