Merge upgrade support and common refactoring efforts.

This commit is contained in:
Adam Gandelman 2012-10-25 16:41:09 +02:00
commit 3ab1a61852
13 changed files with 558 additions and 235 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
options: options:
nova-release: openstack-origin:
default: distro default: distro
type: string type: string
description: Nova PPA from which to install. (distro, trunk, milestone, milestone-proposed) description: |
Repository from which to install. May be one of the following:
distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry,
or a supported Cloud Archive release pocket.
Supported Cloud Archive sources include: cloud:precise-folsom,
cloud:precise-folsom/updates, cloud:precise-folsom/staging,
Note that updating this setting to a source that is known to
provide a later version of OpenStack will trigger a software
nova-config: nova-config:
default: /etc/nova/nova.conf default: /etc/nova/nova.conf
type: string type: string

hooks/lib/nova/essex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
# Essex-specific functions
nova_set_or_update() {
# Set a config option in nova.conf or api-paste.ini, depending
# Defaults to updating nova.conf
local key=$1
local value=$2
local conf_file=$3
local pattern=""
local nova_conf=${NOVA_CONF:-/etc/nova/nova.conf}
local api_conf=${API_CONF:-/etc/nova/api-paste.ini}
[[ -z $key ]] && juju-log "$CHARM set_or_update: value $value missing key" && exit 1
[[ -z $value ]] && juju-log "$CHARM set_or_update: key $key missing value" && exit 1
[[ -z "$conf_file" ]] && conf_file=$nova_conf
case "$conf_file" in
"$nova_conf") match="\-\-$key="
"$api_conf") match="^$key = "
out="$key = "
*) error_out "ERROR: set_or_update: Invalid conf_file ($conf_file)"
cat $conf_file | grep "$match$value" >/dev/null &&
juju-log "$CHARM: $key=$value already in set in $conf_file" \
&& return 0
if cat $conf_file | grep "$match" >/dev/null ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: Updating $conf_file, $key=$value"
sed -i "s|\($pattern\).*|\1$value|" $conf_file
juju-log "$CHARM: Setting new option $key=$value in $conf_file"
echo "$out$value" >>$conf_file

hooks/lib/nova/folsom Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
# Folsom-specific functions
nova_set_or_update() {
# Set a config option in nova.conf or api-paste.ini, depending
# Defaults to updating nova.conf
local key="$1"
local value="$2"
local conf_file="$3"
local nova_conf=${NOVA_CONF:-/etc/nova/nova.conf}
local api_conf=${API_CONF:-/etc/nova/api-paste.ini}
[[ -z $key ]] && juju-log "$CHARM: set_or_update: value $value missing key" && exit 1
[[ -z $value ]] && juju-log "$CHARM: set_or_update: key $key missing value" && exit 1
[[ -z "$conf_file" ]] && conf_file=$nova_conf
local pattern=""
case "$conf_file" in
"$nova_conf") match="^$key="
"$api_conf") match="^$key = "
out="$key = "
*) juju-log "$CHARM ERROR: set_or_update: Invalid conf_file ($conf_file)"
cat $conf_file | grep "$match$value" >/dev/null &&
juju-log "$CHARM: $key=$value already in set in $conf_file" \
&& return 0
if cat $conf_file | grep "$match" >/dev/null ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: Updating $conf_file, $key=$value"
sed -i "s|\($pattern\).*|\1$value|" $conf_file
juju-log "$CHARM: Setting new option $key=$value in $conf_file"
echo "$out$value" >>$conf_file
# Upgrade Helpers
nova_pre_upgrade() {
# Pre-upgrade helper. Caller should pass the version of OpenStack we are
# upgrading from.
return 0 # Nothing to do here, yet.
nova_post_upgrade() {
# Post-upgrade helper. Caller should pass the version of OpenStack we are
# upgrading from.
local upgrade_from="$1"
juju-log "$CHARM: Running post-upgrade hook: $upgrade_from -> folsom."
# We only support essex -> folsom, currently.
[[ "$upgrade_from" != "essex" ]] &&
error_out "Unsupported upgrade: $upgrade_from -> folsom"
# This may be dangerous, if we are upgrading a number of units at once
# and they all begin the same migration concurrently. Migrate only from
# the cloud controller(s).
if [[ "$CHARM" == "nova-cloud-controller" ]] ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: Migrating nova database."
/usr/bin/nova-manage db sync
# Trigger a service restart on all other nova nodes.
# Packaging currently takes care of converting the Essex gflags format
# to .ini, but we need to update the api-paste.ini manually. It can be
# updated directly from keystone, via the identity-service relation,
# if it exists. Only services that require keystone credentials will
# have modified api-paste.ini, and only those services will have a .dpkg-dist
# version present.
local r_id=$(relation-ids identity-service)
if [[ -n "$r_id" ]] && [[ -e "$CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini.dpkg-dist" ]] ; then
# Backup the last api config, update the stock packaged version
# with our current Keystone info.
mv $API_CONF $CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini.juju-last
mv $CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini.dpkg-dist $CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini
unit=$(relation-list -r $r_id | head -n1)
# Note, this should never be called from an relation hook, only config-changed.
export JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT=$unit
service_port=$(relation-get -r $r_id service_port)
auth_port=$(relation-get -r $r_id auth_port)
service_username=$(relation-get -r $r_id service_username)
service_password=$(relation-get -r $r_id service_password)
service_tenant=$(relation-get -r $r_id service_tenant)
keystone_host=$(relation-get -r $r_id private-address)
juju-log "$CHARM: Updating new api-paste.ini with keystone data from $unit:$r_id"
set_or_update "service_host" "$keystone_host" "$API_CONF"
set_or_update "service_port" "$service_port" "$API_CONF"
set_or_update "auth_host" "$keystone_host" "$API_CONF"
set_or_update "auth_port" "$auth_port" "$API_CONF"
set_or_update "auth_uri" "http://$keystone_host:$service_port/" "$API_CONF"
set_or_update "admin_tenant_name" "$service_tenant" "$API_CONF"
set_or_update "admin_user" "$service_username" "$API_CONF"
set_or_update "admin_password" "$service_password" "$API_CONF"
# RC3 packaging in cloud archive doesn't have this in postinst. Do it here
sed -e "s,^root_helper=.\+,rootwrap_config=/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf," -i /etc/nova/nova.conf
juju-log "$CHARM: Post-upgrade hook complete: $upgrade_from -> folsom."

hooks/lib/nova/nova-common Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
# Common utility functions used across all nova charms.
# Load the common OpenStack helper library.
if [[ -e $CHARM_DIR/lib/openstack-common ]] ; then
. $CHARM_DIR/lib/openstack-common
juju-log "Couldn't load $CHARM_DIR/lib/opentack-common." && exit 1
set_or_update() {
# Update config flags in nova.conf or api-paste.ini.
# Config layout changed in Folsom, so this is now OpenStack release specific.
local rel=$(get_os_codename_package "nova-common")
. $CHARM_DIR/lib/nova/$rel
nova_set_or_update $@
function set_config_flags() {
# Set user-defined nova.conf flags from deployment config
juju-log "$CHARM: Processing config-flags."
flags=$(config-get config-flags)
if [[ "$flags" != "None" && -n "$flags" ]] ; then
for f in $(echo $flags | sed -e 's/,/ /g') ; do
k=$(echo $f | cut -d= -f1)
v=$(echo $f | cut -d= -f2)
set_or_update "$k" "$v"
configure_volume_service() {
local svc="$1"
case "$svc" in
"cinder") set_or_update "volume_api_class" "nova.volume.cinder.API" ;;
"nova-volume") set_or_update "volume_api_class" "nova.volume.api.API" ;;
*) juju-log "$CHARM ERROR - configure_volume_service: Invalid service $svc"
return 1 ;;
function configure_network_manager {
local manager="$1"
echo "$CHARM: configuring $manager network manager"
case $1 in
set_or_update "network_manager" ""
set_or_update "network_manager" ""
*) echo "ERROR: Invalid network manager $1" && exit 1 ;;
function trigger_remote_service_restarts() {
# Trigger a service restart on all other nova nodes that have a relation
# via the cloud-controller interface.
# possible relations to other nova services.
local relations="cloud-compute nova-volume-service"
for rel in $relations; do
local r_ids=$(relation-ids $rel)
for r_id in $r_ids ; do
juju-log "$CHARM: Triggering a service restart on relation $r_id."
relation-set -r $r_id restart-trigger=$(uuid)
do_openstack_upgrade() {
# update openstack components to those provided by a new installation source
# it is assumed the calling hook has confirmed that the upgrade is sane.
local rel="$1"
local packages=$@
orig_os_rel=$(get_os_codename_package "nova-common")
new_rel=$(get_os_codename_install_source "$rel")
# Backup the config directory.
local stamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%M%S")
tar -pcf /var/lib/juju/$CHARM-backup-$stamp.tar $CONF_DIR
# load the release helper library for pre/post upgrade hooks specific to the
# release we are upgrading to.
. $CHARM_DIR/lib/nova/$new_rel
# new release specific pre-upgrade hook
nova_pre_upgrade "$orig_os_rel"
# Setup apt repository access and kick off the actual package upgrade.
configure_install_source "$rel"
apt-get update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold -y \
install --no-install-recommends $packages
# new release sepcific post-upgrade hook
nova_post_upgrade "$orig_os_rel"

hooks/lib/openstack-common Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
# Common utility functions used across all OpenStack charms.
error_out() {
juju-log "$CHARM ERROR: $@"
exit 1
function service_ctl_status {
# Return 0 if a service is running, 1 otherwise.
local svc="$1"
local status=$(service $svc status | cut -d/ -f1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
case $status in
"start") return 0 ;;
"stop") return 1 ;;
*) error_out "Unexpected status of service $svc: $status" ;;
function service_ctl {
# control a specific service, or all (as defined by $SERVICES)
if [[ $1 == "all" ]] ; then
if [[ -z "$ctl" ]] || [[ -z "$action" ]] ; then
error_out "ERROR service_ctl: Not enough arguments"
for i in $ctl ; do
case $action in
service_ctl_status $i || service $i start ;;
service_ctl_status $i && service $i stop || return 0 ;;
service_ctl_status $i && service $i restart || service $i start ;;
if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: service_ctl ERROR - Service $i failed to $action"
function configure_install_source {
# Setup and configure installation source based on a config flag.
local src="$1"
# Default to installing from the main Ubuntu archive.
[[ $src == "distro" ]] || [[ -z "$src" ]] && return 0
. /etc/lsb-release
# standard 'ppa:someppa/name' format.
if [[ "${src:0:4}" == "ppa:" ]] ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: Configuring installation from custom src ($src)"
add-apt-repository -y "$src" || error_out "Could not configure PPA access."
return 0
# standard 'deb http://url/ubuntu main' entries. gpg key ids must
# be appended to the end of url after a |, ie:
# 'deb http://url/ubuntu main|$GPGKEYID'
if [[ "${src:0:3}" == "deb" ]] ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: Configuring installation from custom src URL ($src)"
if echo "$src" | grep -q "|" ; then
# gpg key id tagged to end of url folloed by a |
url=$(echo $src | cut -d'|' -f1)
key=$(echo $src | cut -d'|' -f2)
if [[ -n "$key" ]] ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: Importing repository key: $key"
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys "$key" || \
juju-log "$CHARM WARN: Could not import key from keyserver: $key"
juju-log "$CHARM No repository key specified"
add-apt-repository -y "$url"
return 0
# Cloud Archive
if [[ "${src:0:6}" == "cloud:" ]] ; then
local archive_key="5EDB1B62EC4926EA"
local rel=$(echo $src | cut -d: -f2)
local u_rel=$(echo $rel | cut -d- -f1)
local ca_rel=$(echo $rel | cut -d- -f2)
[[ "$u_rel" != "$DISTRIB_CODENAME" ]] &&
error_out "Cannot install from Cloud Archive pocket $src " \
"on this Ubuntu version ($DISTRIB_CODENAME)!"
if [[ "$ca_rel" == "folsom/staging" ]] ; then
# cloud archive staging is just a regular PPA.
add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-cloud-archive/folsom-staging
return 0
case "$ca_rel" in
"folsom"|"folsom/updates") pocket="precise-updates/folsom" ;;
"folsom/proposed") pocket="precise-proposed/folsom" ;;
*) error_out "Invalid Cloud Archive repo specified: $src"
entry="deb $pocket main"
echo "$entry" \
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys $archive_key
return 0
error_out "Invalid installation source specified in config: $src"
get_os_codename_install_source() {
# derive the openstack release provided by a supported installation source.
local rel="$1"
local codename="unknown"
. /etc/lsb-release
# map ubuntu releases to the openstack version shipped with it.
if [[ "$rel" == "distro" ]] ; then
"oneiric") codename="diablo" ;;
"precise") codename="essex" ;;
"quantal") codename="folsom" ;;
# derive version from cloud archive strings.
if [[ "${rel:0:6}" == "cloud:" ]] ; then
rel=$(echo $rel | cut -d: -f2)
local u_rel=$(echo $rel | cut -d- -f1)
local ca_rel=$(echo $rel | cut -d- -f2)
if [[ "$u_rel" == "$DISTRIB_CODENAME" ]] ; then
case "$ca_rel" in
codename="folsom" ;;
echo $codename
get_os_codename_package() {
local pkg_vers=$(dpkg -l | grep "$1" | awk '{ print $3 }')
case "${pkg_vers:0:6}" in
"2011.2") echo "diablo" ;;
"2012.1") echo "essex" ;;
"2012.2") echo "folsom" ;;
"2013.1") echo "grizzly" ;;
get_os_version_codename() {
case "$1" in
"diablo") echo "2011.2" ;;
"essex") echo "2012.1" ;;
"folsom") echo "2012.2" ;;
"grizzly") echo "2012.3" ;;

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,101 +1,32 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash -e
SERVICES="nova-compute nova-network nova-api"
NOVA_RELEASE=$(config-get nova-release) CHARM="nova-compute"
PACKAGES="nova-compute nova-api nova-network python-keystone"
SERVICES="nova-compute nova-api nova-network"
NOVA_CONF=$(config-get nova-config) NOVA_CONF=$(config-get nova-config)
RABBIT_USER=$(config-get rabbit-user) API_CONF="/etc/nova/api-paste.ini"
RABBIT_VHOST=$(config-get rabbit-vhost)
DB_USER=$(config-get db-user)
NOVA_DB=$(config-get nova-db)
NETWORK_MANAGER=$(config-get network-manager)
NETWORK_BRIDGE=$(config-get bridge-interface)
BRIDGE_IP=$(config-get bridge-ip)
BRIDGE_NETMASK=$(config-get bridge-netmask)
PPA=$(config-get nova-release)
VIRT_TYPE=$(config-get virt-type)
function set_or_update { if [[ -e $CHARM_DIR/lib/nova/nova-common ]] ; then
# Set a config option in nova.conf or api-paste.ini, depending . $CHARM_DIR/lib/nova/nova-common
# Defaults to updating nova.conf else
local KEY=$1 juju-log "$CHARM: Couldn't load $CHARM_DIR/lib/nova-common" && exit 1
local VALUE=$2 fi
local CONF_FILE=$3
local pattern=""
[[ -z $KEY ]] && juju-log "set_or_update: value $VALUE missing KEY" && exit 1
[[ -z $VALUE ]] && juju-log "set_or_update: key $KEY missing VALUE" && exit 1
case "$CONF_FILE" in determine_compute_package() {
"$NOVA_CONF") match="^$KEY=" # determines the appropriate nova-compute package to install
pattern="$KEY=" # for the configured virt-type.
out=$pattern local virt_type="$1"
;; local compute_pkg=""
"$API_CONF") match="^$KEY = " case $virt_type in
pattern="$match" "kvm") compute_pkg="nova-compute-kvm";;
out="$KEY = " "qemu") compute_pkg="nova-compute-qemu";;
;; "xen") compute_pkg="nova-compute-xen";;
*) juju-log "ERROR: set_or_update: Invalid CONF_FILE ($CONF_FILE)" "uml") compute_pkg="nova-compute-uml";;
"lxc") compute_pkg="nova-compute-lxc";;
*) error_out" ERROR: Unsupported virt_type=$virt_type";;
esac esac
echo "$compute_pkg"
cat $CONF_FILE | grep "$match$VALUE" >/dev/null &&
juju-log "nova-cloud-controller: $KEY=$VALUE already in set in $CONF_FILE" \
&& return 0
if cat $CONF_FILE | grep "$match" >/dev/null ; then
juju-log "nova-cloud-controller: Updating $CONF_FILE, $KEY=$VALUE"
sed -i "s|\($pattern\).*|\1$VALUE|" $CONF_FILE
juju-log "nova-cloud-controller: Setting new option $KEY=$VALUE in $CONF_FILE"
echo "$out$VALUE" >>$CONF_FILE
function set_config_flags() {
# Set user-defined nova.conf flags from deployment config
juju-log "Processing config-flags."
flags=$(config-get config-flags)
if [[ "$flags" != "None" && -n "$flags" ]] ; then
for f in $(echo $flags | sed -e 's/,/ /g') ; do
k=$(echo $f | cut -d= -f1)
v=$(echo $f | cut -d= -f2)
set_or_update "$k" "$v"
function nova_ctl_status {
# workaround upstarts lack of scriptable return codes
STATUS=$(service $SERVICE status | cut -d/ -f1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
case $STATUS in
"start") return 0 ;;
"stop") return 1 ;;
*) echo "ERROR: Unexpected status of service $SERVICE: $STATUS" && exit 1 ;;
function nova_ctl {
if [[ $1 == "all" ]] ; then
if [[ -z $CTL ]] || [[ -z $ACTION ]] ; then
juju-log "ERROR nova_ctl: Not enough arguments"
exit 1
for i in $CTL ; do
case $ACTION in
nova_ctl_status $i || service $i start ;;
nova_ctl_status $i && service $i stop || return 0 ;;
nova_ctl_status $i && service $i restart || service $i start ;;
if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
juju-log "nova_ctl: ERROR - Service $i failed to $ACTION"
} }
function setup_bridge { function setup_bridge {
@ -129,65 +60,27 @@ function configure_network_manager {
# to be expanded later to cover flatDhcp and VLAN # to be expanded later to cover flatDhcp and VLAN
echo "$0: configuring $1 network manager" echo "$0: configuring $1 network manager"
NETWORK_BRIDGE=$(config-get bridge-interface) local network_bridge=$(config-get bridge-interface)
case $1 in case $1 in
"FlatManager") "FlatManager")
setup_bridge $NETWORK_BRIDGE $BRIDGE_IP $BRIDGE_NETMASK local bridge_ip=$(config-get bridge-ip)
local bridge_netmask=$(config-get bridge-netmask)
setup_bridge $network_bridge $bridge_ip $bridge_netmask
set_or_update network_manager set_or_update network_manager
set_or_update flat_network_bridge $NETWORK_BRIDGE set_or_update flat_network_bridge $network_bridge
;; ;;
"FlatDHCPManager") "FlatDHCPManager")
FLAT_INTERFACE=$(config-get flat-interface) local flat_interface=$(config-get flat-interface)
EC2_HOST=$(relation-get ec2_host) local ec2_host=$(relation-get ec2_host)
[[ -z $EC2_HOST ]] && juju-log "nova-compute: Missing EC2_HOST" \ [[ -z $ec2_host ]] && juju-log "nova-compute: Missing ec2_host" \
&& exit 0 && exit 0
set_or_update network_manager set_or_update network_manager
# the interface on which bridge is built # the interface on which bridge is built
set_or_update flat_interface $FLAT_INTERFACE set_or_update flat_interface $flat_interface
# address of API server to forward requests # address of API server to forward requests
set_or_update ec2_dmz_host $EC2_HOST set_or_update ec2_dmz_host $ec2_host
;; ;;
*) echo "ERROR: Invalid network manager $1" && exit 1 ;; *) echo "ERROR: Invalid network manager $1" && exit 1 ;;
esac esac
} }
function add_ppa {
# Install from archive instead of PPA.
[[ $PPA == "distro" ]] && return 0
. /etc/lsb-release
[[ -z $PPA ]] && return 0
# if referenced by name, setup ppa to upstream PPAs
if [[ "$PPA" == "trunk" ]] ||
[[ "$PPA" == "milestone" ]] ||
[[ "$PPA" == "milestone-proposed" ]] ; then
juju-log "nova: Configuring installation from upstream PPA ($PPA)"
add-apt-repository "$PPA_URL" || exit 1
if [[ "${PPA:0:4}" == "ppa:" ]] ; then
juju-log "nova: Configuring installation from custom PPA ($PPA)"
add-apt-repository -y "$PPA" || exit 1
if [[ "${PPA:0:3}" == "deb" ]] ; then
juju-log "nova: Configuring installation from custom PPA URL ($PPA)"
if echo "$PPA" | grep -q "|" ; then
# gpg key id tagged to end of url folloed by a |
url=$(echo $PPA | cut -d'|' -f1)
key=$(echo $PPA | cut -d'|' -f2)
if [[ -n "$key" ]] ; then
juju-log "Importing repository key: $key"
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys "$key" || \
juju-log "WARN: Could not import key from keyserver: $key"
juju-log "No repository key specified"
add-apt-repository -y "$url"
juju-log "nova: No PPA specified. Falling back to installation from Ubuntu archive."

View File

@ -1,99 +1,103 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash -e
FORMULA_DIR=$(dirname $0) CHARM_DIR=$(dirname $0)
ARG0=${0##*/} ARG0=${0##*/}
if [[ -e $FORMULA_DIR/nova-compute-common ]] ; then if [[ -e $CHARM_DIR/nova-compute-common ]] ; then
. $FORMULA_DIR/nova-compute-common . $CHARM_DIR/nova-compute-common
else else
echo "ERROR: Could not load nova-compute-common from $FORMULA_DIR" juju-log "ERROR: Could not load nova-compute-common from $CHARM_DIR"
fi fi
function install_hook { function install_hook {
[[ -z $VIRT_TYPE ]] && VIRT_TYPE="kvm" local virt_type=$(config-get virt-type)
case $VIRT_TYPE in local compute_pkg=$(determine_compute_package "$virt_type")
"kvm") COMPUTE_PKG="nova-compute-kvm";;
"qemu") COMPUTE_PKG="nova-compute-qemu";;
"xen") COMPUTE_PKG="nova-compute-xen";;
"uml") COMPUTE_PKG="nova-compute-uml";;
"lxc") COMPUTE_PKG="nova-compute-lxc";;
*) juju-log "ERROR: Unsupported VIRT_TYPE=$VIRT_TYPE";;
apt-get -y install python-software-properties || exit 1 apt-get -y install python-software-properties || exit 1
add_ppa configure_install_source $(config-get openstack-origin)
apt-get update || exit 1 apt-get update || exit 1
apt-get -y install $COMPUTE_PKG nova-api nova-network || exit 1 apt-get -y install $compute_pkg $PACKAGES || exit 1
service_ctl all stop
# Configure any flags specified in deployment config set_or_update "auth_strategy" "keystone"
nova_ctl all stop
} }
function config_changed { function config_changed() {
# Determine whether or not we should do an upgrade, based on whether or not
# the version offered in openstack-origin is greater than what is installed.
local install_src=$(config-get openstack-origin)
local cur=$(get_os_codename_package "nova-common")
local available=$(get_os_codename_install_source "$install_src")
if dpkg --compare-versions $(get_os_version_codename "$cur") lt \
$(get_os_version_codename "$available") ; then
juju-log "$CHARM: Upgrading OpenStack release: $cur -> $available."
do_openstack_upgrade "$install_src" $PACKAGES
set_config_flags set_config_flags
nova_ctl all restart service_ctl all restart
} }
function amqp_joined { function amqp_joined {
juju-log "amqp_joined: requesting credentials for $RABBIT_USER" # we request a username on the rabbit queue
echo "amqp_joined: requesting credentials for $RABBIT_USER" # and store it in nova.conf. our response is its IP + PASSWD
relation-set username=$RABBIT_USER # but we configure that in _changed
relation-set vhost=$RABBIT_VHOST local rabbit_user=$(config-get rabbit-user)
local rabbit_vhost=$(config-get rabbit-vhost)
juju-log "$CHARM - amqp_joined: requesting credentials for $rabbit_user"
relation-set username=$rabbit_user
relation-set vhost=$rabbit_vhost
} }
function amqp_changed { function amqp_changed {
RABBIT_HOST=`relation-get private-address` # server creates our credentials and tells us where
RABBIT_PASSWORD=`relation-get password` # to connect. for now, using default vhost '/'
if [[ -z $RABBIT_HOST ]] || [[ -z $RABBIT_PASSWORD ]] ; then local rabbit_host=$(relation-get private-address)
echo "amqp_changed: RABBIT_HOST||RABBIT_PASSWORD not set. Peer not ready? Exit 0 and retry" local rabbit_password=$(relation-get password)
if [[ -z $rabbit_host ]] || \
[[ -z $rabbit_password ]] ; then
juju-log "$CHARM - amqp_changed: rabbit_host||rabbit_password not set."
exit 0 exit 0
fi fi
echo "amqp_changed: Setting rabbit config in nova.conf: $RABBIT_HOST $RABBIT_USER $RABBIT_PASSWORD"
set_or_update rabbit_host $RABBIT_HOST local rabbit_user=$(config-get rabbit-user)
set_or_update rabbit_userid $RABBIT_USER local rabbit_vhost=$(config-get rabbit-vhost)
set_or_update rabbit_password $RABBIT_PASSWORD juju-log "$CHARM - amqp_changed: Setting rabbit config in nova.conf: " \
set_or_update rabbit_virtual_host $RABBIT_VHOST "$rabbit_user@$rabbit_host/$rabbit_vhost"
nova_ctl all restart set_or_update rabbit_host $rabbit_host
set_or_update rabbit_userid $rabbit_user
set_or_update rabbit_password $rabbit_password
set_or_update rabbit_virtual_host $rabbit_vhost
service_ctl all restart
} }
function db_joined { function db_joined {
# tell mysql provider which database we want. it will create it and give us # tell mysql provider which database we want. it will create it and give us
# credentials # credentials
juju-log "db_joined: requesting database access to $NOVA_DB for $DB_USER@`unit-get private-address`" local nova_db=$(config-get nova-db)
relation-set database=$NOVA_DB local db_user=$(config-get db-user)
relation-set username=$DB_USER local hostname=$(unit-get private-address)
relation-set hostname=`unit-get private-address` juju-log "$CHARM - db_joined: requesting database access to $nova_db for "\
relation-set database=$nova_db username=$db_user hostname=$hostname
} }
function db_changed { function db_changed {
DB_HOST=`relation-get private-address` local db_host=`relation-get private-address`
DB_PASSWORD=`relation-get password` local db_password=`relation-get password`
if [[ -z $DB_HOST ]] || [[ -z $DB_PASSWORD ]] ; then
echo "db_changed: DB_HOST || DB_PASSWORD not yet set. Exit 0 and retry"
exit 0
echo "db_changed: Configuring nova.conf for access to $NOVA_DB"
set_or_update sql_connection "mysql://$DB_USER:$DB_PASSWORD@$DB_HOST/$NOVA_DB"
nova_ctl all restart
# this works around lp #855971 until (ideally) we can add some functionality
# to nova/nova-manage to do this for us. reserve the IP of this host in the dhcp
# pool and assign it to this host
#DEFAULT_ETH=$(ip route | grep default | awk '{ print $5 }')
#IP=$(ifconfig $DEFAULT_ETH | grep 'inet addr' | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d: -f2)
#apt-get -y install mysql-client
#mysql -u $DB_USER -h $DB_HOST -p$DB_PASSWORD -e \
# "UPDATE fixed_ips SET reserved='1', host='$(hostname)' \
# WHERE address='$IP'" $NOVA_DB
function nova-network_changed { if [[ -z $db_host ]] || [[ -z $db_password ]] ; then
MANAGER=`relation-get network_manager` juju-log "$CHARM - db_changed: db_host||db_password set, will retry."
if [[ -z $MANAGER ]] ; then
echo "nova-network_changed: MANAGER not yet set. Exit 0 and retry"
exit 0 exit 0
fi fi
configure_network_manager $MANAGER
nova_ctl all restart local nova_db=$(config-get nova-db)
local db_user=$(config-get db-user)
juju-log "$CHARM - db_changed: Configuring nova.conf for access to $nova_db"
set_or_update sql_connection "mysql://$db_user:$db_password@$db_host/$nova_db"
service_ctl all restart
} }
function image-service_changed { function image-service_changed {
@ -103,20 +107,20 @@ function image-service_changed {
exit 0 exit 0
fi fi
set_or_update glance_api_servers $GLANCE_API_SERVER set_or_update glance_api_servers $GLANCE_API_SERVER
nova_ctl all restart service_ctl all restart
} }
function keystone_joined { function compute_changed {
# service=None lets keystone know we don't need anything entered # nova-c-c will inform us of the configured network manager. nova-compute
# into the service catalog. This hook exists to workaround lack # needs to configure itself accordingly.
# of features explained here: network_manager=`relation-get network_manager`
# if [[ -n "$network_manager" ]] ; then
# Once landed, this type of reconfiguration should happen in a hook configure_network_manager "$network_manager"
# triggered by nova-cloud-controller's keystone relation. fi
apt-get -y install python-keystone
relation-set service="None" region="None" public_url="None" \ # restart on all changed events. nova-c-c may send out a uuid to trigger
admin_url="None" internal_url="None" # remote restarts of services here (after db migrations, for instance)
set_or_update "auth_strategy" "keystone" service_ctl all restart
} }
function ceph_joined { function ceph_joined {
@ -181,14 +185,12 @@ case $ARG0 in
"amqp-relation-changed") amqp_changed ;; "amqp-relation-changed") amqp_changed ;;
"shared-db-relation-joined") db_joined ;; "shared-db-relation-joined") db_joined ;;
"shared-db-relation-changed") db_changed ;; "shared-db-relation-changed") db_changed ;;
"network-manager-relation-joined") exit 0 ;;
"network-manager-relation-changed") nova-network_changed ;;
"image-service-relation-joined") exit 0 ;; "image-service-relation-joined") exit 0 ;;
"image-service-relation-changed") image-service_changed ;; "image-service-relation-changed") image-service_changed ;;
"identity-service-relation-joined") keystone_joined ;; "identity-service-relation-joined") keystone_joined ;;
"identity-service-relation-changed") exit 0 ;; "identity-service-relation-changed") exit 0 ;;
"ceph-relation-joined") ceph_joined;; "ceph-relation-joined") ceph_joined;;
"ceph-relation-changed") ceph_changed;; "ceph-relation-changed") ceph_changed;;
"cloud-compute-relation-joined" ) exit 0 ;;
"cloud-compute-relation-changed") compute_changed ;;
esac esac

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
ensemble: formula
name: nova-compute name: nova-compute
summary: "OpenStack compute" summary: "OpenStack compute"
maintainer: Adam Gandelman <> maintainer: Adam Gandelman <>
@ -14,11 +13,7 @@ requires:
interface: mysql-shared interface: mysql-shared
amqp: amqp:
interface: rabbitmq interface: rabbitmq
interface: keystone
image-service: image-service:
interface: glance interface: glance
interface: nova-network
ceph: ceph:
interface: ceph-client interface: ceph-client

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
54 72