It appears that test nodes, once are explicitly powered off, depending on libvirt, may completely vanish. As we only test at the end of the process if we've observed additional DHCP leases, we should move to only defining the VMs such that they are powered on when the sequence is ready, not in advance of the test sequence. Moving to defining instead of creating does improve the overall efficency of the sequence as no processes are spawning suddenly using CPU and RAM during the start of the test. This also allows us to remove and correct ansible virt module invocations. The ansible virt module is an extra module, not a core module, at least on Ubuntu Trusty, cannot have it's requirements installed via pip. Change-Id: I8948ba5a941384fdcacebcdfe9b6fd4fe8384cb1 Depends-On: I01885c397ed1e020aae306db1656678b26306532
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# Example command line to use:
# Create a VM:
# ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/localhost test-bifrost-create-vm.yaml
# export BIFROST_INVENTORY_SOURCE=/tmp/baremetal.csv
# Execute the installation and VM startup test.
# ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/bifrost_inventory.py test-bifrost.yaml -e use_cirros=true -e testing_user=cirros
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Setting pre-test conditions"
become: yes
ignore_errors: yes
# NOTE(TheJulia): While the test was created to run with five VMs,
# in the interest of keeping the active memory footprint small,
# should stop all of the VMs in advance, so we can proceed with
# install and initial deploy.
- name: Remove pre-existing leases file
file: path=/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases state=absent
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Executes install, enrollment, and testing in one playbook"
become: no
gather_facts: yes
- name: "Set ci_testing_zuul if it appears we are running in upstream OpenStack CI"
ci_testing: true
ci_testing_zuul: true
ironic_git_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'WORKSPACE') }}/openstack/ironic"
ironicclient_git_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'WORKSPACE') }}/openstack/python-ironicclient"
shade_git_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'WORKSPACE') }}/openstack-infra/shade"
dib_git_url: "/opt/git/openstack/diskimage-builder"
# TODO(TheJulia) Fix the above paths to be consistent, because the NV job gets the dib
# folder cloned, while the gate job does not. Likely need to work out a semi-hybrid
# solution.
when: lookup('env', 'ZUUL_BRANCH') | length > 0
- name: "Set ci_testing_zuul_changes if ZUUL_CHANGES is set"
ci_testing_zuul_changes: true
when: lookup('env', 'ZUUL_CHANGES') | length > 0
- name: "Override the ipv4_gateway setting"
ipv4_gateway: ""
- { role: bifrost-prep-for-install, when: skip_install is not defined }
- { role: bifrost-openstack-ci-prep, when: ci_testing_zuul is defined }
http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}"
https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','https_proxy') }}"
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Executes install, enrollment, and testing in one playbook"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- name: "Collect process list if running in a CI System"
command: ps aux
when: ci_testing is defined
- name: "Collect list of listening network sockets if running in a CI system"
shell: netstat -apn|grep LISTEN
when: ci_testing is defined
- role: bifrost-ironic-install
cleaning: false
testing: true
# NOTE(TheJulia): While the next step creates a ramdisk, some elements
# do not support ramdisk-image-create as they invoke steps to cleanup
# the ramdisk which causes ramdisk-image-create to believe it failed.
- { role: bifrost-create-dib-image, dib_imagename: "{{ http_boot_folder }}/ipa", build_ramdisk: false, dib_os_element: "{{ ipa_dib_os_element|default('debian') }}", dib_os_release: "jessie", dib_elements: "ironic-agent {{ ipa_extra_dib_elements | default('') }}", when: create_ipa_image | bool == true }
- { role: bifrost-create-dib-image, dib_imagetype: "qcow2", dib_imagename: "{{deploy_image}}", dib_os_element: "debian", dib_os_release: "jessie", dib_elements: "vm serial-console simple-init {{ extra_dib_elements|default('') }}", when: create_image_via_dib | bool == true and transform_boot_image | bool == false }
http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}"
https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','https_proxy') }}"
- hosts: baremetal
name: "Enroll node with Ironic"
become: no
connection: local
- role: ironic-enroll-dynamic
- { role: ironic-inspect-node, when: inspect_nodes | default('false') | bool == true }
- hosts: baremetal
multinode_testing: "{{ inventory_dhcp | bool == true }}"
name: "Create configuration drive files and deploy machines."
become: no
connection: local
- role: bifrost-configdrives-dynamic
- role: bifrost-deploy-nodes-dynamic
- role: bifrost-prepare-for-test-dynamic
serial: 1
# The testvm Host group is added by bifrost-prepare-for-test based
# on the contents of the CSV file.
- hosts: test
name: "Tests connectivity to the VM"
become: no
gather_facts: no
remote_user: "{{ testing_user }}"
serial: 1
any_errors_fatal: yes
max_fail_percentage: 0
- role: bifrost-test-vm
- hosts: baremetal
connection: local
name: "Unprovisions the test node"
become: no
gather_facts: no
- role: bifrost-unprovision-node-dynamic
- role: ironic-delete-dynamic
# The following tasks are intended to test DHCP functionality
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Executes DHCP test script"
become: yes
# NOTE(TheJulia): Moved the power ON of the excess VMs until after
# the other test VMs have been shutdown, in order to explicitly
# validate that the dhcp config is working as expected and not
# serving these requests.
- name: Power on remaining test VMs
command: virsh start testvm{{item}}
with_sequence: start=4 end={{ test_vm_num_nodes | default('5') }}
ignore_errors: yes
when: inventory_dhcp | bool == true
- name: Wait 30 seconds
seconds: 30
when: inventory_dhcp | bool == true
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
name: "Executes DHCP test script"
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
inventory_dhcp: "{{ inventory_dhcp | bool == true }}"
inventory_dhcp_static_ip: "{{ inventory_dhcp_static_ip | bool == true }}"
- { role: bifrost-test-dhcp, when: inventory_dhcp | bool == true }
http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}"
https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','https_proxy') }}"