The OpenStack CI systems are preconfigured with various components such as databases, message queues, caching dns resolvers. The CI systems also lack things like public/private key pairs, and known_hosts files. Due to this, a number of minor changes are required in Bifrost's test sequence to account for and route around these differences in order to allow test jobs to run until completion. This also demonstrated that some steps have been operating under the assumption that the user likely already had certain things installed, so service restart tweeks have also been necessary. Added a step to restart libvirt-bin in order to allow it to pickup new capabilities due to the install of the qemu emulator. Added additional steps to collect kernel log and `virsh capabilities` output. Removed MySQL step nolog statements as the password is automatically suppressed and it suppresses information that could be required for troubleshooting. Added in specific username/password logic for MySQL steps if ZUUL is detected in order to use the OpenStack CI defaults. Changed VM test node creation to occur upon every attempt. Extended the startup wait for a test node to be 900 seconds from 600 seconds. Added collection of process list and listening sockets if ZUUL is detected. Added report of VM console log and various commands to assist in troubleshooting a failing job. Added auto-generation of a user ssh keypair if absent when operating in OpenStack CI. Added explicit adjustment of iptables to permit connections on the network interface that the hosts are being provisioned via on 8080/tcp and 6385/tcp. Change-Id: I3c37c5c21af0aefb5007c5775043f7f837389c2d
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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- name: "Determine if OpenStack CI is missing an SSH key"
stat: path={{ssh_public_key_path}}
register: test_ssh_public_key_path
when: ci_testing_zuul is defined
- name: "Create an SSH key for Jenkins user if operating in OpenStack CI"
shell: ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N ""
when: ci_testing_zuul is defined and test_ssh_public_key_path.stat.exists == false
- name: "Create an empty ssh known_hosts file for Jenkins user if operating in OpenStack CI"
shell: touch ~/.ssh/known_hosts && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
when: ci_testing_zuul is defined and test_ssh_public_key_path.stat.exists == false
- name: "Defined ssh_public_key_path - Check to see if there is a file where the ssh_public_key_path is defined"
local_action: stat path={{ ssh_public_key_path }}
register: test_ssh_public_key_path
when: ssh_public_key_path is defined
- name: "Defined ssh_public_key_path - Error if ssh_public_key_path is not valid"
local_action: fail msg="ssh_public_key_path is not valid."
when: test_ssh_public_key_path.stat.exists == false
- name: "Defined ssh_public_key_path - Read ssh public key in"
set_fact: ssh_public_key="{{ lookup('file', ssh_public_key_path ) }}"