This role generates TLS certificates for Bifrost and copies the private key to a predefined location.
This role requires:
- Ansible 2.9
Role Variables
generate_tls: Whether the generate new certificates or use existing ones.
If the latter, this role only handles copying the private key,
all files have to exist. Defaults to false
to avoid overwriting
operator's files.
network_interface: Network interface services are listening on.
tls_common_name: The common name of the certificate. Defaults to the host's full domain name (FQDN).
tls_hosts: A list of valid IP addresses for the generated certificate. Defaults
to public_ip
(if set), private_ip
(if set), internal_ip
and The host localhost
is always added.
tls_host_names: A list of valid host names for the generated certificate.
Defaults to the host's FQDN + localhost
tls_certificate_path: Path to the TLS certificate. Can be generated.
tls_private_key_path: Path to the private key. Can be generated.
tls_csr_path: Path to the signing request. Can be generated.
tls_force_regenerate: Boolean, whether to regenerate existing certificates.
Defaults to false
dest_private_key_path: Destination to copy the private key to. Defaults to undefined (not copying).
dest_private_key_owner: Owner of the destination private key. Defaults to root.
dest_private_key_group: Group of the destination private key. Defaults to root.
None at this time.
Example Playbook
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Generate TLS parameters"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- role: bifrost-tls generate_tls: true tls_common_name:
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Author Information
Ironic Developers