More stack user removals.

This commit is contained in:
Chmouel Boudjnah 2011-11-02 14:25:06 +01:00
parent 88d54996db
commit 067163dfd1
2 changed files with 10 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
uid = stack
gid = stack
uid = %USER%
gid = %GROUP%
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/
address =

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@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Copying files to stack user"
cp -r -f "$PWD" "$STACK_DIR"
chown -R stack "$STACK_DIR"
chown -R $USER "$STACK_DIR"
if [[ "$SHELL_AFTER_RUN" != "no" ]]; then
exec su -c "set -e; cd $STACK_DIR; bash; bash" stack
@ -604,14 +604,16 @@ fi
# Storage Service
if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "swift" ]];then
USER_GROUP=$(id -g)
sudo mkdir -p ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/drives
sudo chown -R stack: ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/drives
sudo chown -R $USER: ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/drives
s=${SWIFT_LOCATION}/drives/sdb1 # Shortcut variable
# Create a loopback disk and format it with XFS.
if [[ ! -e ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/swift-disk ]];then
sudo touch ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/swift-disk
sudo chown stack: ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/swift-disk
sudo chown $USER: ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/swift-disk
dd if=/dev/zero of=${SWIFT_LOCATION}/swift-disk bs=1024 count=0 seek=${SWIFT_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE}
mkfs.xfs -f -i size=1024 ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/swift-disk
@ -637,13 +639,13 @@ if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "swift" ]];then
for d in ${s}/{1..4} /etc/swift /etc/swift/{object,container,account}-server \
${SWIFT_LOCATION}/{1..4}/node/sdb1 /var/run/swift ;do
[[ -d $d ]] && continue
sudo install -o ${USER} -d $d
sudo install -o ${USER} -g $USER_GROUP -d $d
sudo chown -R stack: ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/{1..4}/node
sudo chown -R $USER: ${SWIFT_LOCATION}/{1..4}/node
# Add rsync file
sed -e "s,%SWIFT_LOCATION%,$SWIFT_LOCATION," $FILES/swift-rsyncd.conf | sudo tee /etc/rsyncd.conf
sed -e "s/%GROUP%/${USER_GROUP}/;s/%USER%/$USER/;s,%SWIFT_LOCATION%,$SWIFT_LOCATION," $FILES/swift-rsyncd.conf | sudo tee /etc/rsyncd.conf
sudo sed -i '/^RSYNC_ENABLE=false/ { s/false/true/ }' /etc/default/rsync
if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "key" ]]; then