"use strict"; /* Copyright (C) 2012 by Jeremy P. White This file is part of spice-html5. spice-html5 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. spice-html5 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with spice-html5. If not, see . */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Spice messages ** This file contains classes for passing messages to and from ** a spice server. This file should arguably be generated from ** spice.proto, but it was instead put together by hand. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function SpiceLinkHeader(a, at) { this.magic = SPICE_MAGIC; this.major_version = SPICE_VERSION_MAJOR; this.minor_version = SPICE_VERSION_MINOR; this.size = 0; if (a !== undefined) this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceLinkHeader.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.magic = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) this.magic += String.fromCharCode(dv.getUint8(at + i)); at += 4; this.major_version = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.minor_version = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.size = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; }, to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) dv.setUint8(at + i, this.magic.charCodeAt(i)); at += 4; dv.setUint32(at, this.major_version, true); at += 4; dv.setUint32(at, this.minor_version, true); at += 4; dv.setUint32(at, this.size, true); at += 4; }, buffer_size: function() { return 16; }, } function SpiceLinkMess(a, at) { this.connection_id = 0; this.channel_type = 0; this.channel_id = 0; this.common_caps = []; this.channel_caps = []; if (a !== undefined) this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceLinkMess.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var i; var orig_at = at; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.connection_id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.channel_type = dv.getUint8(at, true); at++; this.channel_id = dv.getUint8(at, true); at++; var num_common_caps = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; var num_channel_caps = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; var caps_offset = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; at = orig_at + caps_offset; this.common_caps = []; for (i = 0; i < num_common_caps; i++) { this.common_caps.unshift(dv.getUint32(at, true)); at += 4; } this.channel_caps = []; for (i = 0; i < num_channel_caps; i++) { this.channel_caps.unshift(dv.getUint32(at, true)); at += 4; } }, to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var orig_at = at; var i; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint32(at, this.connection_id, true); at += 4; dv.setUint8(at, this.channel_type, true); at++; dv.setUint8(at, this.channel_id, true); at++; dv.setUint32(at, this.common_caps.length, true); at += 4; dv.setUint32(at, this.channel_caps.length, true); at += 4; dv.setUint32(at, (at - orig_at) + 4, true); at += 4; for (i = 0; i < this.common_caps.length; i++) { dv.setUint32(at, this.common_caps[i], true); at += 4; } for (i = 0; i < this.channel_caps.length; i++) { dv.setUint32(at, this.channel_caps[i], true); at += 4; } }, buffer_size: function() { return 18 + (4 * this.common_caps.length) + (4 * this.channel_caps.length); } } function SpiceLinkReply(a, at) { this.error = 0; this.pub_key = undefined; this.common_caps = []; this.channel_caps = []; if (a !== undefined) this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceLinkReply.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var i; var orig_at = at; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.error = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.pub_key = create_rsa_from_mb(a, at); at += SPICE_TICKET_PUBKEY_BYTES; var num_common_caps = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; var num_channel_caps = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; var caps_offset = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; at = orig_at + caps_offset; this.common_caps = []; for (i = 0; i < num_common_caps; i++) { this.common_caps.unshift(dv.getUint32(at, true)); at += 4; } this.channel_caps = []; for (i = 0; i < num_channel_caps; i++) { this.channel_caps.unshift(dv.getUint32(at, true)); at += 4; } }, } function SpiceLinkAuthTicket(a, at) { this.auth_mechanism = 0; this.encrypted_data = undefined; } SpiceLinkAuthTicket.prototype = { to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var i; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint32(at, this.auth_mechanism, true); at += 4; for (i = 0; i < SPICE_TICKET_KEY_PAIR_LENGTH / 8; i++) { if (this.encrypted_data && i < this.encrypted_data.length) dv.setUint8(at, this.encrypted_data[i], true); else dv.setUint8(at, 0, true); at++; } }, buffer_size: function() { return 4 + (SPICE_TICKET_KEY_PAIR_LENGTH / 8); } } function SpiceLinkAuthReply(a, at) { this.auth_code = 0; if (a !== undefined) this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceLinkAuthReply.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.auth_code = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; }, buffer_size: function() { return 4; } } function SpiceMiniData(a, at) { this.type = 0; this.size = 0; this.data = undefined; if (a !== undefined) this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMiniData.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var i; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.type = dv.getUint16(at, true); at += 2; this.size = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; if (a.byteLength > at) { this.data = a.slice(at); at += this.data.byteLength; } }, to_buffer : function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var i; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint16(at, this.type, true); at += 2; dv.setUint32(at, this.data ? this.data.byteLength : 0, true); at += 4; if (this.data && this.data.byteLength > 0) { var u8arr = new Uint8Array(this.data); for (i = 0; i < u8arr.length; i++, at++) dv.setUint8(at, u8arr[i], true); } }, build_msg : function(in_type, extra) { this.type = in_type; this.size = extra.buffer_size(); this.data = new ArrayBuffer(this.size); extra.to_buffer(this.data); }, buffer_size: function() { if (this.data) return 6 + this.data.byteLength; else return 6; }, } function SpiceMsgChannels(a, at) { this.num_of_channels = 0; this.channels = []; if (a !== undefined) this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgChannels.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var i; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.num_of_channels = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; for (i = 0; i < this.num_of_channels; i++) { var chan = new SpiceChannelId(); at = chan.from_dv(dv, at, a); this.channels.push(chan); } }, } function SpiceMsgMainInit(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgMainInit.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.session_id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.display_channels_hint = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.supported_mouse_modes = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.current_mouse_mode = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.agent_connected = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.agent_tokens = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.multi_media_time = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.ram_hint = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; }, } function SpiceMsgMainMouseMode(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgMainMouseMode.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.supported_modes = dv.getUint16(at, true); at += 2; this.current_mode = dv.getUint16(at, true); at += 2; }, } function SpiceMsgSetAck(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgSetAck.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.generation = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.window = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; }, } function SpiceMsgcAckSync(ack) { this.generation = ack.generation; } SpiceMsgcAckSync.prototype = { to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint32(at, this.generation, true); at += 4; }, buffer_size: function() { return 4; } } function SpiceMsgcMainMouseModeRequest(mode) { this.mode = mode; } SpiceMsgcMainMouseModeRequest.prototype = { to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint16(at, this.mode, true); at += 2; }, buffer_size: function() { return 2; } } function SpiceMsgNotify(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgNotify.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var i; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.time_stamp = []; this.time_stamp[0] = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.time_stamp[1] = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.severity = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.visibility = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.what = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.message_len = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.message = ""; for (i = 0; i < this.message_len; i++) { var c = dv.getUint8(at, true); at++; this.message += String.fromCharCode(c); } }, } function SpiceMsgcDisplayInit() { this.pixmap_cache_id = 1; this.glz_dictionary_id = 0; this.pixmap_cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024; this.glz_dictionary_window_size = 0; } SpiceMsgcDisplayInit.prototype = { to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint8(at, this.pixmap_cache_id, true); at++; dv.setUint32(at, 0, true); at += 4; dv.setUint32(at, this.pixmap_cache_size, true); at += 4; dv.setUint8(at, this.glz_dictionary_id, true); at++; dv.setUint32(at, this.glz_dictionary_window_size, true); at += 4; }, buffer_size: function() { return 14; } } function SpiceMsgDisplayBase() { } SpiceMsgDisplayBase.prototype = { from_dv : function(dv, at, mb) { this.surface_id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.box = new SpiceRect; at = this.box.from_dv(dv, at, mb); this.clip = new SpiceClip; return this.clip.from_dv(dv, at, mb); }, } function SpiceMsgDisplayDrawCopy(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgDisplayDrawCopy.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.base = new SpiceMsgDisplayBase; at = this.base.from_dv(dv, at, a); this.data = new SpiceCopy; return this.data.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceMsgDisplayDrawFill(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgDisplayDrawFill.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.base = new SpiceMsgDisplayBase; at = this.base.from_dv(dv, at, a); this.data = new SpiceFill; return this.data.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceMsgDisplayCopyBits(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgDisplayCopyBits.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.base = new SpiceMsgDisplayBase; at = this.base.from_dv(dv, at, a); this.src_pos = new SpicePoint; return this.src_pos.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceMsgSurfaceCreate(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgSurfaceCreate.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.surface = new SpiceSurface; return this.surface.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceMsgSurfaceDestroy(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgSurfaceDestroy.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.surface_id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; }, } function SpiceMsgInputsInit(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgInputsInit.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.keyboard_modifiers = dv.getUint16(at, true); at += 2; return at; }, } function SpiceMsgInputsKeyModifiers(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgInputsKeyModifiers.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.keyboard_modifiers = dv.getUint16(at, true); at += 2; return at; }, } function SpiceMsgCursorInit(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgCursorInit.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at, mb) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.position = new SpicePoint16; at = this.position.from_dv(dv, at, mb); this.trail_length = dv.getUint16(at, true); at += 2; this.trail_frequency = dv.getUint16(at, true); at += 2; this.visible = dv.getUint8(at, true); at ++; this.cursor = new SpiceCursor; return this.cursor.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceMsgCursorSet(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgCursorSet.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at, mb) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.position = new SpicePoint16; at = this.position.from_dv(dv, at, mb); this.visible = dv.getUint8(at, true); at ++; this.cursor = new SpiceCursor; return this.cursor.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceMsgcMousePosition(sc, e) { // FIXME - figure out how to correctly compute display_id this.display_id = 0; this.buttons_state = sc.buttons_state; if (e) { this.x = e.clientX - sc.display.surfaces[sc.display.primary_surface].canvas.offsetLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; this.y = e.clientY - sc.display.surfaces[sc.display.primary_surface].canvas.offsetTop + document.body.scrollTop; sc.mousex = this.x; sc.mousey = this.y; } else { this.x = this.y = this.buttons_state = 0; } } SpiceMsgcMousePosition.prototype = { to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint32(at, this.x, true); at += 4; dv.setUint32(at, this.y, true); at += 4; dv.setUint16(at, this.buttons_state, true); at += 2; dv.setUint8(at, this.display_id, true); at += 1; return at; }, buffer_size: function() { return 11; } } function SpiceMsgcMouseMotion(sc, e) { // FIXME - figure out how to correctly compute display_id this.display_id = 0; this.buttons_state = sc.buttons_state; if (e) { this.x = e.clientX - sc.display.surfaces[sc.display.primary_surface].canvas.offsetLeft; this.y = e.clientY - sc.display.surfaces[sc.display.primary_surface].canvas.offsetTop; if (sc.mousex !== undefined) { this.x -= sc.mousex; this.y -= sc.mousey; } sc.mousex = e.clientX - sc.display.surfaces[sc.display.primary_surface].canvas.offsetLeft; sc.mousey = e.clientY - sc.display.surfaces[sc.display.primary_surface].canvas.offsetTop; } else { this.x = this.y = this.buttons_state = 0; } } /* Use the same functions as for MousePosition */ SpiceMsgcMouseMotion.prototype.to_buffer = SpiceMsgcMousePosition.prototype.to_buffer; SpiceMsgcMouseMotion.prototype.buffer_size = SpiceMsgcMousePosition.prototype.buffer_size; function SpiceMsgcMousePress(sc, e) { if (e) { this.button = e.button + 1; this.buttons_state = 1 << e.button; sc.buttons_state = this.buttons_state; } else { this.button = SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT; this.buttons_state = SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_MASK_LEFT; } } SpiceMsgcMousePress.prototype = { to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint8(at, this.button, true); at ++; dv.setUint16(at, this.buttons_state, true); at += 2; return at; }, buffer_size: function() { return 3; } } function SpiceMsgcMouseRelease(sc, e) { if (e) { this.button = e.button + 1; this.buttons_state = 0; sc.buttons_state = this.buttons_state; } else { this.button = SPICE_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT; this.buttons_state = 0; } } /* Use the same functions as for MousePress */ SpiceMsgcMouseRelease.prototype.to_buffer = SpiceMsgcMousePress.prototype.to_buffer; SpiceMsgcMouseRelease.prototype.buffer_size = SpiceMsgcMousePress.prototype.buffer_size; function SpiceMsgcKeyDown(e) { if (e) { this.code = keycode_to_start_scan(e.keyCode); } else { this.code = 0; } } SpiceMsgcKeyDown.prototype = { to_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); dv.setUint32(at, this.code, true); at += 4; return at; }, buffer_size: function() { return 4; } } function SpiceMsgcKeyUp(e) { if (e) { this.code = keycode_to_end_scan(e.keyCode); } else { this.code = 0; } } /* Use the same functions as for KeyDown */ SpiceMsgcKeyUp.prototype.to_buffer = SpiceMsgcKeyDown.prototype.to_buffer; SpiceMsgcKeyUp.prototype.buffer_size = SpiceMsgcKeyDown.prototype.buffer_size; function SpiceMsgDisplayStreamCreate(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgDisplayStreamCreate.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.surface_id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.flags = dv.getUint8(at, true); at += 1; this.codec_type = dv.getUint8(at, true); at += 1; /*stamp */ at += 8; this.stream_width = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.stream_height = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.src_width = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.src_height = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.dest = new SpiceRect; at = this.dest.from_dv(dv, at, a); this.clip = new SpiceClip; this.clip.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceStreamDataHeader(a, at) { } SpiceStreamDataHeader.prototype = { from_dv : function(dv, at, mb) { this.id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.multi_media_time = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; return at; }, } function SpiceMsgDisplayStreamData(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgDisplayStreamData.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.base = new SpiceStreamDataHeader; at = this.base.from_dv(dv, at, a); this.data_size = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.data = dv.u8.subarray(at, at + this.data_size); }, } function SpiceMsgDisplayStreamClip(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgDisplayStreamClip.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; this.clip = new SpiceClip; this.clip.from_dv(dv, at, a); }, } function SpiceMsgDisplayStreamDestroy(a, at) { this.from_buffer(a, at); } SpiceMsgDisplayStreamDestroy.prototype = { from_buffer: function(a, at) { at = at || 0; var dv = new SpiceDataView(a); this.id = dv.getUint32(at, true); at += 4; }, }