====== Limits ====== All accounts, by default, have a preconfigured set of thresholds (or limits) to manage capacity and prevent abuse of the system. The system recognizes two kinds of limits: *rate limits* and *absolute limits*. Rate limits are thresholds that are reset after a certain amount of time passes. Absolute limits are fixed. Rate limits ~~~~~~~~~~~ Rate limits are specified in terms of both a human-readable wild-card URI and a machine-processable regular expression. The regular expression boundary matcher '^' takes effect after the root URI path. For example, the regular expression ^/v1.0/instances would match the bolded portion of the following URI: https://dfw.blockstorage.api.openstackcloud.com\ **/v1.0/instances**. The following table specifies the default rate limits for all API operations for all **GET**, **POST**, **PUT**, and **DELETE** calls for volumes: **Table 2.2. Default rate limits** Verb URI RegEx Default **GET** changes-since \*/instances/\* ^/v\\d+\\.\\d+/\\d+/instances.\* 3/minute **POST** \*/instances/\* ^/v\\d+\\.\\d+/\\d+/instances.\* 10/minute **POST** instances \*/instances/\* ^/v\\d+\\.\\d+/\\d+/instances.\* 50/day **PUT** \*/instances/\* ^/v\\d+\\.\\d+/\\d+/instances.\* 10/minute **DELETE** \*/instances/\* ^/v\\d+\\.\\d+/\\d+/instances.\* 100/minute | Rate limits are applied in order relative to the verb, going from least to most specific. For example, although the threshold for **POST** to /v1.0/\* is 10 per minute, one cannot **POST** to /v1.0/\* more than 50 times within a single day. If you exceed the thresholds established for your account, a 413 (Rate Control) HTTP response will be returned with a ``Retry-After`` header to notify the client when it can attempt to try again. Absolute limits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following table shows the absolute limits: **Table 2.3. Absolute limits** Name Description Limit Block Storage Maximum amount of block storage 1 TB |