Riccardo Pittau 6c4b0223bf Fix jinja ansible lint error
Change-Id: I764fb5b0fe4a782f4edd38efa654fce921191baf
2023-02-03 10:00:20 +01:00

24 lines
1.2 KiB

# FIXME: gradually fix and remove these exclusions:
- fqcn[action] # Use FQCN for module actions
- fqcn[action-core] # Use FQCN for builtin actions
- meta-no-info # meta/main.yml should contain relevant info
- meta-no-tags # Tags must contain lowercase letters and digits only
- name[casing] #All names should start with an uppercase letter
- name[missing] # All tasks should be named
- name[play] # All plays should be named
- name[template] # Jinja templates should only be at the end of 'name'
- no-changed-when # Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
- yaml[colons] # Too many spaces after colon
- yaml[comments] # Missing starting space in comment
- yaml[empty-lines] # Too many blank lines
- yaml[indentation] # Wrong indentation
- yaml[line-length] # Line too long
- yaml[truthy] # Truthy value should be one of [false, true]
# NOTE(dtantsur): the following rules should likely stay excluded:
- experimental
- role-name # Role name {} does not match ``^[a-z][a-z0-9_]+$`` pattern'
- package-latest # Package installs should not use latest
- no-handler # Tasks that run when changed should likely be handlers