Introduces a 'rotation' parameter in config.js that will remove entries older than n days from the datasets, resulting in a rolling view of bug activity.
Bug Day Stats page generator
The bugdaystats.py script is used to extract data from Launchpad and produce static HTML that shows progress during a Bug Day.
- You'll need the following Python modules installed:
- launchpadlib
- jinja2
python bugdaystats.py output
'output' is the name of the directory you will generate data and HTML files to (if they don't exist yet). It should contain a 'js' subdirectory containing JavaScript include files, but otherwise be empty.
You'll need to run the script at least twice to generate enough stats to get a graph.
Stats are updated every time the script is run. You should run bugdaystats.py regularly over the course of your bugday.
The config.js configuration file describes the projects you want to generate data for. "height" is an optional parameter detailing the size of the graph (230 pixels is the default value). "title" is an optional parameter for the name of the project in the index page.
You can also optionally specify a 'rotation' parameter. Entries older than the value (in days) will be removed from the dataset, resulting in a rolling view of bug activity.