Support for single interface Neutron networking with OVS

When running Neutron on a single node that only has a single interface,
the following operations are required:

    * Remove the IP address from the physical interface
    * Add the interface to the OVS physical bridge
    * Add the IP address from the physical interface to the OVS bridge
    * Update the routing table

The reverse is done on cleanup.

In order run Neutron on a single interface, the $PUBLIC_INTERFACE and
$OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE variables must be set.

Co-Authored-By: Brian Haley <>

Change-Id: Ie35cb537bb670c4773598b8db29877fb8a12ff50
This commit is contained in:
Sean M. Collins 2015-02-20 11:45:21 -05:00
parent 948970928c
commit 93b2100c98

View File

@ -780,9 +780,41 @@ function stop_neutron {
# _move_neutron_addresses_route() - Move the primary IP to the OVS bridge
# on startup, or back to the public interface on cleanup
function _move_neutron_addresses_route {
local from_intf=$1
local to_intf=$2
local add_ovs_port=$3
if [[ -n "$from_intf" && -n "$to_intf" ]]; then
# Remove the primary IP address from $from_intf and add it to $to_intf,
# along with the default route, if it exists. Also, when called
# on configure we will also add $from_intf as a port on $to_intf,
# assuming it is an OVS bridge.
local IP_BRD=$(ip -4 a s dev $from_intf | awk '/inet/ { print $2, $3, $4; exit }')
local DEFAULT_ROUTE_GW=$(ip r | awk "/default.+$from_intf/ { print \$3; exit }")
local ADD_OVS_PORT=""
if [ "$DEFAULT_ROUTE_GW" != "" ]; then
ADD_DEFAULT_ROUTE="sudo ip r replace default via $DEFAULT_ROUTE_GW dev $to_intf"
if [[ "$add_ovs_port" == "True" ]]; then
ADD_OVS_PORT="sudo ovs-vsctl add-port $to_intf $from_intf"
sudo ip addr del $IP_BRD dev $from_intf; sudo ip addr add $IP_BRD dev $to_intf; $ADD_OVS_PORT; $ADD_DEFAULT_ROUTE
# cleanup_neutron() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous
# runs that a clean run would need to clean up
function cleanup_neutron {
_move_neutron_addresses_route "$OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE" "$PUBLIC_INTERFACE" False
if is_provider_network && is_ironic_hardware; then
for IP in $(ip addr show dev $OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE | grep ' inet ' | awk '{print $2}'); do
sudo ip addr del $IP dev $OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE
@ -960,6 +992,8 @@ function _configure_neutron_l3_agent {
_neutron_setup_interface_driver $Q_L3_CONF_FILE
_move_neutron_addresses_route "$PUBLIC_INTERFACE" "$OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE" True
function _configure_neutron_metadata_agent {
@ -1235,8 +1269,10 @@ function _neutron_configure_router_v4 {
if is_neutron_ovs_base_plugin && [[ "$Q_USE_NAMESPACE" = "True" ]]; then
local ext_gw_interface=$(_neutron_get_ext_gw_interface)
local cidr_len=${FLOATING_RANGE#*/}
sudo ip addr add $ext_gw_ip/$cidr_len dev $ext_gw_interface
sudo ip link set $ext_gw_interface up
if [[ $(ip addr show dev $ext_gw_interface | grep -c $ext_gw_ip) == 0 && $Q_USE_PROVIDERNET_FOR_PUBLIC == "False" ]]; then
sudo ip addr add $ext_gw_ip/$cidr_len dev $ext_gw_interface
sudo ip link set $ext_gw_interface up
ROUTER_GW_IP=`neutron port-list -c fixed_ips -c device_owner | grep router_gateway | awk -F '"' -v subnet_id=$PUB_SUBNET_ID '$4 == subnet_id { print $8; }'`
die_if_not_set $LINENO ROUTER_GW_IP "Failure retrieving ROUTER_GW_IP"
sudo route add -net $FIXED_RANGE gw $ROUTER_GW_IP