.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ======================================== Add user_id attribute to backup response ======================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/add-user-id-attribute-to-backup-response This blueprint proposes to add ``user_id`` attribute to the response body of list backup with detail and show backup detail APIs. Problem description =================== Currently, there is a ``user_id`` field in the ``backups`` table. These fields are very useful for admin to manage the backup file, but this is not returned in response body. So it is difficult to manage the resources under the project. If there are multiple users under one project, it is impossible to distinguish which user the backup file belongs to. Use Cases ========= In large scale environment, lots of backups resources were created in system, that we can only see the project to which the backup file belongs, but we cannot know to which user the backup belongs. Administrators would like the ability to identify the users that have created backups. Proposed change =============== This spec proposes to add ``user_id`` attribute to the response body of list backup with detail and show backup detail APIs. Add a new microverion API to add ``user_id`` attribute to the response body of list backup with detail and show backup detail APIs: - List backups with detail GET /v3/{project_id}/backups/detail - Show backup detail GET /v3/{project_id}/backups/{backup_id} Alternatives ------------ The admin/user could get ``user_id`` from the context as a log print, but it's difficult to find it out easily, especially when the user wants to find a very old backup file. REST API impact --------------- Add a new microversion in Cinder API. List backups with detail:: GET /v3/{project_id}/backups/detail Response BODY: { "backups": [{ ... "user_id": "515ba0dd59f84f25a6a084a45d8d93b2" }] } Show backup detail:: GET /v3/{project_id}/backups/{backup_id} Response BODY: { "backups": [{ ... "user_id": "515ba0dd59f84f25a6a084a45d8d93b2" }] } Calling this method shows a ``user_id`` for volume backup. It is intended for admins to use, which is used to display the user to which the backup file belongs, and controlled by ``BACKUP_ATTRIBUTES_POLICY``. Data model impact ----------------- None Security impact --------------- None Notifications impact -------------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- None Performance Impact ------------------ None Other deployer impact --------------------- None Developer impact ---------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: Brin Zhang Work Items ---------- * Add a new microversion. * Add ``user_id`` to the response body of list backup with detail and show backup detail APIs. * Add the related unit tests. * Update related list backup with detail and show detail api doc. Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= * Unit-tests, tempest and other related test should be implemented Documentation Impact ==================== None References ========== None