Dmitry Tantsur df33abf96b Validate that the services are running after installation
We do it in test-bifrost, but not during a normal installation.

Change-Id: I4e770d1504d2fd544eb637d20fc6c742218060fb
2020-08-19 10:26:00 +02:00

349 lines
13 KiB

# Cleaning turns on ironic conductor clean_nodes flag
# which causes the nodes to be wiped after deletion.
cleaning: true
# Wipe all data from the disks rather than only the metadata.
cleaning_disk_erase: false
# Enable fast_track mode for ironic which allows skipping a power
# cycle
fast_track: true
http_boot_folder: /httpboot
ironic_tftp_master_path: /var/lib/ironic/master_images
staging_drivers_include: false
file_url_port: "8080"
ironicclient_source_install: false
openstacksdk_source_install: false
ironicinspector_source_install: true
ironicinspectorclient_source_install: false
sushy_source_install: false
staging_drivers_source_install: true
# Setting to utilize diskimage-builder to create a bootable image.
create_image_via_dib: true
dib_image_type: vm
# Setting to install diskimage-builder
install_dib: "{{ create_image_via_dib }}"
# Setting to prepend a partition image with a boot sector and partition table.
transform_boot_image: false
# If testing is true, then the environment is setup for using libvirt
# virtual machines for the hardware instead of real hardware.
testing: false
# Use Rabbit MQ as a message bus.
use_rabbitmq: false
# set to true to skip installation completely
skip_install: False
# set to true to skip installing ironic dependencies
skip_package_install: False
# set to true to skip generation of configs, ironic db and rabbitmq configuration
skip_bootstrap: False
# set to true to skip starting ironic services and dependencies
skip_start: False
# set to true to skip performing online data migrations
skip_migrations: "{{ skip_bootstrap }}"
# set to true to skip validating the services
skip_validation: "{{ skip_start }}"
# Default network interface that bifrost will be attached to.
# This is used in ipa_* so it must be before
network_interface: "virbr0"
ans_network_interface: "{{ network_interface | replace('-', '_') }}"
internal_interface: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + ans_network_interface]['ipv4'] }}"
internal_ip: "{{ internal_interface['address'] }}"
# Normally this would setting would be http in a bifrost installation
# without TLS. This setting allows a user to override the setting in case
# the local webserver has been updated to support HTTPS.
# Note: Users wishing to leverage HTTPS should reference the iPXE
# documentation at
ipa_file_protocol: "http"
ipa_upstream_release: "master"
use_tinyipa: true
enable_uefi_ipxe: true
ipxe_efi_binary: ipxe.efi
ipa_kernel: "{{http_boot_folder}}/ipa.kernel"
ipa_ramdisk: "{{http_boot_folder}}/ipa.initramfs"
ipa_kernel_url: "{{ ipa_file_protocol }}://{{ internal_ip }}:{{ file_url_port }}/ipa.kernel"
ipa_kernel_upstream_url: >-
{%- if use_tinyipa | bool -%}{{ ipa_upstream_release }}.vmlinuz
{%- elif ipa_upstream_release == "stable-train" -%}{{ ipa_upstream_release }}.kernel
{%- else -%}{{ ipa_upstream_release }}.kernel
{%- endif -%}
ipa_kernel_upstream_checksum_algo: "sha256"
ipa_kernel_upstream_checksum_url: "{{ ipa_kernel_upstream_url }}.{{ ipa_kernel_upstream_checksum_algo }}"
ipa_ramdisk_url: "{{ ipa_file_protocol }}://{{ internal_ip }}:{{ file_url_port }}/ipa.initramfs"
ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url: >-
{%- if use_tinyipa | bool -%}{{ ipa_upstream_release }}.gz
{%- elif ipa_upstream_release == "stable-train" -%}{{ ipa_upstream_release }}.initramfs
{%- else -%}{{ ipa_upstream_release }}.initramfs
{%- endif -%}
ipa_ramdisk_upstream_checksum_algo: "sha256"
ipa_ramdisk_upstream_checksum_url: "{{ ipa_ramdisk_upstream_url }}.{{ ipa_ramdisk_upstream_checksum_algo }}"
deploy_image_filename: "deployment_image.qcow2"
deploy_image: "{{http_boot_folder}}/{{deploy_image_filename}}"
# Use cirros instead of building an image via diskimage-builder
use_cirros: false
# Download IPA by default
download_ipa: true
update_repos: true
update_ipa: "{{ update_repos }}"
# By default bifrost will deploy dnsmasq to utilize as an integrated DHCP
# server. If you already have a DHCP server, you will need to disable
# this setting, and perform manual configuration of your DHCP server.
include_dhcp_server: true
# *_git_url can be overridden by local clones for offline installs
mysql_username: "root"
mysql_password: ""
disable_dnsmasq_dns: True
ironic_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic
ironicclient_git_folder: /opt/stack/python-ironicclient
openstacksdk_git_folder: /opt/stack/openstacksdk
dib_git_folder: /opt/stack/diskimage-builder
reqs_git_folder: /opt/stack/requirements
staging_drivers_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic-staging-drivers
ironicinspector_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic-inspector
ironicinspectorclient_git_folder: /opt/stack/python-ironic-inspector-client
sushy_git_folder: /opt/stack/sushy
ipa_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic-python-agent
ipa_builder_git_folder: /opt/stack/ironic-python-agent-builder
enabled_hardware_types: "ipmi,redfish,manual-management,ilo"
default_deploy_interface: "direct"
enabled_deploy_interfaces: "iscsi,direct"
# These are calculated based on enabled_hardware_types if empty
enabled_bios_interfaces: ""
enabled_boot_interfaces: ""
enabled_management_interfaces: ""
enabled_power_interfaces: ""
default_resource_class: baremetal
default_boot_mode: ""
enable_credential_less_deploy: false
# Extra pip packages to install with ironic
# This should be a list of pip-installable references.
# default: empty list
ironic_extra_packages: []
# DHCP pool for requests -- ignored if inventory_dhcp is set to True
# since IP allocation will be static.
dhcp_lease_time: 12h
# Dnsmasq default route for clients. If not defined, dnsmasq will push to clients
# as default route the same IP of the dnsmasq server.
# If set to false, it will disable default route creation in clients.
# Default: undefined
# dnsmasq_router:
# Dnsmasq default dns servers for clients. If defined, dnsmasq will use the specified
# DNS servers for name resolving.
# dnsmasq_dns_servers:,
# Support for CORS configuration
# By default CORS support is disabled.
enable_cors: false
# Origin to accept for CORS requests
cors_allowed_origin: "http://localhost:8000"
# bifrost utilizes noauth mode by default and as such
# the setting should be set to false. This setting should
# not need to be modified by the user.
enable_cors_credential_support: false
ironic_store_ramdisk_logs: true
# The path to the directory where the deployment logs should be stored when using
# local storage.
ironic_agent_deploy_logs_local_path: /var/log/ironic/deploy
# Set this to true to configure dnsmasq to respond to requests from the
# hosts in your dynamic inventory.
inventory_dhcp: False
# Set this to true to configure dnsmasq to resolv to ipv4_address from the
# hosts in your dynamic inventory.
inventory_dns: False
# Set this to true to configure dnsmasq to populate the NTP servers
# setting of dnsmasq.
# Several NTP servers can be specified, seperated by commas.
# dnsmasq_ntp_servers:
# Settings to enable the use of inspector
enable_inspector: true
inspector_debug: true
inspector_manage_firewall: false
# Set ironic_log_dir to use a non-default log directory for ironic.
#ironic_log_dir: /var/log/ironic
# Set inspector_log_dir to use a non-default log directory for inspector.
inspector_ramdisk_logs_local_path: /var/log/ironic-inspector/ramdisk
# Set nginx_log_dir to use a non-default log directory for nginx.
nginx_log_dir: /var/log/nginx
inspector_store_ramdisk_logs: true
# Note: inspector_port_addition has three valid values: all, active, pxe
inspector_port_addition: "pxe"
# Note: inspector_keep_ports has three valid values: all, present, added
inspector_keep_ports: "present"
# String value containing extra kernel parameters for the inspector default
# PXE configuration.
inspector_extra_kernel_options: "ipa-inspection-collectors=default,logs"
# Set inspector_processing_hooks to specify a non-default comma-separated
# list of processing hooks for inspector.
# Whether to store introspection data using the local Nginx web server as an
# object storage service. DEPRECATED, the data can be stored in the database.
inspector_store_data_in_nginx: false
# When inspector_store_data_in_nginx is true, this is the URL of the Nginx
# 'Swift' API endpoint.
inspector_store_data_url: "http://localhost:{{ file_url_port }}"
enable_inspector_discovery: true
inspector_default_node_driver: "{{ 'manual-management' if enable_credential_less_deploy|bool else 'ipmi' }}"
# Inspector defaults (deprecated in Victoria)
enabled: "{{ enable_inspector_discovery }}"
default_node_driver: "{{ inspector_default_node_driver }}"
# If baremetal nodes should be turned off after inspection.
# The inspector default is to turn off the baremetal node
# power, this setting to false enables use of fast track mode.
power_off_after_inspection: "{{ not fast_track|bool }}"
# We may not have packaged iPXE files on some distros, or may want to
# download them on their own.
download_ipxe: false
# Settings related to installing bifrost in a virtual environment
enable_venv: true
bifrost_venv_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'VENV') or '/opt/stack/bifrost' }}"
VIRTUAL_ENV: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir }}"
PATH: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir }}/bin:{{ ansible_env.PATH }}" # include regular path via lookup env
pydoc: "python -m pydoc"
ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ bifrost_venv_dir + '/bin/python3' if enable_venv | bool else '/usr/bin/python3' }}"
# Authentication support
# By default, bifrost was developed around being a toolkit
# for noauth mode. Since we are introducing the concept of
# authentication, we need to record the default for
# conditional statements in the playbooks.
noauth_mode: true
# Keystone Support
# Default parameter if keystone is enabled, or disabled.
enable_keystone: false
# Service URLs used for communication with them.
ironic_api_url: "http://localhost:6385"
ironic_inspector_api_url: "http://localhost:5050"
# Directory (on the controller) to keep the passwords
password_dir: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/.config/bifrost"
# Various credentials
default_username: bifrost_user
default_password: "{{ lookup('password', password_dir + '/default_password') }}"
admin_username: admin
admin_password: "{{ lookup('password', password_dir + '/admin_password') }}"
# NOTE(dtantsur): various URLs in configuration files don't like special
# symbols in passwords.
service_password: "{{ lookup('password', password_dir + '/service_password chars=ascii_letters,digits') }}"
# TODO(dtantsur): deprecate in favor of service_password
ironic_db_password: "{{ service_password }}"
username: "ironic"
password: "{{ service_password }}"
auth_url: ""
project_name: "service"
default_username: "{{ default_username }}"
default_password: "{{ default_password }}"
name: "ironic"
username: "ironic"
password: "{{ ironic_db_password }}"
host: "localhost"
username: "ironic_inspector"
password: "{{ service_password }}"
auth_url: ""
project_name: "service"
default_username: "{{ default_username }}"
default_password: "{{ default_password }}"
name: "inspector"
username: "inspector"
password: "{{ ironic_db_password }}"
host: "localhost"
# NOTE(dtantsur): keep in sync with bifrost-keystone-install
debug: true
enabled: true
username: "{{ admin_username }}"
password: "{{ admin_password }}"
project_name: admin
admin_url: ""
public_url: ""
internal_url: ""
region_name: "RegionOne"
username: keystone
password: "{{ service_password }}"
host: localhost
port: 5672
name: keystone
username: keystone
password: "{{ service_password }}"
host: localhost
pip_opts: "{{ lookup('env', 'PIP_OPTS') | default('') }}"
# Timeout for gathering facts.
fact_gather_timeout: "{{ lookup('config', 'DEFAULT_GATHER_TIMEOUT', on_missing='skip') | default(omit, true) }}"