#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ascii -*- # # Copyright 2006 - 2013 # Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ =============== Build targets =============== Build targets. """ __author__ = "Andr\xe9 Malo" __author__ = getattr(__author__, 'decode', lambda x: __author__)('latin-1') __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" import errno as _errno import os as _os import re as _re import sys as _sys from _setup import dist from _setup import shell from _setup import make from _setup import term from _setup.make import targets, default_targets class Target(make.Target): def init(self): self.dirs = { 'lib': '.', 'docs': 'docs', 'apidoc': 'docs/apidoc', 'userdoc': 'docs/userdoc', 'userdoc_source': 'docs/_userdoc', 'userdoc_build': 'docs/_userdoc/_build', 'website': 'dist/website', '_website': '_website', # source dir 'dist': 'dist', 'build': 'build', 'bench': 'bench', 'ebuild': '_pkg/ebuilds', } libpath = shell.native(self.dirs['lib']) if libpath != _sys.path[0]: while libpath in _sys.path: _sys.path.remove(libpath) _sys.path.insert(0, libpath) self.ebuild_files = { 'rjsmin.ebuild.in': 'rjsmin-%(VERSION)s.ebuild', } Manifest = targets.Manifest class Distribution(targets.Distribution): def init(self): self._dist = 'dist' self._ebuilds = '_pkg/ebuilds' self._changes = 'docs/CHANGES' class MakefileTarget(default_targets.MakefileTarget): def extend(self, names): names.append('jsmin') return '\n\n'.join([ 'jsmin: bench/jsmin', 'bench/jsmin: bench/jsmin.c\n\tgcc -o bench/jsmin bench/jsmin.c', ]) class Benchmark(Target): """ Benchmark """ NAME = "bench" DEPS = ["compile-quiet"] python = None def run(self): files = list(shell.files(self.dirs['bench'], '*.js')) if self.python is None: python = _sys.executable else: python = shell.frompath(self.python) return not shell.spawn(*[ python, '-mbench.main', '-c10', ] + files) def clean(self, scm, dist): term.green("Removing bytecode files...") for filename in shell.dirs('.', '__pycache__'): shell.rm_rf(filename) for filename in shell.files('.', '*.py[co]'): shell.rm(filename) for filename in shell.files('.', '*$py.class'): shell.rm(filename) shell.rm(shell.native('bench/jsmin')) class Check(Target): """ Check the python code """ NAME = "check" DEPS = ["compile-quiet"] def run(self): from _setup.dev import analysis term.green('Linting rjsmin sources...') res = analysis.pylint('_pkg/pylint.conf', 'rjsmin') if res == 2: make.warn('pylint not found', self.NAME) class Compile(Target): """ Compile the python code """ NAME = "compile" #DEPS = None def run(self): import setup _old_argv = _sys.argv try: _sys.argv = ['setup.py', '-q', 'build'] if not self.HIDDEN: _sys.argv.remove('-q') setup.setup() if 'java' not in _sys.platform.lower(): _sys.argv = [ 'setup.py', '-q', 'install_lib', '--install-dir', shell.native(self.dirs['lib']), '--optimize', '2', ] if not self.HIDDEN: _sys.argv.remove('-q') setup.setup() finally: _sys.argv = _old_argv self.compile('rjsmin.py') term.write("%(ERASE)s") term.green("All files successfully compiled.") def compile(self, name): path = shell.native(name) term.write("%(ERASE)s%(BOLD)s>>> Compiling %(name)s...%(NORMAL)s", name=name) from distutils import util try: from distutils import log except ImportError: util.byte_compile([path], verbose=0, force=True) else: log.set_verbosity(0) util.byte_compile([path], force=True) def clean(self, scm, dist): term.green("Removing python byte code...") for name in shell.dirs('.', '__pycache__'): shell.rm_rf(name) for name in shell.files('.', '*.py[co]'): shell.rm(name) term.green("Removing c extensions...") for name in shell.files('.', '*.so'): shell.rm(name) for name in shell.files('.', '*.pyd'): shell.rm(name) shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['build']) class CompileQuiet(Compile): NAME = "compile-quiet" HIDDEN = True def clean(self, scm, dist): pass class Doc(Target): """ Build the docs (api + user) """ NAME = "doc" DEPS = ['apidoc', 'userdoc'] class ApiDoc(Target): """ Build the API docs """ NAME = "apidoc" def run(self): from _setup.dev import apidoc apidoc.epydoc( prepend=[ shell.native(self.dirs['lib']), ], ) def clean(self, scm, dist): if scm: term.green("Removing apidocs...") shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['apidoc']) class UserDoc(Target): """ Build the user docs """ NAME = "userdoc" #DEPS = None def run(self): from _setup.dev import userdoc userdoc.sphinx( build=shell.native(self.dirs['userdoc_build']), source=shell.native(self.dirs['userdoc_source']), target=shell.native(self.dirs['userdoc']), ) def clean(self, scm, dist): if scm: term.green("Removing userdocs...") shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['userdoc']) shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['userdoc_build']) class Website(Target): """ Build the website """ NAME = "website" DEPS = ["apidoc"] def run(self): from _setup.util import SafeConfigParser as parser parser = parser() parser.read('package.cfg') strversion = parser.get('package', 'version.number') shortversion = tuple(map(int, strversion.split('.')[:2])) shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['_website']) shell.cp_r( self.dirs['userdoc_source'], _os.path.join(self.dirs['_website'], 'src') ) shell.rm_rf(_os.path.join(self.dirs['_website'], 'build')) shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['website']) _os.makedirs(self.dirs['website']) filename = _os.path.join( self.dirs['_website'], 'src', 'website_download.txt' ) fp = open(filename) try: download = fp.read() finally: fp.close() filename = _os.path.join(self.dirs['_website'], 'src', 'index.txt') fp = open(filename) try: indexlines = fp.readlines() finally: fp.close() fp = open(filename, 'w') try: for line in indexlines: if line.startswith('.. placeholder: Download'): line = download fp.write(line) finally: fp.close() shell.cp_r( self.dirs['apidoc'], _os.path.join(self.dirs['website'], 'doc-%d.%d' % shortversion) ) shell.cp_r( self.dirs['apidoc'], _os.path.join( self.dirs['_website'], 'src', 'doc-%d.%d' % shortversion ) ) fp = open(_os.path.join( self.dirs['_website'], 'src', 'conf.py' ), 'a') try: fp.write("\nepydoc = dict(rjsmin=%r)\n" % ( _os.path.join( shell.native(self.dirs['_website']), "src", "doc-%d.%d" % shortversion, ), )) fp.write("\nexclude_trees.append(%r)\n" % "doc-%d.%d" % shortversion ) finally: fp.close() from _setup.dev import userdoc userdoc.sphinx( build=shell.native(_os.path.join(self.dirs['_website'], 'build')), source=shell.native(_os.path.join(self.dirs['_website'], 'src')), target=shell.native(self.dirs['website']), ) shell.rm(_os.path.join(self.dirs['website'], '.buildinfo')) def clean(self, scm, dist): if scm: term.green("Removing website...") shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['website']) shell.rm_rf(self.dirs['_website']) class PreCheck(Target): """ Run clean, doc, check """ NAME = "precheck" DEPS = ["clean", "doc", "check"] class SVNRelease(Target): """ Release current version """ #NAME = "release" DEPS = None def run(self): self._check_committed() self._update_versions() self._tag_release() self.runner('dist', seen={}) def _tag_release(self): """ Tag release """ from _setup.util import SafeConfigParser as parser parser = parser() parser.read('package.cfg') strversion = parser.get('package', 'version.number') version = strversion trunk_url = self._repo_url() if not trunk_url.endswith('/trunk'): rex = _re.compile(r'/branches/\d+(?:\.\d+)*\.[xX]$').search match = rex(trunk_url) if not match: make.fail("Not in trunk or release branch!") found = match.start(0) else: found = -len('/trunk') release_url = trunk_url[:found] + '/releases/' + version svn = shell.frompath('svn') shell.spawn( svn, 'copy', '-m', 'Release version ' + version, '--', trunk_url, release_url, echo=True, ) def _update_versions(self): """ Update versions """ self.runner('version', seen={}) svn = shell.frompath('svn') shell.spawn(svn, 'commit', '-m', 'Pre-release: version update', echo=True ) def _repo_url(self): """ Determine URL """ from xml.dom import minidom svn = shell.frompath('svn') info = minidom.parseString( shell.spawn(svn, 'info', '--xml', stdout=True) ) try: url = info.getElementsByTagName('url')[0] text = [] for node in url.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: text.append(node.data) finally: info.unlink() return ''.join(text).encode('utf-8') def _check_committed(self): """ Check if everything is committed """ if not self._repo_url().endswith('/trunk'): rex = _re.compile(r'/branches/\d+(?:\.\d+)*\.[xX]$').search match = rex(self._repo_url()) if not match: make.fail("Not in trunk or release branch!") svn = shell.frompath('svn') lines = shell.spawn(svn, 'stat', '--ignore-externals', stdout=True, env=dict(_os.environ, LC_ALL='C'), ).splitlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith('X'): continue make.fail("Uncommitted changes!") class GitRelease(Target): """ Release current version """ #NAME = "release" DEPS = None def run(self): self._check_committed() self._update_versions() self._tag_release() self.runner('dist', seen={}) def _tag_release(self): """ Tag release """ from _setup.util import SafeConfigParser as parser parser = parser() parser.read('package.cfg') strversion = parser.get('package', 'version.number') version = strversion git = shell.frompath('git') shell.spawn( git, 'tag', '-a', '-m', 'Release version ' + version, '--', version, echo=True, ) def _update_versions(self): """ Update versions """ self.runner('version', seen={}) git = shell.frompath('git') shell.spawn(git, 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Pre-release: version update', echo=True ) def _check_committed(self): """ Check if everything is committed """ git = shell.frompath('git') lines = shell.spawn(git, 'branch', '--color=never', stdout=True, env=dict(_os.environ, LC_ALL='C') ).splitlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith('*'): branch = line.split(None, 1)[1] break else: make.fail("Could not determine current branch.") if branch != 'master': rex = _re.compile(r'^\d+(?:\.\d+)*\.[xX]$').match match = rex(branch) if not match: make.fail("Not in master or release branch.") lines = shell.spawn(git, 'status', '--porcelain', stdout=True, env=dict(_os.environ, LC_ALL='C'), ) if lines: make.fail("Uncommitted changes!") class Release(GitRelease): NAME = "release" #DEPS = None class Version(Target): """ Insert the program version into all relevant files """ NAME = "version" #DEPS = None def run(self): from _setup.util import SafeConfigParser as parser parser = parser() parser.read('package.cfg') strversion = parser.get('package', 'version.number') self._version_init(strversion) self._version_userdoc(strversion) self._version_download(strversion) self._version_changes(strversion) parm = {'VERSION': strversion} for src, dest in self.ebuild_files.items(): src = "%s/%s" % (self.dirs['ebuild'], src) dest = "%s/%s" % (self.dirs['ebuild'], dest % parm) term.green("Creating %(name)s...", name=dest) shell.cp(src, dest) def _version_init(self, strversion): """ Modify version in __init__ """ filename = _os.path.join(self.dirs['lib'], 'rjsmin.py') fp = open(filename) try: initlines = fp.readlines() finally: fp.close() fp = open(filename, 'w') replaced = False try: for line in initlines: if line.startswith('__version__'): line = '__version__ = %r\n' % (strversion,) replaced = True fp.write(line) finally: fp.close() assert replaced, "__version__ not found in rjsmin.py" def _version_changes(self, strversion): """ Modify version in changes """ filename = _os.path.join(shell.native(self.dirs['docs']), 'CHANGES') fp = open(filename) try: initlines = fp.readlines() finally: fp.close() fp = open(filename, 'w') try: for line in initlines: if line.rstrip() == "Changes with version": line = "%s %s\n" % (line.rstrip(), strversion) fp.write(line) finally: fp.close() def _version_userdoc(self, strversion): """ Modify version in userdoc """ filename = _os.path.join(self.dirs['userdoc_source'], 'conf.py') shortversion = '.'.join(strversion.split('.')[:2]) longversion = strversion fp = open(filename) try: initlines = fp.readlines() finally: fp.close() replaced = 0 fp = open(filename, 'w') try: for line in initlines: if line.startswith('version'): line = 'version = %r\n' % shortversion replaced |= 1 elif line.startswith('release'): line = 'release = %r\n' % longversion replaced |= 2 fp.write(line) finally: fp.close() assert replaced & 3 != 0, "version/release not found in conf.py" def _version_download(self, strversion): """ Modify version in website download docs """ filename = _os.path.join( self.dirs['userdoc_source'], 'website_download.txt' ) VERSION, PATH = strversion, '' fp = open(filename + '.in') try: dllines = fp.readlines() finally: fp.close() instable = [] fp = open(filename, 'w') try: for line in dllines: if instable: instable.append(line) if line.startswith('.. end stable'): res = (''.join(instable) .replace('@@VERSION@@', strversion) .replace('@@PATH@@', '') ) fp.write(res) instable = [] elif line.startswith('.. begin stable'): instable.append(line) else: fp.write(line .replace('@@VERSION@@', VERSION) .replace('@@PATH@@', PATH) ) finally: fp.close() def clean(self, scm, dist): """ Clean versioned files """ if scm: term.green("Removing generated ebuild files") for name in shell.files(self.dirs['ebuild'], '*.ebuild'): shell.rm(name) make.main(name=__name__)