Add IPv6 support for tenant data network

Define IP_VERSION with one of the three values 4, 6, or 4+6 in
your localrc to indicate if you intend to run your tenant data network
as either IPv4, IPv6, or dual stack respectively. Default value is 4.

If your IP_VERSION is set to 6 or 4+6, then the following variables
should be defined in your localrc:
  - FIXED_RANGE_V6: The IPv6 prefix for your tenant network
  - IPV6_PRIVATE_NETWORK_GATEWAY: The gateway IP with the same prefix
  - IPV6_RA_MODE (with default as slaac)
  - IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE (with default as slaac)

If you're going to use IPV6_RA_MODE/IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE settings other
than the defaults then you should make sure your VM image has dhcpv6
client enabled at bootup, otherwise you'll need to run it manually
after the VM is booted.

It's recommended to run the latest version of dnsmasq 2.68.
If you intend to enable internet access in your VM, make sure
your network node has IPv6 internet access, and the IPv6 prefix for
your tenant network is a GUA and routable.

Implements: blueprint ipv6-support
Change-Id: I848abf18e00e2a869697c5ef6366bc567dde448a
Co-Authored-By: John Davidge <>
This commit is contained in:
John Davidge 2014-06-30 09:55:11 -04:00
parent 9bfdea87a6
commit 21529a50e3
2 changed files with 241 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -321,6 +321,35 @@ API rate limits
IP Version
| Default: ``IP_VERSION=4``
| This setting can be used to configure DevStack to create either an IPv4,
IPv6, or dual stack tenant data network by setting ``IP_VERSION`` to
either ``IP_VERSION=4``, ``IP_VERSION=6``, or ``IP_VERSION=4+6``
respectively. This functionality requires that the Neutron networking
service is enabled by setting the following options:
disable_service n-net
enable_service q-svc q-agt q-dhcp q-l3
| The following optional variables can be used to alter the default IPv6
can be configured with any valid IPv6 prefix. The default values make
use of an auto-generated ``IPV6_GLOBAL_ID`` to comply with RFC 4193.*

View File

@ -51,10 +51,22 @@
# With Neutron networking the NETWORK_MANAGER variable is ignored.
# Settings
# --------
# Timeout value in seconds to wait for IPv6 gateway configuration
# Neutron Network Configuration
# -----------------------------
# Subnet IP version
# Validate IP_VERSION
if [[ $IP_VERSION != "4" ]] && [[ $IP_VERSION != "6" ]] && [[ $IP_VERSION != "4+6" ]]; then
die $LINENO "IP_VERSION must be either 4, 6, or 4+6"
# Gateway and subnet defaults, in case they are not customized in localrc
@ -65,6 +77,22 @@ if is_ssl_enabled_service "neutron" || is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then
# Generate 40-bit IPv6 Global ID to comply with RFC 4193
IPV6_GLOBAL_ID=`uuidgen | sed s/-//g | cut -c 23- | sed -e "s/\(..\)\(....\)\(....\)/\1:\2:\3/"`
# IPv6 gateway and subnet defaults, in case they are not customized in localrc
# IPV6_ROUTER_GW_IP must be defined when IP_VERSION=4+6 as it cannot be
# obtained conventionally until the l3-agent has support for dual-stack
# TODO (john-davidge) Remove once l3-agent supports dual-stack
# Set up default directories
@ -531,8 +559,16 @@ function create_neutron_initial_network {
NET_ID=$(neutron net-create --tenant-id $TENANT_ID "$PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME" | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO NET_ID "Failure creating NET_ID for $PHYSICAL_NETWORK $TENANT_ID"
SUBNET_ID=$(neutron subnet-create --tenant-id $TENANT_ID --ip_version 4 --gateway $NETWORK_GATEWAY --name $PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME $NET_ID $FIXED_RANGE | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO SUBNET_ID "Failure creating SUBNET_ID for $TENANT_ID"
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" =~ 4.* ]]; then
# Create IPv4 private subnet
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" =~ .*6 ]]; then
# Create IPv6 private subnet
if [[ "$Q_L3_ENABLED" == "True" ]]; then
@ -546,7 +582,7 @@ function create_neutron_initial_network {
ROUTER_ID=$(neutron router-create $Q_ROUTER_NAME | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO ROUTER_ID "Failure creating ROUTER_ID for $Q_ROUTER_NAME"
neutron router-interface-add $ROUTER_ID $SUBNET_ID
# Create an external network, and a subnet. Configure the external network as router gw
if [ "$Q_USE_PROVIDERNET_FOR_PUBLIC" = "True" ]; then
EXT_NET_ID=$(neutron net-create "$PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME" -- --router:external=True --provider:network_type=flat --provider:physical_network=${PUBLIC_PHYSICAL_NETWORK} | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
@ -554,35 +590,15 @@ function create_neutron_initial_network {
EXT_NET_ID=$(neutron net-create "$PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME" -- --router:external=True | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO EXT_NET_ID "Failure creating EXT_NET_ID for $PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME"
EXT_GW_IP=$(neutron subnet-create --ip_version 4 ${Q_FLOATING_ALLOCATION_POOL:+--allocation-pool $Q_FLOATING_ALLOCATION_POOL} --gateway $PUBLIC_NETWORK_GATEWAY --name $PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME $EXT_NET_ID $FLOATING_RANGE -- --enable_dhcp=False | grep 'gateway_ip' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO EXT_GW_IP "Failure creating EXT_GW_IP"
neutron router-gateway-set $ROUTER_ID $EXT_NET_ID
if is_service_enabled q-l3; then
# logic is specific to using the l3-agent for l3
if is_neutron_ovs_base_plugin && [[ "$Q_USE_NAMESPACE" = "True" ]]; then
local ext_gw_interface
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" =~ 4.* ]]; then
# Configure router for IPv4 public access
if [[ "$Q_USE_PUBLIC_VETH" = "True" ]]; then
# Disable in-band as we are going to use local port
# to communicate with VMs
sudo ovs-vsctl set Bridge $PUBLIC_BRIDGE \
sudo ip addr add $EXT_GW_IP/$CIDR_LEN dev $ext_gw_interface
sudo ip link set $ext_gw_interface up
ROUTER_GW_IP=`neutron port-list -c fixed_ips -c device_owner | grep router_gateway | awk -F '"' '{ print $8; }'`
die_if_not_set $LINENO ROUTER_GW_IP "Failure retrieving ROUTER_GW_IP"
sudo route add -net $FIXED_RANGE gw $ROUTER_GW_IP
if [[ "$Q_USE_NAMESPACE" == "False" ]]; then
# Explicitly set router id in l3 agent configuration
iniset $Q_L3_CONF_FILE DEFAULT router_id $ROUTER_ID
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" =~ .*6 ]]; then
# Configure router for IPv6 public access
@ -1050,6 +1066,172 @@ function _neutron_setup_interface_driver {
neutron_plugin_setup_interface_driver $1
# Create private IPv4 subnet
function _neutron_create_private_subnet_v4 {
local subnet_params="--tenant-id $TENANT_ID "
subnet_params+="--ip_version 4 "
subnet_params+="--gateway $NETWORK_GATEWAY "
subnet_params+="--name $PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME "
subnet_params+="$NET_ID $FIXED_RANGE"
local subnet_id=$(neutron subnet-create $subnet_params | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO subnet_id "Failure creating private IPv4 subnet for $TENANT_ID"
echo $subnet_id
# Create private IPv6 subnet
function _neutron_create_private_subnet_v6 {
die_if_not_set $LINENO IPV6_RA_MODE "IPV6 RA Mode not set"
die_if_not_set $LINENO IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE "IPV6 Address Mode not set"
local ipv6_modes="--ipv6-ra-mode $IPV6_RA_MODE --ipv6-address-mode $IPV6_ADDRESS_MODE"
local subnet_params="--tenant-id $TENANT_ID "
subnet_params+="--ip_version 6 "
subnet_params+="--gateway $IPV6_PRIVATE_NETWORK_GATEWAY "
subnet_params+="--name $IPV6_PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME "
subnet_params+="$NET_ID $FIXED_RANGE_V6 $ipv6_modes"
local ipv6_subnet_id=$(neutron subnet-create $subnet_params | grep ' id ' | get_field 2)
die_if_not_set $LINENO ipv6_subnet_id "Failure creating private IPv6 subnet for $TENANT_ID"
echo $ipv6_subnet_id
# Create public IPv4 subnet
function _neutron_create_public_subnet_v4 {
local subnet_params+="--ip_version 4 "
subnet_params+="${Q_FLOATING_ALLOCATION_POOL:+--allocation-pool $Q_FLOATING_ALLOCATION_POOL} "
subnet_params+="--gateway $PUBLIC_NETWORK_GATEWAY "
subnet_params+="--name $PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME "
subnet_params+="$EXT_NET_ID $FLOATING_RANGE "
subnet_params+="-- --enable_dhcp=False"
local id_and_ext_gw_ip=$(neutron subnet-create $subnet_params | grep -e 'gateway_ip' -e ' id ')
die_if_not_set $LINENO id_and_ext_gw_ip "Failure creating public IPv4 subnet"
echo $id_and_ext_gw_ip
# Create public IPv6 subnet
function _neutron_create_public_subnet_v6 {
local subnet_params="--ip_version 6 "
subnet_params+="--gateway $IPV6_PUBLIC_NETWORK_GATEWAY "
subnet_params+="--name $IPV6_PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME "
subnet_params+="$EXT_NET_ID $IPV6_PUBLIC_RANGE "
subnet_params+="-- --enable_dhcp=False"
local ipv6_id_and_ext_gw_ip=$(neutron subnet-create $subnet_params | grep -e 'gateway_ip' -e ' id ')
die_if_not_set $LINENO ipv6_id_and_ext_gw_ip "Failure creating an IPv6 public subnet"
echo $ipv6_id_and_ext_gw_ip
# Configure neutron router for IPv4 public access
function _neutron_configure_router_v4 {
neutron router-interface-add $ROUTER_ID $SUBNET_ID
# Create a public subnet on the external network
local id_and_ext_gw_ip=$(_neutron_create_public_subnet_v4 $EXT_NET_ID)
local ext_gw_ip=$(echo $id_and_ext_gw_ip | get_field 2)
PUB_SUBNET_ID=$(echo $id_and_ext_gw_ip | get_field 5)
# Configure the external network as the default router gateway
neutron router-gateway-set $ROUTER_ID $EXT_NET_ID
# This logic is specific to using the l3-agent for layer 3
if is_service_enabled q-l3; then
# Configure and enable public bridge
if is_neutron_ovs_base_plugin && [[ "$Q_USE_NAMESPACE" = "True" ]]; then
local ext_gw_interface=$(_neutron_get_ext_gw_interface)
local cidr_len=${FLOATING_RANGE#*/}
sudo ip addr add $ext_gw_ip/$cidr_len dev $ext_gw_interface
sudo ip link set $ext_gw_interface up
ROUTER_GW_IP=`neutron port-list -c fixed_ips -c device_owner | grep router_gateway | awk -F '"' -v subnet_id=$PUB_SUBNET_ID '$4 == subnet_id { print $8; }'`
die_if_not_set $LINENO ROUTER_GW_IP "Failure retrieving ROUTER_GW_IP"
sudo route add -net $FIXED_RANGE gw $ROUTER_GW_IP
# Configure neutron router for IPv6 public access
function _neutron_configure_router_v6 {
neutron router-interface-add $ROUTER_ID $IPV6_SUBNET_ID
# Create a public subnet on the external network
local ipv6_id_and_ext_gw_ip=$(_neutron_create_public_subnet_v6 $EXT_NET_ID)
local ipv6_ext_gw_ip=$(echo $ipv6_id_and_ext_gw_ip | get_field 2)
local ipv6_pub_subnet_id=$(echo $ipv6_id_and_ext_gw_ip | get_field 5)
# If the external network has not already been set as the default router
# gateway when configuring an IPv4 public subnet, do so now
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" == "6" ]]; then
neutron router-gateway-set $ROUTER_ID $EXT_NET_ID
# This logic is specific to using the l3-agent for layer 3
if is_service_enabled q-l3; then
local ipv6_router_gw_port
# Ensure IPv6 forwarding is enabled on the host
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
# Configure and enable public bridge
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" = "6" ]]; then
# Override global IPV6_ROUTER_GW_IP with the true value from neutron
IPV6_ROUTER_GW_IP=`neutron port-list -c fixed_ips -c device_owner | grep router_gateway | awk -F '"' -v subnet_id=$ipv6_pub_subnet_id '$4 == subnet_id { print $8; }'`
die_if_not_set $LINENO IPV6_ROUTER_GW_IP "Failure retrieving IPV6_ROUTER_GW_IP"
ipv6_router_gw_port=`neutron port-list -c id -c fixed_ips -c device_owner | grep router_gateway | awk -F '"' -v subnet_id=$ipv6_pub_subnet_id '$4 == subnet_id { print $1; }' | awk -F ' | ' '{ print $2; }'`
die_if_not_set $LINENO ipv6_router_gw_port "Failure retrieving ipv6_router_gw_port"
ipv6_router_gw_port=`neutron port-list -c id -c fixed_ips -c device_owner | grep router_gateway | awk -F '"' -v subnet_id=$PUB_SUBNET_ID '$4 == subnet_id { print $1; }' | awk -F ' | ' '{ print $2; }'`
die_if_not_set $LINENO ipv6_router_gw_port "Failure retrieving ipv6_router_gw_port"
# The ovs_base_configure_l3_agent function flushes the public
# bridge's ip addresses, so turn IPv6 support in the host off
# and then on to recover the public bridge's link local address
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.${PUBLIC_BRIDGE}.disable_ipv6=1
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.${PUBLIC_BRIDGE}.disable_ipv6=0
if is_neutron_ovs_base_plugin && [[ "$Q_USE_NAMESPACE" = "True" ]]; then
local ext_gw_interface=$(_neutron_get_ext_gw_interface)
local ipv6_cidr_len=${IPV6_PUBLIC_RANGE#*/}
# Define router_ns based on whether DVR is enabled
local router_ns=qrouter
if [[ "$Q_DVR_MODE" == "dvr_snat" ]]; then
# Configure interface for public bridge
sudo ip -6 addr add $ipv6_ext_gw_ip/$ipv6_cidr_len dev $ext_gw_interface
# Wait until layer 3 agent has configured the gateway port on
# the public bridge, then add gateway address to the interface
# TODO (john-davidge) Remove once l3-agent supports dual-stack
if [[ "$IP_VERSION" == "4+6" ]]; then
if ! timeout $GATEWAY_TIMEOUT sh -c "until sudo ip netns exec $router_ns-$ROUTER_ID ip addr show qg-${ipv6_router_gw_port:0:11} | grep $ROUTER_GW_IP; do sleep 1; done"; then
die $LINENO "Timeout retrieving ROUTER_GW_IP"
# Configure the gateway port with the public IPv6 adress
sudo ip netns exec $router_ns-$ROUTER_ID ip -6 addr add $IPV6_ROUTER_GW_IP/$ipv6_cidr_len dev qg-${ipv6_router_gw_port:0:11}
# Add a default IPv6 route to the neutron router as the
# l3-agent does not add one in the dual-stack case
sudo ip netns exec $router_ns-$ROUTER_ID ip -6 route replace default via $ipv6_ext_gw_ip dev qg-${ipv6_router_gw_port:0:11}
sudo ip -6 route add $FIXED_RANGE_V6 via $IPV6_ROUTER_GW_IP dev $ext_gw_interface
# Explicitly set router id in l3 agent configuration
function _neutron_set_router_id {
if [[ "$Q_USE_NAMESPACE" == "False" ]]; then
iniset $Q_L3_CONF_FILE DEFAULT router_id $ROUTER_ID
# Get ext_gw_interface depending on value of Q_USE_PUBLIC_VETH
function _neutron_get_ext_gw_interface {
if [[ "$Q_USE_PUBLIC_VETH" == "True" ]]; then
# Disable in-band as we are going to use local port
# to communicate with VMs
sudo ovs-vsctl set Bridge $PUBLIC_BRIDGE \
# Functions for Neutron Exercises