These changes allow the various playbooks to be executed by Ansible 1.9.x and 2.0. This was necessary as 2.0 has a number of changes to the YAML processor, and certain ways of doing things have naturally had to change. - Removed pass-through variable when a role is explicitly defined with variables passed through to it as updated yaml parser fails to handle appropriately. - Defined a default dib_packages variable of an empty string. - Changed stray boolean compare to use an is defined check as the the parser in Ansible 2.0 does not equate undefined to false. - Explicitly defined the testing_user for the syntax check as the check fails without it. - Revised MySQL module syntax usage to be compatible between Ansible 1.9.x and 2.0 development branches. - Updated some conditionals making string compares with lookups which is apparently problematic in Ansible 2.0. Depends-On: I9d5fa719793896cce00a69dafba738755b45b068 Depends-On: I23e902c8637e142fba23d71467225d48ee265253 Change-Id: I4fec7f44dd9d591388f345b3f449cb44b8e50744 Closes-Bug: 1469862
This role uses diskimage-builder to create a bootable disk image or ramdisk.
This role requires:
- Ansible 1.9
Role Variables
The role can use the disk-image-create or ramdisk-image-create scripts. Which script is used is controlled by the build_ramdisk variable. The default is false.
build_ramdisk: false
The dib_env_vars are settings for the diskimage-builder environment variables which allow settings to be passed to elements that are being utilized to build a disk image. More information on diskimage-builder can be found at: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/diskimage-builder/
dib_env_vars: DIB_CLOUD_INIT_DATASOURCES: "ConfigDrive" ELEMENTS_PATH: "/opt/stack/diskimage-builder/elements"
The final destination of the image is specified by dib_imagename.
dib_imagename: "/path/to/image.qcow2"
dib_os_element controls which OS will be used to build the image.
dib_os_element: "ubuntu"
dib_elements is a space-separated list of elements that will be added to the resulting disk image.
dib_elements: "vm serial-console simple-init"
dib_packages is a comma-separated list of packages to be installed on the resulting disk image.
dib_packages: "traceroute,python-devel"
All the other command-line options to disk-image-create or ramdisk-image-create can be used by the role. The following is a list of the command-line options, their corresponding variables, and the type of the value to supply. Please refer to the help text for disk-image-create for further information.
| Option | Variable name | Value |
| -x | dib_trace | boolean | | -u | dib_uncompressed | boolean | | -c | dib_clearenv | boolean | | --no-tmpfs | dib_notmpfs | boolean | | --offline | dib_offline | boolean | | -n | dib_skipbase | boolean | | -a | dib_arch | arch | | -o | dib_imagename | /path/to/image | | -t | dib_imagetype | image type | | --image-size | dib_imagesize | size in GB | | --image-cache | dib_imagecache | /path/to/cache | | --max-online-resize | dib_maxresize | size in blocks | | --min-tmpfs | dib_mintmpfs | size in GB | | --mkfs-options | dib_mkfsopts | mkfs flags | | --qemu-img-options | dib_qemuopts | comma-separated list | | --root-label | dib_rootlabel | label | | --ramdisk-element | dib_rdelement | element name | | -t | dib_installtype | source or package |
dib-utils must be installed from pip for the image creation to work.
Example Playbook
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Build DIB image"
sudo: yes
gather_facts: yes
- role: bifrost-create-dib-image
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Author Information
Ironic Developers