options: debug: default: False type: boolean description: | Enable debug logging. remote-id-attribute: default: 'HTTP_OIDC_ISS' type: string description: | Attribute used to obtain the entity ID of the OpenID Connect Provider. oidc-client-id: default: '' type: string description: | Client identifier used to connect to the OpenID Connect Provider. oidc-client-secret: default: '' type: string description: | Password used to authenticate with the OpenID Connect Provider. oidc-provider-metadata-url: default: '' type: string description: | URL to discover the OpenID Connect Provider and obtain information needed to interact with it, including its OAuth 2.0 endpoint locations. Example: https://example.com/.well-known/openid-configuration oidc-provider-issuer: default: '' type: string description: | Open ID Connect Provider issuer identifier (e.g. https://example.com ). Used when oidc-provider-metadata-url is not set or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. oidc-provider-auth-endpoint: default: '' type: string description: | Open ID Connect Provider authorization endpoint (e.g. https://example.com/as/authorization.oauth2). Used when oidc-provider-metadata-url is not set or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. oidc-provider-token-endpoint: default: '' type: string description: | Open ID Connect Provider token endpoint (e.g. https://example.com/as/token.oauth2). Used when oidc-provider-metadata-url is not set or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. oidc-provider-token-endpoint-auth: default: '' type: string description: | Authentication method for the Open ID Connect Provider token endpoint, possible options are: client_secret_basic, client_secret_post, client_secret_jwt, private_key_jwt or none. Used when oidc-provider-metadata-url is not set or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. oidc-provider-user-info-endpoint: default: '' type: string description: | Open ID Connect Provider user info endpoint (e.g. https://example.com/idp/userinfo.openid). Used when oidc-provider-metadata-url is not set or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. auth-type: default: 'auth-openidc' type: string description: | To add support to Bearer Access Token authentication flow that is used by applications that do not adopt the browser flow, such the OpenStack CLI, the auth-type must be set to auth-openidc (the default) otherwise to openid-connect. protocol_id: default: 'openid' type: string description: | Federation protocol name. oidc-remote-user-claim: default: '' type: string description: | The claim that is used when setting the REMOTE_USER variable on OpenID Connect protected paths, for example: email. oidc-provider-jwks-uri: default: '' type: string description: | . enable-oauth: default: true type: boolean description: | Set to true to enable OAuth2 support. oidc-oauth-verify-jwks-uri: default: '' type: string description: | The JWKs URL on which the Authorization Server publishes the keys used to sign its JWT access tokens. oidc-oauth-introspection-endpoint: default: '' type: string description: | OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server token introspection endpoint. When `enable-oauth` is set to true and this option unset (the default), the introspection endpoint available in the metadata will be used.