The ssh drivers are gone, long live the ssh drivers~ Removing from the optional drivers list entry for pxe drivers, removed from tests, examples, role documentation and the helper script that is not used for testing, since it is completely outdated at this point since we've been using the role for quite a long time. Change-Id: Ibafc4db4b326aafef80660be35ecd1dbad57cb51
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# Cleaning turns on ironic conductor clean_nodes flag
# which causes the nodes to be wiped after deletion.
cleaning: false
http_boot_folder: /httpboot
staging_drivers_include: false
file_url_port: "8080"
ironicclient_source_install: false
shade_source_install: true
ironicinspector_source_install: false
ironicinspectorclient_source_install: false
staging_drivers_source_install: false
# Setting to utilize diskimage-builder to create a bootable image.
create_image_via_dib: true
# Setting to install diskimage-builder
install_dib: "{{ create_image_via_dib }}"
# Setting to prepend a partition image with a boot sector and partition table.
transform_boot_image: false
# If testing is true, then the environment is setup for using libvirt
# virtual machines for the hardware instead of real hardware.
testing: false
ci_testing: false
# set to true to skip installing ironic dependencies
skip_package_install: False
# set to true to skip generation of configs, ironic db and rabbitmq configuration
skip_bootstrap: False
# set to true to skip starting ironic services and dependencies
skip_start: False
# Default network interface that bifrost will be attached to.
# This is used in ipa_* so it must be before
network_interface: "virbr0"
ans_network_interface: "{{ network_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
# Normally this would setting would be http in a bifrost installation
# without TLS. This setting allows a user to override the setting in case
# the local webserver has been updated to support HTTPS.
# Note: Users wishing to leverage HTTPS should reference the iPXE
# documentation at http://ipxe.org/crypto
ipa_file_protocol: "http"
ipa_kernel: "{{http_boot_folder}}/ipa.vmlinuz"
ipa_ramdisk: "{{http_boot_folder}}/ipa.initramfs"
ipa_kernel_url: "{{ ipa_file_protocol }}://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + ans_network_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{file_url_port}}/ipa.vmlinuz"
ipa_kernel_upstream_url: https://tarballs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/tinyipa/files/tinyipa-master.vmlinuz
ipa_kernel_upstream_checksum_algo: "sha256"
ipa_kernel_upstream_checksum_url: "{{ ipa_kernel_upstream_url }}.{{ ipa_kernel_upstream_checksum_algo }}"
ipa_ramdisk_url: "{{ ipa_file_protocol }}://{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + ans_network_interface]['ipv4']['address'] }}:{{file_url_port}}/ipa.initramfs"
ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url: https://tarballs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/tinyipa/files/tinyipa-master.gz
ipa_ramdisk_upstream_checksum_algo: "sha256"
ipa_ramdisk_upstream_checksum_url: "{{ ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url }}.{{ ipa_ramdisk_upstream_checksum_algo }}"
deploy_image_filename: "deployment_image.qcow2"
deploy_image: "{{http_boot_folder}}/{{deploy_image_filename}}"
# Use cirros instead of building an image via diskimage-builder
use_cirros: false
# Download IPA by default
download_ipa: true
cirros_deploy_image_upstream_url: http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img
# By default bifrost will deploy dnsmasq to utilize as an integrated DHCP
# server. If you already have a DHCP server, you will need to disable
# this setting, and perform manual configuration of your DHCP server.
include_dhcp_server: true
# *_git_url can be overridden by local clones for offline installs
dib_git_url: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/diskimage-builder
ironicclient_git_url: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/python-ironicclient
shade_git_url: https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/shade
ironic_git_url: https://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic
ironicinspector_git_url: https://github.com/openstack/ironic-inspector
ironicinspectorclient_git_url: https://github.com/openstack/python-ironic-inspector-client
mysql_username: "root"
mysql_password: ""
disable_dnsmasq_dns: False
ironic_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic
ironicclient_git_folder: /opt/stack/python-ironicclient
shade_git_folder: /opt/stack/shade
dib_git_folder: /opt/stack/diskimage-builder
reqs_git_folder: /opt/stack/requirements
upper_constraints_file: "{{ lookup('env', 'UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE') | default(reqs_git_folder + '/upper-constraints.txt', True) }}"
staging_drivers_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic-staging-drivers
ironicinspector_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic-inspector
ironicinspectorclient_git_folder: /opt/stack/python-ironic-inspector-client
staging_drivers_git_url: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/ironic-staging-drivers
# Comma-separated list, in the format of a string, of drivers that are enabled
# by default. This is intended to be a list of agent based drivers.
# PXE drivers can be found in the setting pxe_drivers that can be found below.
enabled_drivers: "agent_ipmitool,agent_ilo,agent_ucs"
# DHCP pool for requests -- ignored if inventory_dhcp is set to True
# since IP allocation will be static.
dhcp_lease_time: 12h
# Dnsmasq default route for clients. If not defined, dnsmasq will push to clients
# as default route the same IP of the dnsmasq server.
# If set to false, it will disable default route creation in clients.
# Default: undefined
# dnsmasq_router:
# Dnsmasq default dns servers for clients. If defined, dnsmasq will use the specified
# DNS servers for name resolving.
# dnsmasq_dns_servers:,
# Support for CORS configuration
# By default CORS support is disabled.
enable_cors: false
# Origin to accept for CORS requests
cors_allowed_origin: "http://localhost:8000"
# bifrost utilizes noauth mode by default and as such
# the setting should be set to false. This setting should
# not need to be modified by the user.
enable_cors_credential_support: false
# Set this to true to configure dnsmasq to respond to requests from the
# hosts in your dynamic inventory.
inventory_dhcp: False
# Set this to true to configure dnsmasq to resolv to ipv4_address from the
# hosts in your dynamic inventory.
inventory_dns: False
# Settings to enable the use of inspector
enable_inspector: true
inspector_auth: "noauth"
# Deprecated: inspector_auth will be removed in Pike, and is
# overriden when enable_keystone is set to true.
#inspector_auth: "noauth"
inspector_debug: true
inspector_manage_firewall: false
# Deprecated: ironic_auth_strategy will be removed in Pike.
ironic_auth_strategy: "noauth"
# Set ironic_log_dir to use a non-default log directory for ironic.
# Set inspector_log_dir to use a non-default log directory for inspector.
# Set nginx_log_dir to use a non-default log directory for nginx.
nginx_log_dir: /var/log/nginx
inspector_data_dir: "/opt/stack/ironic-inspector/var"
inspector_store_ramdisk_logs: true
# Note: inspector_port_addition has three valid values: all, active, pxe
inspector_port_addition: "pxe"
# Note: inspector_keep_ports has three valid values: all, present, added
inspector_keep_ports: "present"
# String value containing extra kernel parameters for the inspector default
# PXE configuration.
# Set inspector_processing_hooks to specify a non-default comma-separated
# list of processing hooks for inspector.
# Inspector defaults
enabled: "{{ enable_inspector_discovery | default(true) }}"
default_node_driver: "{{ inspector_default_node_driver | default('agent_ipmitool')}}"
# We may not have packaged iPXE files on some distros, or may want to
# download them on their own.
download_ipxe: false
# This enables installation of substrate for PXE driver support
enable_pxe_drivers: true
# Comma-separated list of PXE drivers to enable when
# enable_pxe_drivers is set to true
pxe_drivers: "pxe_ipmitool,pxe_ilo"
# Settings related to installing bifrost in a virtual environment
enable_venv: false
bifrost_venv_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'VENV') | default('/opt/stack/bifrost') }}"
VIRTUAL_ENV: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir }}"
PATH: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir }}/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}" # include regular path via lookup env
pydoc: "python -m pydoc"
# Authentication support
# By default, bifrost was developed around being a toolkit
# for noauth mode. Since we are introducing the concept of
# authentication, we need to record the default for
# conditional statements in the playbooks.
noauth_mode: true
# Keystone Support
# Default parameter if keystone is enabled, or disabled.
enable_keystone: false
# NOTE: The keystone support in this role
# expects the keystone.bootstrap variables to
# either be loaded OR present from keystone
# installation. The keystone settings below
# should only be used if the role is utilized
# independently of the keystone installation
# role, such as leveraging a pre-existing
# keystone installation.
# WARNING: Using a pre-existing keystone has
# not been tested.
# debug: true
# bootstrap:
# enabled: true
# username: admin
# password: ChangeThisPa55w0rd
# project_name: admin
# admin_url: ""
# public_url: ""
# internal_url: ""
# region_name: "RegionOne"
# message_queue:
# username: keystone
# password: ChangeThisPa55w0rd
# host:
# database:
# name: keystone
# username: keystone
# password: ChangeThisPa55w0rd
# host:
username: "ironic"
password: "ChangeThisPa55w0rd"
auth_url: ""
project_name: "service"
default_username: "bifrost_user"
default_password: "ChangeThisPa55w0rd"
name: "ironic"
username: "ironic"
password: "{{ ironic_db_password }}"
host: "localhost"
username: "ironic_inspector"
password: "ChangeThisPa55w0rd"
auth_url: ""
project_name: "service"
default_username: "inspector_user"
default_password: "ChangeThisPa55w0rd"
name: "inspector"
username: "inspector"
password: "{{ ironic_db_password }}"
host: "localhost"
# DEPRECATED(TheJulia): Inheritance of ironic_db_password params
# should be removed in Queens.