The setup/install task main.yml file started as a stand alone playbook. As it has been converted, it is a good idea to remove the excess space at the beginning of the lines.
Bifrost is a set of ansible playbooks that automates the task of deploying a base image onto a set of known hardware using Ironic. It provides modular utility for one-off operating system deployment with as few operational requirements as reasonably possible.
This is split into roughly three steps:
- install: prepare the local environment by downloading and/or building machine images, and installing and configuring the necessary services.
- enroll: take as input a hardware inventory file and enroll the listed hardware with Ironic, configuring each appropriately for deployment with the previously-downloaded images.
- deploy: instruct Ironic to deploy the operating system onto each machine.
The installation is split in to two parts.
The first part is a bash script which lays the basic groundwork of installing Ansible itself.
Edit ./inventory/group_vars/all.yaml to match your environment.
- If MySQL is already installed, update mysql_password to match your local installation.
- Change network_interface to match the interface that will need to service DHCP requests.
- Change the ironic_db_password which is set by Ansible in MySQL and in Ironic's configuration file.
Then run:
cd setup
bash ./env-setup.sh
source /opt/stack/ansible/hacking/env-setup
cd ..
The second part is an Ansible playbook that installs and configures Ironic in a stand-alone fashion.
- Keystone is NOT installed, and Ironic's API is accessible without authentication. It is possible to put basic password auth on Ironic's API by changing the nginx configuration accordingly.
- Neutron is NOT installed. Ironic performs static IP injection via config-drive.
- dnsmasq is configured statically and responds to all PXE boot requests by chain-loading to iPXE, which then fetches the ironic-python-agent ramdisk from Nginx.
- standard ipmitool is used. TODO: make optional support for other hardware drivers
The re-execution of the playbook will cause states to be re-asserted. If not already present, a number of software packages including MySQL and RabbitMQ will be installed on the host. Python code will be re-installed regardless if it has changed, RabbitMQ user passwords will be reset, and services will be restarted.
ansible-playbook -vvvv -i inventory/localhost install/install.yaml
Manual CLI Use
If you wish to utilize Ironic's CLI in no-auth mode, you must set two environment variables:
- IRONIC_URL - A URL to the Ironic API, such as http://localhost:6385/
- OS_AUTH_TOKEN - Any value, such as an empty space, is required to cause the client library to send requests directly to the API.
For your ease of use, setup/env-vars can be sourced to allow the CLI to connect to a local Ironic installation operating in noauth mode.
Hardware Enrollment
The following requirements are installed during the Install step above:
- openstack-infra/shade library -> https://review.openstack.org/159609
- openstack-infra/os-client-config -> https://review.openstack.org/159563
- os_baremetal ansible module under development -> https://github.com/juliakreger/ansible-modules-extras/blob/features/new-openstack/cloud/os_baremetal.py
You will also need a CSV file containing information about the hardware you are enrolling.
CSV File Format
The CSV file has the following columns:
- MAC Address
- Management username
- Management password
- Management Address
- CPU Count
- Memory size in MB
- Disk Storage in GB
- Flavor (Not Used)
- Type (Not Used)
- Host UUID
- Host or Node name
- Host IP Address to be set
- ipmi_target_channel - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to single
- ipmi_target_address - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to single
- ipmi_transit_channel - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to dual
- ipmi_transit_address - Requires: ipmi_bridging set to dual
Example definition:
How this works?
The enroll.yaml playbook requires a variable (baremetal_csv_file) be set or passed into the playbook execution. This is the path to the CSV file to be consumed and loaded into ironic.
ansible-playbook -i inventory/localhost -vvvv enroll/enroll.yaml -e baremetal_csv_file=inventory/baremetal.csv
Note that enrollment is a one-time operation. This module does not synchronize data for existing nodes. You should use the Ironic CLI to do this manually at the moment.
Hardware Deployment
- The baremetal.csv file that was utilized for the enrollment process.
How this works?
The deploy.yaml playbook is intended to create configdrives for servers, and initiate the node deployments through Ironic. IPs are injected into the config drive and statically assigned.
ansible-playbook -i inventory/localhost -vvvv deploy/deploy.yaml -e baremetal_csv_file=inventory/baremetal.csv