# lib/nova # Functions to control the configuration and operation of the **Nova** service # Dependencies: # # - ``functions`` file # - ``DEST``, ``DATA_DIR``, ``STACK_USER`` must be defined # - ``SERVICE_{TENANT_NAME|PASSWORD}`` must be defined # - ``LIBVIRT_TYPE`` must be defined # - ``INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX``, ``VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX`` must be defined # - ``KEYSTONE_TOKEN_FORMAT`` must be defined # ``stack.sh`` calls the entry points in this order: # # - install_nova # - configure_nova # - create_nova_conf # - init_nova # - start_nova # - stop_nova # - cleanup_nova # Save trace setting XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace # Defaults # -------- # Set up default directories NOVA_DIR=$DEST/nova NOVACLIENT_DIR=$DEST/python-novaclient NOVA_STATE_PATH=${NOVA_STATE_PATH:=$DATA_DIR/nova} # INSTANCES_PATH is the previous name for this NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH=${NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH:=${INSTANCES_PATH:=$NOVA_STATE_PATH/instances}} NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR=${NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR:-/var/cache/nova} NOVA_CONF_DIR=/etc/nova NOVA_CONF=$NOVA_CONF_DIR/nova.conf NOVA_CELLS_CONF=$NOVA_CONF_DIR/nova-cells.conf NOVA_FAKE_CONF=$NOVA_CONF_DIR/nova-fake.conf NOVA_CELLS_DB=${NOVA_CELLS_DB:-nova_cell} NOVA_API_PASTE_INI=${NOVA_API_PASTE_INI:-$NOVA_CONF_DIR/api-paste.ini} if is_ssl_enabled_service "nova" || is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then NOVA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL="https" EC2_SERVICE_PROTOCOL="https" else EC2_SERVICE_PROTOCOL="http" fi # Public facing bits NOVA_SERVICE_HOST=${NOVA_SERVICE_HOST:-$SERVICE_HOST} NOVA_SERVICE_PORT=${NOVA_SERVICE_PORT:-8774} NOVA_SERVICE_PORT_INT=${NOVA_SERVICE_PORT_INT:-18774} NOVA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL=${NOVA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL:-$SERVICE_PROTOCOL} EC2_SERVICE_PORT=${EC2_SERVICE_PORT:-8773} EC2_SERVICE_PORT_INT=${EC2_SERVICE_PORT_INT:-18773} # Support entry points installation of console scripts if [[ -d $NOVA_DIR/bin ]]; then NOVA_BIN_DIR=$NOVA_DIR/bin else NOVA_BIN_DIR=$(get_python_exec_prefix) fi # Set the paths of certain binaries NOVA_ROOTWRAP=$(get_rootwrap_location nova) # Option to enable/disable config drive # NOTE: Set FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE="False" to turn OFF config drive FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE=${FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE:-"always"} # Nova supports pluggable schedulers. The default ``FilterScheduler`` # should work in most cases. SCHEDULER=${SCHEDULER:-nova.scheduler.filter_scheduler.FilterScheduler} QEMU_CONF=/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf # Set default defaults here as some hypervisor drivers override these PUBLIC_INTERFACE_DEFAULT=br100 FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEFAULT=br100 # set the GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT to some interface on the box so that # the default isn't completely crazy. This will match eth*, em*, or # the new p* interfaces, then basically picks the first # alphabetically. It's probably wrong, however it's less wrong than # always using 'eth0' which doesn't exist on new Linux distros at all. GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT=$(ip link \ | grep 'state UP' \ | awk '{print $2}' \ | sed 's/://' \ | grep ^[ep] \ | head -1) # $NOVA_VNC_ENABLED can be used to forcibly enable vnc configuration. # In multi-node setups allows compute hosts to not run n-novnc. NOVA_VNC_ENABLED=$(trueorfalse False $NOVA_VNC_ENABLED) # Get hypervisor configuration # ---------------------------- NOVA_PLUGINS=$TOP_DIR/lib/nova_plugins if is_service_enabled nova && [[ -r $NOVA_PLUGINS/hypervisor-$VIRT_DRIVER ]]; then # Load plugin source $NOVA_PLUGINS/hypervisor-$VIRT_DRIVER fi # Nova Network Configuration # -------------------------- NETWORK_MANAGER=${NETWORK_MANAGER:-${NET_MAN:-FlatDHCPManager}} PUBLIC_INTERFACE=${PUBLIC_INTERFACE:-$PUBLIC_INTERFACE_DEFAULT} VLAN_INTERFACE=${VLAN_INTERFACE:-$GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT} FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE=${FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE:-$FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEFAULT} EC2_DMZ_HOST=${EC2_DMZ_HOST:-$SERVICE_HOST} # If you are using the FlatDHCP network mode on multiple hosts, set the # ``FLAT_INTERFACE`` variable but make sure that the interface doesn't already # have an IP or you risk breaking things. # # **DHCP Warning**: If your flat interface device uses DHCP, there will be a # hiccup while the network is moved from the flat interface to the flat network # bridge. This will happen when you launch your first instance. Upon launch # you will lose all connectivity to the node, and the VM launch will probably # fail. # # If you are running on a single node and don't need to access the VMs from # devices other than that node, you can set ``FLAT_INTERFACE=`` # This will stop nova from bridging any interfaces into ``FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE``. FLAT_INTERFACE=${FLAT_INTERFACE:-$GUEST_INTERFACE_DEFAULT} # ``MULTI_HOST`` is a mode where each compute node runs its own network node. This # allows network operations and routing for a VM to occur on the server that is # running the VM - removing a SPOF and bandwidth bottleneck. MULTI_HOST=`trueorfalse False $MULTI_HOST` # Test floating pool and range are used for testing. They are defined # here until the admin APIs can replace nova-manage TEST_FLOATING_POOL=${TEST_FLOATING_POOL:-test} TEST_FLOATING_RANGE=${TEST_FLOATING_RANGE:-} # Tell Tempest this project is present TEMPEST_SERVICES+=,nova # Functions # --------- # Test if any Nova services are enabled # is_nova_enabled function is_nova_enabled { [[ ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"n-" ]] && return 0 return 1 } # Test if any Nova Cell services are enabled # is_nova_enabled function is_n-cell_enabled { [[ ,${ENABLED_SERVICES} =~ ,"n-cell" ]] && return 0 return 1 } # Helper to clean iptables rules function clean_iptables { # Delete rules sudo iptables -S -v | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-A" | sed "s/-A/-D/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables",$0}' | bash # Delete nat rules sudo iptables -S -v -t nat | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-A" | sed "s/-A/-D/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables -t nat",$0}' | bash # Delete chains sudo iptables -S -v | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-N" | sed "s/-N/-X/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables",$0}' | bash # Delete nat chains sudo iptables -S -v -t nat | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-N" | sed "s/-N/-X/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables -t nat",$0}' | bash } # cleanup_nova() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous # runs that a clean run would need to clean up function cleanup_nova { if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then # Clean iptables from previous runs clean_iptables # Destroy old instances local instances=`sudo virsh list --all | grep $INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX | sed "s/.*\($INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX[0-9a-fA-F]*\).*/\1/g"` if [ ! "$instances" = "" ]; then echo $instances | xargs -n1 sudo virsh destroy || true echo $instances | xargs -n1 sudo virsh undefine --managed-save || true fi # Logout and delete iscsi sessions local tgts=$(sudo iscsiadm --mode node | grep $VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX | cut -d ' ' -f2) local target for target in $tgts; do sudo iscsiadm --mode node -T $target --logout || true done sudo iscsiadm --mode node --op delete || true # Clean out the instances directory. sudo rm -rf $NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH/* fi sudo rm -rf $NOVA_STATE_PATH $NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR # NOTE(dtroyer): This really should be called from here but due to the way # nova abuses the _cleanup() function we're moving it # directly into cleanup.sh until this can be fixed. #if is_service_enabled n-cpu && [[ -r $NOVA_PLUGINS/hypervisor-$VIRT_DRIVER ]]; then # cleanup_nova_hypervisor #fi } # configure_nova_rootwrap() - configure Nova's rootwrap function configure_nova_rootwrap { # Deploy new rootwrap filters files (owned by root). # Wipe any existing rootwrap.d files first if [[ -d $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.d ]]; then sudo rm -rf $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.d fi # Deploy filters to /etc/nova/rootwrap.d sudo mkdir -m 755 $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.d sudo cp $NOVA_DIR/etc/nova/rootwrap.d/*.filters $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.d sudo chown -R root:root $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.d sudo chmod 644 $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.d/* # Set up rootwrap.conf, pointing to /etc/nova/rootwrap.d sudo cp $NOVA_DIR/etc/nova/rootwrap.conf $NOVA_CONF_DIR/ sudo sed -e "s:^filters_path=.*$:filters_path=$NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.d:" -i $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.conf sudo chown root:root $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.conf sudo chmod 0644 $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.conf # Specify rootwrap.conf as first parameter to nova-rootwrap local rootwrap_sudoer_cmd="$NOVA_ROOTWRAP $NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.conf *" # Set up the rootwrap sudoers for nova local tempfile=`mktemp` echo "$STACK_USER ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: $rootwrap_sudoer_cmd" >$tempfile chmod 0440 $tempfile sudo chown root:root $tempfile sudo mv $tempfile /etc/sudoers.d/nova-rootwrap } # configure_nova() - Set config files, create data dirs, etc function configure_nova { # Put config files in ``/etc/nova`` for everyone to find if [[ ! -d $NOVA_CONF_DIR ]]; then sudo mkdir -p $NOVA_CONF_DIR fi sudo chown $STACK_USER $NOVA_CONF_DIR cp -p $NOVA_DIR/etc/nova/policy.json $NOVA_CONF_DIR configure_nova_rootwrap if is_service_enabled n-api; then # Remove legacy paste config if present rm -f $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova-api-paste.ini # Get the sample configuration file in place cp $NOVA_DIR/etc/nova/api-paste.ini $NOVA_CONF_DIR fi if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then # Force IP forwarding on, just on case sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 if [[ "$VIRT_DRIVER" = 'libvirt' ]]; then # Check for kvm (hardware based virtualization). If unable to initialize # kvm, we drop back to the slower emulation mode (qemu). Note: many systems # come with hardware virtualization disabled in BIOS. if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "kvm" ]]; then sudo modprobe kvm || true if [ ! -e /dev/kvm ]; then echo "WARNING: Switching to QEMU" LIBVIRT_TYPE=qemu if which selinuxenabled 2>&1 > /dev/null && selinuxenabled; then # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=753589 sudo setsebool virt_use_execmem on fi fi fi # Install and configure **LXC** if specified. LXC is another approach to # splitting a system into many smaller parts. LXC uses cgroups and chroot # to simulate multiple systems. if [[ "$LIBVIRT_TYPE" == "lxc" ]]; then if is_ubuntu; then if [[ ! "$DISTRO" > natty ]]; then local cgline="none /cgroup cgroup cpuacct,memory,devices,cpu,freezer,blkio 0 0" sudo mkdir -p /cgroup if ! grep -q cgroup /etc/fstab; then echo "$cgline" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab fi if ! mount -n | grep -q cgroup; then sudo mount /cgroup fi fi fi fi fi # Instance Storage # ---------------- # Nova stores each instance in its own directory. sudo mkdir -p $NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH sudo chown -R $STACK_USER $NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH # You can specify a different disk to be mounted and used for backing the # virtual machines. If there is a partition labeled nova-instances we # mount it (ext filesystems can be labeled via e2label). if [ -L /dev/disk/by-label/nova-instances ]; then if ! mount -n | grep -q $NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH; then sudo mount -L nova-instances $NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH sudo chown -R $STACK_USER $NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH fi fi if is_suse; then # iscsid is not started by default start_service iscsid fi fi # Rebuild the config file from scratch create_nova_conf if is_service_enabled n-cpu && [[ -r $NOVA_PLUGINS/hypervisor-$VIRT_DRIVER ]]; then # Configure hypervisor plugin configure_nova_hypervisor fi } # create_nova_accounts() - Set up common required nova accounts # Project User Roles # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # SERVICE_TENANT_NAME nova admin # SERVICE_TENANT_NAME nova ResellerAdmin (if Swift is enabled) # Migrated from keystone_data.sh create_nova_accounts() { local service_tenant=$(openstack project list | awk "/ $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME / { print \$2 }") local admin_role=$(openstack role list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }") # Nova if [[ "$ENABLED_SERVICES" =~ "n-api" ]]; then local nova_user=$(get_or_create_user "nova" \ "$SERVICE_PASSWORD" $service_tenant) get_or_add_user_role $admin_role $nova_user $service_tenant if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then local nova_service=$(get_or_create_service "nova" \ "compute" "Nova Compute Service") get_or_create_endpoint $nova_service \ "$REGION_NAME" \ "$NOVA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$NOVA_SERVICE_HOST:$NOVA_SERVICE_PORT/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" \ "$NOVA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$NOVA_SERVICE_HOST:$NOVA_SERVICE_PORT/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" \ "$NOVA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$NOVA_SERVICE_HOST:$NOVA_SERVICE_PORT/v2/\$(tenant_id)s" fi fi if is_service_enabled n-api; then # Swift if is_service_enabled swift; then # Nova needs ResellerAdmin role to download images when accessing # swift through the s3 api. get_or_add_user_role ResellerAdmin nova $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME fi # EC2 if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = "sql" ]]; then local ec2_service=$(get_or_create_service "ec2" \ "ec2" "EC2 Compatibility Layer") get_or_create_endpoint $ec2_service \ "$REGION_NAME" \ "$EC2_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:8773/services/Cloud" \ "$EC2_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:8773/services/Admin" \ "$EC2_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$SERVICE_HOST:8773/services/Cloud" fi fi # S3 if is_service_enabled n-obj swift3; then if [[ "$KEYSTONE_CATALOG_BACKEND" = 'sql' ]]; then local s3_service=$(get_or_create_service "s3" "s3" "S3") get_or_create_endpoint $s3_service \ "$REGION_NAME" \ "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$S3_SERVICE_PORT" \ "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$S3_SERVICE_PORT" \ "http://$SERVICE_HOST:$S3_SERVICE_PORT" fi fi } # create_nova_conf() - Create a new nova.conf file function create_nova_conf { # Remove legacy ``nova.conf`` rm -f $NOVA_DIR/bin/nova.conf # (Re)create ``nova.conf`` rm -f $NOVA_CONF iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT verbose "True" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT debug "$ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT auth_strategy "keystone" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT allow_resize_to_same_host "True" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT allow_migrate_to_same_host "True" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT api_paste_config "$NOVA_API_PASTE_INI" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT rootwrap_config "$NOVA_CONF_DIR/rootwrap.conf" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT scheduler_driver "$SCHEDULER" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT dhcpbridge_flagfile "$NOVA_CONF" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT force_dhcp_release "True" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT default_floating_pool "$PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT s3_host "$SERVICE_HOST" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT s3_port "$S3_SERVICE_PORT" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT my_ip "$HOST_IP" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT sql_connection `database_connection_url nova` iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT instance_name_template "${INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX}%08x" iniset $NOVA_CONF osapi_v3 enabled "True" if is_fedora || is_suse; then # nova defaults to /usr/local/bin, but fedora and suse pip like to # install things in /usr/bin iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT bindir "/usr/bin" fi if is_service_enabled n-api; then if is_service_enabled n-api-meta; then # If running n-api-meta as a separate service NOVA_ENABLED_APIS=$(echo $NOVA_ENABLED_APIS | sed "s/,metadata//") fi iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT enabled_apis "$NOVA_ENABLED_APIS" if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then # Set the service port for a proxy to take the original iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT osapi_compute_listen_port "$NOVA_SERVICE_PORT_INT" fi configure_auth_token_middleware $NOVA_CONF nova $NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR fi if is_service_enabled cinder; then if is_ssl_enabled_service "cinder" || is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then CINDER_SERVICE_HOST=${CINDER_SERVICE_HOST:-$SERVICE_HOST} CINDER_SERVICE_PORT=${CINDER_SERVICE_PORT:-8776} iniset $NOVA_CONF cinder endpoint_template "https://$CINDER_SERVICE_HOST:$CINDER_SERVICE_PORT/v1/%(project_id)s" iniset $NOVA_CONF cinder ca_certificates_file $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE fi fi if [ -n "$NOVA_STATE_PATH" ]; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT state_path "$NOVA_STATE_PATH" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT lock_path "$NOVA_STATE_PATH" fi if [ -n "$NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH" ]; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT instances_path "$NOVA_INSTANCES_PATH" fi if [ "$MULTI_HOST" != "False" ]; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT multi_host "True" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT send_arp_for_ha "True" fi if [ "$SYSLOG" != "False" ]; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT use_syslog "True" fi if [ "$FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE" != "False" ]; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT force_config_drive "$FORCE_CONFIG_DRIVE" fi # Format logging if [ "$LOG_COLOR" == "True" ] && [ "$SYSLOG" == "False" ]; then setup_colorized_logging $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT else # Show user_name and project_name instead of user_id and project_id iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT logging_context_format_string "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_name)s %(project_name)s] %(instance)s%(message)s" fi if is_service_enabled ceilometer; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT instance_usage_audit "True" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT instance_usage_audit_period "hour" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT notify_on_state_change "vm_and_task_state" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT notification_driver "messaging" fi # All nova-compute workers need to know the vnc configuration options # These settings don't hurt anything if n-xvnc and n-novnc are disabled if is_service_enabled n-cpu; then NOVNCPROXY_URL=${NOVNCPROXY_URL:-"http://$SERVICE_HOST:6080/vnc_auto.html"} iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT novncproxy_base_url "$NOVNCPROXY_URL" XVPVNCPROXY_URL=${XVPVNCPROXY_URL:-"http://$SERVICE_HOST:6081/console"} iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT xvpvncproxy_base_url "$XVPVNCPROXY_URL" SPICEHTML5PROXY_URL=${SPICEHTML5PROXY_URL:-"http://$SERVICE_HOST:6082/spice_auto.html"} iniset $NOVA_CONF spice html5proxy_base_url "$SPICEHTML5PROXY_URL" fi if is_service_enabled n-novnc || is_service_enabled n-xvnc || [ "$NOVA_VNC_ENABLED" != False ]; then # Address on which instance vncservers will listen on compute hosts. # For multi-host, this should be the management ip of the compute host. VNCSERVER_LISTEN=${VNCSERVER_LISTEN=} VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=${VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=} iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT vnc_enabled true iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT vncserver_listen "$VNCSERVER_LISTEN" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT vncserver_proxyclient_address "$VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS" else iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT vnc_enabled false fi if is_service_enabled n-spice; then # Address on which instance spiceservers will listen on compute hosts. # For multi-host, this should be the management ip of the compute host. SPICESERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=${SPICESERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS=} SPICESERVER_LISTEN=${SPICESERVER_LISTEN=} iniset $NOVA_CONF spice enabled true iniset $NOVA_CONF spice server_listen "$SPICESERVER_LISTEN" iniset $NOVA_CONF spice server_proxyclient_address "$SPICESERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS" else iniset $NOVA_CONF spice enabled false fi iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT ec2_dmz_host "$EC2_DMZ_HOST" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT keystone_ec2_url $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL://$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST:$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT/v2.0/ec2tokens iniset_rpc_backend nova $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT iniset $NOVA_CONF glance api_servers "${GLANCE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL}://${GLANCE_HOSTPORT}" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT osapi_compute_workers "$API_WORKERS" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT ec2_workers "$API_WORKERS" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT metadata_workers "$API_WORKERS" if is_ssl_enabled_service glance || is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT glance_protocol https fi # Register SSL certificates if provided if is_ssl_enabled_service nova; then ensure_certificates NOVA iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT ssl_cert_file "$NOVA_SSL_CERT" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT ssl_key_file "$NOVA_SSL_KEY" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT enabled_ssl_apis "$NOVA_ENABLED_APIS" fi if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT ec2_listen_port $EC2_SERVICE_PORT_INT fi } function init_nova_cells { if is_service_enabled n-cell; then cp $NOVA_CONF $NOVA_CELLS_CONF iniset $NOVA_CELLS_CONF DEFAULT sql_connection `database_connection_url $NOVA_CELLS_DB` iniset $NOVA_CELLS_CONF DEFAULT rabbit_virtual_host child_cell iniset $NOVA_CELLS_CONF DEFAULT dhcpbridge_flagfile $NOVA_CELLS_CONF iniset $NOVA_CELLS_CONF cells enable True iniset $NOVA_CELLS_CONF cells cell_type compute iniset $NOVA_CELLS_CONF cells name child iniset $NOVA_CONF cells enable True iniset $NOVA_CONF cells cell_type api iniset $NOVA_CONF cells name region if is_service_enabled n-api-meta; then NOVA_ENABLED_APIS=$(echo $NOVA_ENABLED_APIS | sed "s/,metadata//") iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT enabled_apis $NOVA_ENABLED_APIS iniset $NOVA_CELLS_CONF DEFAULT enabled_apis metadata fi $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CELLS_CONF db sync $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage --config-file $NOVA_CELLS_CONF cell create --name=region --cell_type=parent --username=guest --hostname=$RABBIT_HOST --port=5672 --password=$RABBIT_PASSWORD --virtual_host=/ --woffset=0 --wscale=1 $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage cell create --name=child --cell_type=child --username=guest --hostname=$RABBIT_HOST --port=5672 --password=$RABBIT_PASSWORD --virtual_host=child_cell --woffset=0 --wscale=1 fi } # create_nova_cache_dir() - Part of the init_nova() process function create_nova_cache_dir { # Create cache dir sudo mkdir -p $NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR sudo chown $STACK_USER $NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR rm -f $NOVA_AUTH_CACHE_DIR/* } function create_nova_conf_nova_network { iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT network_manager "nova.network.manager.$NETWORK_MANAGER" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT public_interface "$PUBLIC_INTERFACE" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT vlan_interface "$VLAN_INTERFACE" iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT flat_network_bridge "$FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE" if [ -n "$FLAT_INTERFACE" ]; then iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT flat_interface "$FLAT_INTERFACE" fi } # create_nova_keys_dir() - Part of the init_nova() process function create_nova_keys_dir { # Create keys dir sudo mkdir -p ${NOVA_STATE_PATH}/keys sudo chown -R $STACK_USER ${NOVA_STATE_PATH} } # init_nova() - Initialize databases, etc. function init_nova { # All nova components talk to a central database. # Only do this step once on the API node for an entire cluster. if is_service_enabled $DATABASE_BACKENDS && is_service_enabled n-api; then # (Re)create nova database # Explicitly use latin1: to avoid lp#829209, nova expects the database to # use latin1 by default, and then upgrades the database to utf8 (see the # 082_essex.py in nova) recreate_database nova latin1 # Migrate nova database $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-manage db sync if is_service_enabled n-cell; then recreate_database $NOVA_CELLS_DB latin1 fi # (Re)create nova baremetal database if is_baremetal; then recreate_database nova_bm latin1 $NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-baremetal-manage db sync fi fi create_nova_cache_dir create_nova_keys_dir } # install_novaclient() - Collect source and prepare function install_novaclient { git_clone $NOVACLIENT_REPO $NOVACLIENT_DIR $NOVACLIENT_BRANCH setup_develop $NOVACLIENT_DIR sudo install -D -m 0644 -o $STACK_USER {$NOVACLIENT_DIR/tools/,/etc/bash_completion.d/}nova.bash_completion } # install_nova() - Collect source and prepare function install_nova { if is_service_enabled n-cpu && [[ -r $NOVA_PLUGINS/hypervisor-$VIRT_DRIVER ]]; then install_nova_hypervisor fi if is_service_enabled n-novnc; then # a websockets/html5 or flash powered VNC console for vm instances NOVNC_FROM_PACKAGE=`trueorfalse False $NOVNC_FROM_PACKAGE` if [ "$NOVNC_FROM_PACKAGE" = "True" ]; then NOVNC_WEB_DIR=/usr/share/novnc install_package novnc else NOVNC_WEB_DIR=$DEST/noVNC git_clone $NOVNC_REPO $NOVNC_WEB_DIR $NOVNC_BRANCH fi fi if is_service_enabled n-spice; then # a websockets/html5 or flash powered SPICE console for vm instances SPICE_FROM_PACKAGE=`trueorfalse True $SPICE_FROM_PACKAGE` if [ "$SPICE_FROM_PACKAGE" = "True" ]; then SPICE_WEB_DIR=/usr/share/spice-html5 install_package spice-html5 else SPICE_WEB_DIR=$DEST/spice-html5 git_clone $SPICE_REPO $SPICE_WEB_DIR $SPICE_BRANCH fi fi git_clone $NOVA_REPO $NOVA_DIR $NOVA_BRANCH setup_develop $NOVA_DIR sudo install -D -m 0644 -o $STACK_USER {$NOVA_DIR/tools/,/etc/bash_completion.d/}nova-manage.bash_completion } # start_nova_api() - Start the API process ahead of other things function start_nova_api { # Get right service port for testing local service_port=$NOVA_SERVICE_PORT local service_protocol=$NOVA_SERVICE_PROTOCOL if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then service_port=$NOVA_SERVICE_PORT_INT service_protocol="http" fi run_process n-api "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-api" echo "Waiting for nova-api to start..." if ! wait_for_service $SERVICE_TIMEOUT $service_protocol://$SERVICE_HOST:$service_port; then die $LINENO "nova-api did not start" fi # Start proxies if enabled if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then start_tls_proxy '*' $NOVA_SERVICE_PORT $NOVA_SERVICE_HOST $NOVA_SERVICE_PORT_INT & start_tls_proxy '*' $EC2_SERVICE_PORT $NOVA_SERVICE_HOST $EC2_SERVICE_PORT_INT & fi } # start_nova_compute() - Start the compute process function start_nova_compute { if is_service_enabled n-cell; then local compute_cell_conf=$NOVA_CELLS_CONF else local compute_cell_conf=$NOVA_CONF fi if [[ "$VIRT_DRIVER" = 'libvirt' ]]; then # The group **$LIBVIRT_GROUP** is added to the current user in this script. # sg' will be used in run_process to execute nova-compute as a member of the # **$LIBVIRT_GROUP** group. run_process n-cpu "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-compute --config-file $compute_cell_conf" $LIBVIRT_GROUP elif [[ "$VIRT_DRIVER" = 'fake' ]]; then local i for i in `seq 1 $NUMBER_FAKE_NOVA_COMPUTE`; do # Avoid process redirection of fake host configurations by # creating or modifying real configurations. Each fake # gets its own configuration and own log file. local fake_conf="${NOVA_FAKE_CONF}-${i}" iniset $fake_conf DEFAULT nhost "${HOSTNAME}${i}" run_process "n-cpu-${i}" "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-compute --config-file $compute_cell_conf --config-file $fake_conf" done else if is_service_enabled n-cpu && [[ -r $NOVA_PLUGINS/hypervisor-$VIRT_DRIVER ]]; then start_nova_hypervisor fi run_process n-cpu "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-compute --config-file $compute_cell_conf" fi } # start_nova() - Start running processes, including screen function start_nova_rest { local api_cell_conf=$NOVA_CONF if is_service_enabled n-cell; then local compute_cell_conf=$NOVA_CELLS_CONF else local compute_cell_conf=$NOVA_CONF fi # ``run_process`` checks ``is_service_enabled``, it is not needed here run_process n-cond "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-conductor --config-file $compute_cell_conf" run_process n-cell-region "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-cells --config-file $api_cell_conf" run_process n-cell-child "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-cells --config-file $compute_cell_conf" run_process n-crt "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-cert --config-file $api_cell_conf" run_process n-net "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-network --config-file $compute_cell_conf" run_process n-sch "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-scheduler --config-file $compute_cell_conf" run_process n-api-meta "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-api-metadata --config-file $compute_cell_conf" run_process n-novnc "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-novncproxy --config-file $api_cell_conf --web $NOVNC_WEB_DIR" run_process n-xvnc "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-xvpvncproxy --config-file $api_cell_conf" run_process n-spice "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-spicehtml5proxy --config-file $api_cell_conf --web $SPICE_WEB_DIR" run_process n-cauth "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-consoleauth --config-file $api_cell_conf" # Starting the nova-objectstore only if swift3 service is not enabled. # Swift will act as s3 objectstore. is_service_enabled swift3 || \ run_process n-obj "$NOVA_BIN_DIR/nova-objectstore --config-file $api_cell_conf" } function start_nova { start_nova_compute start_nova_rest } function stop_nova_compute { stop_process n-cpu if is_service_enabled n-cpu && [[ -r $NOVA_PLUGINS/hypervisor-$VIRT_DRIVER ]]; then stop_nova_hypervisor fi } function stop_nova_rest { # Kill the nova screen windows # Some services are listed here twice since more than one instance # of a service may be running in certain configs. for serv in n-api n-crt n-net n-sch n-novnc n-xvnc n-cauth n-spice n-cond n-cell n-cell n-api-meta n-obj; do stop_process $serv done } # stop_nova() - Stop running processes (non-screen) function stop_nova { stop_nova_rest stop_nova_compute } # Restore xtrace $XTRACE # Tell emacs to use shell-script-mode ## Local variables: ## mode: shell-script ## End: