OpenStack is dropping the py2.7 support in ussuri cycle. charm repos need few updates on either py2 drop or updating ussuri python template, tox.ini etc. Complete discussion & schedule can be found in - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-October/010142.html - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/drop-python2-support Ussuri Communtiy-wide goal: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/drop-py27.html Change-Id: I13072d7372cfd4afa893bc252a22ca9daaadb73d
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67 lines
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skipsdist = True
envlist = pep8
toxworkdir = /tmp/tox
# NOTE(beisner): Avoid build/test env pollution by not enabling sitepackages.
sitepackages = False
# NOTE(beisner): Avoid false positives by not skipping missing interpreters.
skip_missing_interpreters = False
basepython = python3
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
passenv = http_proxy https_proxy
install_command =
pip install {opts} {packages}
deps =
whitelist_externals = /bin/true /bin/echo /bin/mkdir
# ``charm build`` refuses to output to a subdirectory to the source tree
# The gate check will look for and validate the built artifacts in the source
# tree.
# Build the artifats under /tmp and link back to source directory to alleviate.
basepython = python3
commands =
/bin/echo 'WARNING: *build* target is for testing only.'
/bin/mkdir -p {envdir}/tmp
charm-build --log-level DEBUG -o {envdir}/tmp/build .
/bin/ln -s {envdir}/tmp/build/builds {envdir}/tmp/build/trusty
/bin/ln -s {envdir}/tmp/build {toxinidir}/build
basepython = python3
commands = {posargs}
basepython = python3.4
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
# TODO: Need to write unit tests then remove the following command.
commands = /bin/true
basepython = python3.5
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
# TODO: Need to write unit tests then remove the following command.
commands = /bin/true
basepython = python3.6
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
# TODO: Need to write unit tests then remove the following command.
commands = /bin/true
basepython = python3.7
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
# TODO: Need to write unit tests then remove the following command.
commands = /bin/true
basepython = python3
commands = flake8 --ignore=E402 actions/ reactive/