.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ========================================== Datera Driver ========================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/datera-driver Datera storage driver in Cinder. Problem description =================== Integration for Datera storage is not available in OpenStack. Use Cases ========= Proposed change =============== Add a Cinder driver that can allow OpenStack services communicate with Datera storage for both vHost and ISCSI. Alternatives ------------ n/a Data model impact ----------------- n/a REST API impact --------------- n/a Security impact --------------- n/a Notifications impact -------------------- n/a Other end user impact --------------------- n/a Performance Impact ------------------ n/a Other deployer impact --------------------- The deployer needs to set the cinder.conf to the right `volume_driver`. volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.datera.DateraDriver ISCSI would require setting up `san_ip`, `san_login` and `san_password` appropriately. vHost would have dependencies on using Linux-IO with the vHost fabric module. The target_helper in the cinder.conf needs to be set to lio_vhost. Developer impact ---------------- n/a Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: thingee Work Items ---------- * Write driver with ISCSI support. * Write unit tests for ISCSI support. * Provide cert tests with ISCSI support. * Write driver with vhost support. * Write unit tests for vhost support. * Provide cert tests with vhost support. * Provide CI with ISCSI and/or vhost support. Dependencies ============ * Need vHost connector [1]. Testing ======= * Unit tests * CI testing Documentation Impact ==================== n/a References ========== [1] - https://review.openstack.org/103048