Dmitry Tantsur d5b49bd498 Enable metadata cleaning by default
We used to disable cleaning because only full disk cleaning was
available. Enable metadata cleaning by default and add an option
to enable full cleaning.

Change-Id: Ie1198768889bd468176cd68c8ccb48791c724262
2020-07-17 16:53:12 +02:00

156 lines
5.2 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
debug = {{ testing | bool }}
# NOTE(TheJulia): Until Bifrost supports neutron or some other network
# configuration besides a flat network where bifrost orchustrates the
# control instead of ironic, noop is the only available network driver.
enabled_network_interfaces = noop
default_deploy_interface = {{ default_deploy_interface }}
{% if enable_inspector | bool == true %}
enabled_inspect_interfaces = no-inspect,inspector
default_inspect_interface = inspector
{% endif %}
enabled_bios_interfaces = {{ enabled_bios_interfaces }}
enabled_boot_interfaces = {{ enabled_boot_interfaces }}
enabled_management_interfaces = {{ enabled_management_interfaces }}
enabled_power_interfaces = {{ enabled_power_interfaces }}
enabled_deploy_interfaces = {{ enabled_deploy_interfaces }}
enabled_hardware_types = {{ enabled_hardware_types }}
default_resource_class = {{ default_resource_class }}
{% if use_rabbitmq is defined and use_rabbitmq | bool == true %}
transport_url = rabbit://ironic:{{ironic_db_password }}@{{ message_queue_host | default('') }}:{{ message_queue_port | default('5672') }}/{{ rabbit_virtual_host | default('') }}
{% else %}
rpc_transport = json-rpc
{% endif %}
{% if enable_keystone is defined and enable_keystone | bool == true %}
auth_strategy = keystone
{% else %}
auth_strategy = noauth
{% endif %}
{% if ironic_log_dir is defined %}
log_dir = {{ ironic_log_dir }}
{% endif %}
{% if ironic_agent_deploy_logs_local_path | default("") != "/var/log/ironic/deploy" %}
deploy_logs_local_path = {{ ironic_agent_deploy_logs_local_path }}
{% endif %}
{% if testing | bool %}
pxe_append_params = console=ttyS0
{% else %}
pxe_append_params = systemd.journald.forward_to_console=yes {{ extra_kernel_options | default('') }}
{% endif %}
pxe_config_template = $pybasedir/drivers/modules/ipxe_config.template
tftp_server = {{ internal_ip }}
tftp_root = /tftpboot
pxe_bootfile_name = undionly.kpxe
ipxe_enabled = true
ipxe_boot_script = /etc/ironic/boot.ipxe
tftp_master_path = {{ ironic_tftp_master_path }}
{% if enable_uefi_ipxe | bool %}
uefi_pxe_bootfile_name = {{ ipxe_efi_binary }}
uefi_pxe_config_template = $pybasedir/drivers/modules/ipxe_config.template
{% endif %}
http_url = http://{{ internal_ip }}:{{ file_url_port }}/
http_root = {{ http_boot_folder }}
default_boot_option = local
fast_track = {{ fast_track }}
{% if cleaning_disk_erase | bool %}
erase_devices_priority = 10
erase_devices_metadata_priority = 0
{% else %}
erase_devices_priority = 0
erase_devices_metadata_priority = 10
{% endif %}
automated_clean = {{ cleaning | lower }}
deploy_kernel = {{ ipa_kernel_url }}
deploy_ramdisk = {{ ipa_ramdisk_url }}
rescue_kernel = {{ ipa_kernel_url }}
rescue_ramdisk = {{ ipa_ramdisk_url }}
connection = mysql+pymysql://{{ ironic.database.username }}:{{ ironic.database.password }}@{{ }}/{{ }}?charset=utf8
dhcp_provider = none
{% if enable_cors | bool == true %}
allowed_origin = {{ cors_allowed_origin | default('allowed_origin=http://localhost:8000') }}
allow_credentials = {{ enable_cors_credential_support | default('true') }}
{% endif %}
use_web_server_for_images = true
{% if enable_inspector | bool == true %}
power_off = {{ power_off_after_inspection }}
extra_kernel_params = {{ inspector_extra_kernel_options | default('') }}
{% if enable_keystone is defined and enable_keystone | bool == true %}
auth_type = password
auth_url = {{ ironic.service_catalog.auth_url }}
username = {{ ironic.service_catalog.username }}
password = {{ ironic.service_catalog.password }}
user_domain_id = default
project_name = {{ ironic.service_catalog.project_name }}
project_domain_id = default
region_name = {{ keystone.bootstrap.region_name | default('RegionOne')}}
callback_endpoint_override = http://{{ internal_ip }}:5050
{% else %}
endpoint_override = http://{{ internal_ip }}:5050
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if enable_keystone is defined and enable_keystone | bool == true %}
auth_plugin = password
auth_url = {{ ironic.service_catalog.auth_url }}
username = {{ ironic.service_catalog.username }}
password = {{ ironic.service_catalog.password }}
user_domain_id = default
project_name = {{ ironic.service_catalog.project_name }}
project_domain_id = default
{% endif %}
{% if enable_keystone is defined and enable_keystone | bool == true %}
auth_url = {{ ironic.service_catalog.auth_url }}
auth_type = password
project_name = {{ ironic.service_catalog.project_name }}
username = {{ ironic.service_catalog.username }}
password = {{ ironic.service_catalog.password }}
user_domain_id = default
project_domain_id = default
region_name = {{ keystone.bootstrap.region_name | default('RegionOne')}}
{% else %}
auth_type = none
{% endif %}
endpoint_override = http://{{ internal_ip }}:6385
{% if enable_keystone is defined and enable_keystone | bool == true %}
auth_url = {{ ironic.service_catalog.auth_url }}
auth_type = password
project_name = {{ ironic.service_catalog.project_name }}
username = {{ ironic.service_catalog.username }}
password = {{ ironic.service_catalog.password }}
user_domain_id = default
project_domain_id = default
{% else %}
auth_type = none
{% endif %}