The nature of multi-host interactions and testing can be extremely racey. Since IPA can offer SSH, the wait step can be short circuited resulting in us not waiting long enough. As such, introducing a longer wait _and_ re-check of SSH connectivity. While this does not completely fix the underlying race, it is intended to help the test be more reliable in CI. Partial-Bug: #1559764 Change-Id: Ief9ff9b2d158fa5322b5bb9be74105ba3d13b7fe
Removes and re-adds the nodes to the SSH known_hosts file when the variable ipv4_address is defined.
Role Variables
ipv4_address: The host IPv4 address defined on each host to perform the action to.
node_ssh_pause: The amount of time, defaulted to 4 seconds, to pause before attempting to connect to the node. This is useful if the test image has a tendency to have networking restart after sshd has started.
wait_timeout: The number of seconds to wait for SSH connectivity to the test machine to be established before proceeding.
As this role is purely for testing, dependencies are not hard coded into the role. The role expects to be executed after bifrost-deploy-nodes-dynamic where a node ipv4_address is defined on the host level.
Example Playbook
- hosts: baremetal
connection: local
name: "Adds and removes a .ssh/known_hosts entry"
become: no
gather_facts: no
- role: bifrost-prepare-for-test-dynamic
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Ironic Developers