#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ascii -*- r""" ===================== Javascript Minifier ===================== rJSmin is a javascript minifier written in python. The minifier is based on the semantics of `jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford`_\\. :Copyright: Copyright 2011 - 2014 Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable :License: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. The module is a re-implementation aiming for speed, so it can be used at runtime (rather than during a preprocessing step). Usually it produces the same results as the original ``jsmin.c``. It differs in the following ways: - there is no error detection: unterminated string, regex and comment literals are treated as regular javascript code and minified as such. - Control characters inside string and regex literals are left untouched; they are not converted to spaces (nor to \\n) - Newline characters are not allowed inside string and regex literals, except for line continuations in string literals (ECMA-5). - "return /regex/" is recognized correctly. - "+ +" and "- -" sequences are not collapsed to '++' or '--' - Newlines before ! operators are removed more sensibly - Comments starting with an exclamation mark (``!``) can be kept optionally - rJSmin does not handle streams, but only complete strings. (However, the module provides a "streamy" interface). Since most parts of the logic are handled by the regex engine it's way faster than the original python port of ``jsmin.c`` by Baruch Even. The speed factor varies between about 6 and 55 depending on input and python version (it gets faster the more compressed the input already is). Compared to the speed-refactored python port by Dave St.Germain the performance gain is less dramatic but still between 1.2 and 7. See the docs/BENCHMARKS file for details. rjsmin.c is a reimplementation of rjsmin.py in C and speeds it up even more. Both python 2 and python 3 are supported. .. _jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.c """ if __doc__: # pylint: disable = W0622 __doc__ = __doc__.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') __author__ = r"Andr\xe9 Malo".encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" __version__ = '1.0.8' __all__ = ['jsmin'] import re as _re def _make_jsmin(python_only=False): """ Generate JS minifier based on `jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford`_ .. _jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.c :Parameters: `python_only` : ``bool`` Use only the python variant. If true, the c extension is not even tried to be loaded. :Return: Minifier :Rtype: ``callable`` """ # pylint: disable = R0912, R0914, W0612 if not python_only: try: import _rjsmin except ImportError: pass else: return _rjsmin.jsmin try: xrange except NameError: xrange = range # pylint: disable = W0622 space_chars = r'[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]' line_comment = r'(?://[^\r\n]*)' space_comment = r'(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)' space_comment_nobang = r'(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)' bang_comment = r'(?:/\*![^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)' string1 = \ r'(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]|\r?\n|\r)[^\047\\\r\n]*)*\047)' string2 = r'(?:"[^"\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]|\r?\n|\r)[^"\\\r\n]*)*")' strings = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (string1, string2) charclass = r'(?:\[[^\\\]\r\n]*(?:\\[^\r\n][^\\\]\r\n]*)*\])' nospecial = r'[^/\\\[\r\n]' regex = r'(?:/(?![\r\n/*])%s*(?:(?:\\[^\r\n]|%s)%s*)*/)' % ( nospecial, charclass, nospecial ) space = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (space_chars, space_comment) space_nobang = r'(?:%s|%s)' % (space_chars, space_comment_nobang) newline = r'(?:%s?[\r\n])' % line_comment def fix_charclass(result): """ Fixup string of chars to fit into a regex char class """ pos = result.find('-') if pos >= 0: result = r'%s%s-' % (result[:pos], result[pos + 1:]) def sequentize(string): """ Notate consecutive characters as sequence (1-4 instead of 1234) """ first, last, result = None, None, [] for char in map(ord, string): if last is None: first = last = char elif last + 1 == char: last = char else: result.append((first, last)) first = last = char if last is not None: result.append((first, last)) return ''.join(['%s%s%s' % ( chr(first), last > first + 1 and '-' or '', last != first and chr(last) or '' ) for first, last in result]) return _re.sub(r'([\000-\040\047])', # for better portability lambda m: '\\%03o' % ord(m.group(1)), (sequentize(result) .replace('\\', '\\\\') .replace('[', '\\[') .replace(']', '\\]') ) ) def id_literal_(what): """ Make id_literal like char class """ match = _re.compile(what).match result = ''.join([ chr(c) for c in xrange(127) if not match(chr(c)) ]) return '[^%s]' % fix_charclass(result) def not_id_literal_(keep): """ Make negated id_literal like char class """ match = _re.compile(id_literal_(keep)).match result = ''.join([ chr(c) for c in xrange(127) if not match(chr(c)) ]) return r'[%s]' % fix_charclass(result) not_id_literal = not_id_literal_(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_$]') preregex1 = r'[(,=:\[!&|?{};\r\n]' preregex2 = r'%(not_id_literal)sreturn' % locals() id_literal = id_literal_(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_$]') id_literal_open = id_literal_(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_${\[(!+-]') id_literal_close = id_literal_(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_$}\])"\047+-]') dull = r'[^\047"/\000-\040]' space_sub_simple = _re.compile(( r'(%(dull)s+)' r'|(%(strings)s%(dull)s*)' r'|(?<=%(preregex1)s)' r'%(space)s*(?:%(newline)s%(space)s*)*' r'(%(regex)s%(dull)s*)' r'|(?<=%(preregex2)s)' r'%(space)s*(?:%(newline)s%(space)s)*' r'(%(regex)s%(dull)s*)' r'|(?<=%(id_literal_close)s)' r'%(space)s*(?:(%(newline)s)%(space)s*)+' r'(?=%(id_literal_open)s)' r'|(?<=%(id_literal)s)(%(space)s)+(?=%(id_literal)s)' r'|(?<=\+)(%(space)s)+(?=\+)' r'|(?<=-)(%(space)s)+(?=-)' r'|%(space)s+' r'|(?:%(newline)s%(space)s*)+' ) % locals()).sub #print space_sub_simple.__self__.pattern def space_subber_simple(match): """ Substitution callback """ # pylint: disable = C0321, R0911 groups = match.groups() if groups[0]: return groups[0] elif groups[1]: return groups[1] elif groups[2]: return groups[2] elif groups[3]: return groups[3] elif groups[4]: return '\n' elif groups[5] or groups[6] or groups[7]: return ' ' else: return '' space_sub_banged = _re.compile(( r'(%(dull)s+)' r'|(%(strings)s%(dull)s*)' r'|(%(bang_comment)s%(dull)s*)' r'|(?<=%(preregex1)s)' r'%(space)s*(?:%(newline)s%(space)s*)*' r'(%(regex)s%(dull)s*)' r'|(?<=%(preregex2)s)' r'%(space)s*(?:%(newline)s%(space)s)*' r'(%(regex)s%(dull)s*)' r'|(?<=%(id_literal_close)s)' r'%(space)s*(?:(%(newline)s)%(space)s*)+' r'(?=%(id_literal_open)s)' r'|(?<=%(id_literal)s)(%(space)s)+(?=%(id_literal)s)' r'|(?<=\+)(%(space)s)+(?=\+)' r'|(?<=-)(%(space)s)+(?=-)' r'|%(space)s+' r'|(?:%(newline)s%(space)s*)+' ) % dict(locals(), space=space_nobang)).sub #print space_sub_banged.__self__.pattern def space_subber_banged(match): """ Substitution callback """ # pylint: disable = C0321, R0911 groups = match.groups() if groups[0]: return groups[0] elif groups[1]: return groups[1] elif groups[2]: return groups[2] elif groups[3]: return groups[3] elif groups[4]: return groups[4] elif groups[5]: return '\n' elif groups[6] or groups[7] or groups[8]: return ' ' else: return '' def jsmin(script, keep_bang_comments=False): # pylint: disable = W0621 r""" Minify javascript based on `jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford`_\. Instead of parsing the stream char by char, it uses a regular expression approach which minifies the whole script with one big substitution regex. .. _jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.c :Parameters: `script` : ``str`` Script to minify `keep_bang_comments` : ``bool`` Keep comments starting with an exclamation mark? (``/*!...*/``) :Return: Minified script :Rtype: ``str`` """ if keep_bang_comments: return space_sub_banged( space_subber_banged, '\n%s\n' % script ).strip() else: return space_sub_simple( space_subber_simple, '\n%s\n' % script ).strip() return jsmin jsmin = _make_jsmin() def jsmin_for_posers(script, keep_bang_comments=False): r""" Minify javascript based on `jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford`_\. Instead of parsing the stream char by char, it uses a regular expression approach which minifies the whole script with one big substitution regex. .. _jsmin.c by Douglas Crockford: http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.c :Warning: This function is the digest of a _make_jsmin() call. It just utilizes the resulting regexes. It's here for fun and may vanish any time. Use the `jsmin` function instead. :Parameters: `script` : ``str`` Script to minify `keep_bang_comments` : ``bool`` Keep comments starting with an exclamation mark? (``/*!...*/``) :Return: Minified script :Rtype: ``str`` """ if not keep_bang_comments: rex = ( r'([^\047"/\000-\040]+)|((?:(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]' r'|\r?\n|\r)[^\047\\\r\n]*)*\047)|(?:"[^"\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]' r'|\r?\n|\r)[^"\\\r\n]*)*"))[^\047"/\000-\040]*)|(?<=[(,=:\[!&|?' r'{};\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*' r'][^*]*\*+)*/))*(?:(?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\0' r'14\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)*((?:/(?![\r' r'\n/*])[^/\\\[\r\n]*(?:(?:\\[^\r\n]|(?:\[[^\\\]\r\n]*(?:\\[^\r' r'\n][^\\\]\r\n]*)*\]))[^/\\\[\r\n]*)*/)[^\047"/\000-\040]*)|(?<' r'=[\000-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-]return)(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\04' r'0]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*(?:(?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[' r'\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^' r'*]*\*+)*/)))*((?:/(?![\r\n/*])[^/\\\[\r\n]*(?:(?:\\[^\r\n]|(?:' r'\[[^\\\]\r\n]*(?:\\[^\r\n][^\\\]\r\n]*)*\]))[^/\\\[\r\n]*)*/)[' r'^\047"/\000-\040]*)|(?<=[^\000-!#%&(*,./:-@\[\\^`{|~])(?:[\000' r'-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*(?' r':((?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n]))(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?' r':/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)+(?=[^\000-\040"#%-\047)*,.' r'/:-@\\-^`|-~])|(?<=[^\000-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-])((?:[\000-\011\0' r'13\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=[^\00' r'0-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-])|(?<=\+)((?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]' r'|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=\+)|(?<=-)((?:[\000-' r'\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?' r'=-)|(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]' r'*\*+)*/))+|(?:(?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\0' r'16-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)+' ) def subber(match): """ Substitution callback """ groups = match.groups() return ( groups[0] or groups[1] or groups[2] or groups[3] or (groups[4] and '\n') or (groups[5] and ' ') or (groups[6] and ' ') or (groups[7] and ' ') or '' ) else: rex = ( r'([^\047"/\000-\040]+)|((?:(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]' r'|\r?\n|\r)[^\047\\\r\n]*)*\047)|(?:"[^"\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]' r'|\r?\n|\r)[^"\\\r\n]*)*"))[^\047"/\000-\040]*)|((?:/\*![^*]*\*' r'+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)[^\047"/\000-\040]*)|(?<=[(,=:\[!&|?{};\r' r'\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*' r'][^*]*\*+)*/))*(?:(?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\0' r'14\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)*((?:/(' r'?![\r\n/*])[^/\\\[\r\n]*(?:(?:\\[^\r\n]|(?:\[[^\\\]\r\n]*(?:' r'\\[^\r\n][^\\\]\r\n]*)*\]))[^/\\\[\r\n]*)*/)[^\047"/\000-\040]' r'*)|(?<=[\000-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-]return)(?:[\000-\011\013\014\0' r'16-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*(?:(?:(?://[' r'^\r\n]*)?[\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*' r']*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))*((?:/(?![\r\n/*])[^/\\\[\r\n]*(?:(' r'?:\\[^\r\n]|(?:\[[^\\\]\r\n]*(?:\\[^\r\n][^\\\]\r\n]*)*\]))[^/' r'\\\[\r\n]*)*/)[^\047"/\000-\040]*)|(?<=[^\000-!#%&(*,./:-@\[\\' r'^`{|~])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[' r'^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*(?:((?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n]))(?:[\000-\011' r'\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)+' r'(?=[^\000-\040"#%-\047)*,./:-@\\-^`|-~])|(?<=[^\000-#%-,./:-@' r'\[-^`{-~-])((?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*' r'+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=[^\000-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-])|(?<=\+)' r'((?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^' r'*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=\+)|(?<=-)((?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:' r'/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=-)|(?:[\000-\011\013' r'\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))+|(?:(?' r':(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*(' r'?!!)[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)+' ) def subber(match): """ Substitution callback """ groups = match.groups() return ( groups[0] or groups[1] or groups[2] or groups[3] or groups[4] or (groups[5] and '\n') or (groups[6] and ' ') or (groups[7] and ' ') or (groups[8] and ' ') or '' ) return _re.sub(rex, subber, '\n%s\n' % script).strip() if __name__ == '__main__': def main(): """ Main """ import sys as _sys keep_bang_comments = ( '-b' in _sys.argv[1:] or '-bp' in _sys.argv[1:] or '-pb' in _sys.argv[1:] ) if '-p' in _sys.argv[1:] or '-bp' in _sys.argv[1:] \ or '-pb' in _sys.argv[1:]: global jsmin # pylint: disable = W0603 jsmin = _make_jsmin(python_only=True) _sys.stdout.write(jsmin( _sys.stdin.read(), keep_bang_comments=keep_bang_comments )) main()