#!/bin/bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Global Sources # -------------- # There are some ovs functions OVN depends on that must be sourced from # the ovs neutron plugins. source ${TOP_DIR}/lib/neutron_plugins/ovs_base source ${TOP_DIR}/lib/neutron_plugins/openvswitch_agent # Load devstack ovs compliation and loading functions source ${TOP_DIR}/lib/neutron_plugins/ovs_source # Set variables for building OVN from source OVN_REPO=${OVN_REPO:-https://github.com/ovn-org/ovn.git} OVN_REPO_NAME=$(basename ${OVN_REPO} | cut -f1 -d'.') OVN_REPO_NAME=${OVN_REPO_NAME:-ovn} OVN_BRANCH=${OVN_BRANCH:-v20.06.1} # The commit removing OVN bits from the OVS tree, it is the commit that is not # present in OVN tree and is used to distinguish if OVN is part of OVS or not. # https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/commit/05bf1dbb98b0635a51f75e268ef8aed27601401d OVN_SPLIT_HASH=05bf1dbb98b0635a51f75e268ef8aed27601401d if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then OVN_PROTO=ssl else OVN_PROTO=tcp fi # How to connect to ovsdb-server hosting the OVN SB database. OVN_SB_REMOTE=${OVN_SB_REMOTE:-$OVN_PROTO:$SERVICE_HOST:6642} # How to connect to ovsdb-server hosting the OVN NB database OVN_NB_REMOTE=${OVN_NB_REMOTE:-$OVN_PROTO:$SERVICE_HOST:6641} # ml2/config for neutron_sync_mode OVN_NEUTRON_SYNC_MODE=${OVN_NEUTRON_SYNC_MODE:-log} # Configured DNS servers to be used with internal_dns extension, only # if the subnet DNS is not configured. OVN_DNS_SERVERS=${OVN_DNS_SERVERS:-} # The type of OVN L3 Scheduler to use. The OVN L3 Scheduler determines the # hypervisor/chassis where a routers gateway should be hosted in OVN. The # default OVN L3 scheduler is leastloaded OVN_L3_SCHEDULER=${OVN_L3_SCHEDULER:-leastloaded} # A UUID to uniquely identify this system. If one is not specified, a random # one will be generated. A randomly generated UUID will be saved in a file # $OVS_SYSCONFDIR/system-id.conf (typically /etc/openvswitch/system-id.conf) # so that the same one will be re-used if you re-run DevStack or restart # Open vSwitch service. OVN_UUID=${OVN_UUID:-} # Whether or not to build the openvswitch kernel module from ovs. This is required # unless the distro kernel includes ovs+conntrack support. OVN_BUILD_MODULES=$(trueorfalse False OVN_BUILD_MODULES) OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=$(trueorfalse False OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE) if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then Q_BUILD_OVS_FROM_GIT=True fi # Whether or not to install the ovs python module from ovs source. This can be # used to test and validate new ovs python features. This should only be used # for development purposes since the ovs python version is controlled by OpenStack # requirements. OVN_INSTALL_OVS_PYTHON_MODULE=$(trueorfalse False OVN_INSTALL_OVS_PYTHON_MODULE) # GENEVE overlay protocol overhead. Defaults to 38 bytes plus the IP version # overhead (20 bytes for IPv4 (default) or 40 bytes for IPv6) which is determined # based on the ML2 overlay_ip_version option. The ML2 framework will use this to # configure the MTU DHCP option. OVN_GENEVE_OVERHEAD=${OVN_GENEVE_OVERHEAD:-38} # The log level of the OVN databases (north and south). # Supported log levels are: off, emer, err, warn, info or dbg. # More information about log levels can be found at # http://www.openvswitch.org/support/dist-docs/ovs-appctl.8.txt OVN_DBS_LOG_LEVEL=${OVN_DBS_LOG_LEVEL:-info} OVN_META_CONF=$NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/neutron_ovn_metadata_agent.ini OVN_META_DATA_HOST=${OVN_META_DATA_HOST:-$(ipv6_unquote $SERVICE_HOST)} # If True (default) the node will be considered a gateway node. ENABLE_CHASSIS_AS_GW=$(trueorfalse True ENABLE_CHASSIS_AS_GW) OVN_L3_CREATE_PUBLIC_NETWORK=$(trueorfalse True OVN_L3_CREATE_PUBLIC_NETWORK) export OVSDB_SERVER_LOCAL_HOST=$SERVICE_LOCAL_HOST if [[ "$SERVICE_IP_VERSION" == 6 ]]; then OVSDB_SERVER_LOCAL_HOST=[$OVSDB_SERVER_LOCAL_HOST] fi OVN_IGMP_SNOOPING_ENABLE=$(trueorfalse False OVN_IGMP_SNOOPING_ENABLE) OVS_PREFIX= if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then OVS_PREFIX=/usr/local fi OVS_SBINDIR=$OVS_PREFIX/sbin OVS_BINDIR=$OVS_PREFIX/bin OVS_RUNDIR=$OVS_PREFIX/var/run/openvswitch OVS_SHAREDIR=$OVS_PREFIX/share/openvswitch OVS_SCRIPTDIR=$OVS_SHAREDIR/scripts OVS_DATADIR=$DATA_DIR/ovs OVS_SYSCONFDIR=${OVS_SYSCONFDIR:-$OVS_PREFIX/etc/openvswitch} if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then OVN_DATADIR=$DATA_DIR/ovn else # When using OVN from packages, the data dir for OVN DBs is # /var/lib/ovn OVN_DATADIR=/var/lib/ovn fi OVN_SHAREDIR=$OVS_PREFIX/share/ovn OVN_SCRIPTDIR=$OVN_SHAREDIR/scripts OVN_RUNDIR=$OVS_PREFIX/var/run/ovn NEUTRON_OVN_BIN_DIR=$(get_python_exec_prefix) NEUTRON_OVN_METADATA_BINARY="neutron-ovn-metadata-agent" STACK_GROUP="$( id --group --name "$STACK_USER" )" OVN_NORTHD_SERVICE=ovn-northd.service if is_ubuntu; then # The ovn-central.service file on Ubuntu is responsible for starting # ovn-northd and the OVN DBs (on CentOS this is done by ovn-northd.service) OVN_NORTHD_SERVICE=ovn-central.service fi OVSDB_SERVER_SERVICE=ovsdb-server.service OVS_VSWITCHD_SERVICE=ovs-vswitchd.service OVN_CONTROLLER_SERVICE=ovn-controller.service OVN_CONTROLLER_VTEP_SERVICE=ovn-controller-vtep.service if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then OVSDB_SERVER_SERVICE=devstack@ovsdb-server.service OVS_VSWITCHD_SERVICE=devstack@ovs-vswitchd.service OVN_NORTHD_SERVICE=devstack@ovn-northd.service OVN_CONTROLLER_SERVICE=devstack@ovn-controller.service OVN_CONTROLLER_VTEP_SERVICE=devstack@ovn-controller-vtep.service fi # Defaults Overwrite # ------------------ Q_ML2_PLUGIN_MECHANISM_DRIVERS=${Q_ML2_PLUGIN_MECHANISM_DRIVERS:-ovn,logger} Q_ML2_PLUGIN_TYPE_DRIVERS=${Q_ML2_PLUGIN_TYPE_DRIVERS:-local,flat,vlan,geneve} Q_ML2_TENANT_NETWORK_TYPE=${Q_ML2_TENANT_NETWORK_TYPE:-"geneve"} Q_ML2_PLUGIN_GENEVE_TYPE_OPTIONS=${Q_ML2_PLUGIN_GENEVE_TYPE_OPTIONS:-"vni_ranges=1:65536"} Q_ML2_PLUGIN_EXT_DRIVERS=${Q_ML2_PLUGIN_EXT_DRIVERS:-port_security,qos} # this one allows empty: ML2_L3_PLUGIN=${ML2_L3_PLUGIN-"ovn-router"} Q_LOG_DRIVER_RATE_LIMIT=${Q_LOG_DRIVER_RATE_LIMIT:-100} Q_LOG_DRIVER_BURST_LIMIT=${Q_LOG_DRIVER_BURST_LIMIT:-25} Q_LOG_DRIVER_LOG_BASE=${Q_LOG_DRIVER_LOG_BASE:-acl_log_meter} # Utility Functions # ----------------- function wait_for_db_file { local count=0 while [ ! -f $1 ]; do sleep 1 count=$((count+1)) if [ "$count" -gt 5 ]; then die $LINENO "DB File $1 not found" fi done } function wait_for_sock_file { local count=0 while [ ! -S $1 ]; do sleep 1 count=$((count+1)) if [ "$count" -gt 5 ]; then die $LINENO "Socket $1 not found" fi done } function use_new_ovn_repository { if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "False" ]]; then return 0 fi if [ -z "$is_new_ovn" ]; then local ovs_repo_dir=$DEST/$OVS_REPO_NAME if [ ! -d $ovs_repo_dir ]; then git_timed clone $OVS_REPO $ovs_repo_dir pushd $ovs_repo_dir git checkout $OVS_BRANCH popd else clone_repository $OVS_REPO $ovs_repo_dir $OVS_BRANCH fi # Check the split commit exists in the current branch pushd $ovs_repo_dir git log $OVS_BRANCH --pretty=format:"%H" | grep -q $OVN_SPLIT_HASH is_new_ovn=$? popd fi return $is_new_ovn } # NOTE(rtheis): Function copied from DevStack _neutron_ovs_base_setup_bridge # and _neutron_ovs_base_add_bridge with the call to neutron-ovs-cleanup # removed. The call is not relevant for OVN, as it is specific to the use # of Neutron's OVS agent and hangs when running stack.sh because # neutron-ovs-cleanup uses the OVSDB native interface. function ovn_base_setup_bridge { local bridge=$1 local addbr_cmd="sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait -- --may-exist add-br $bridge -- set bridge $bridge protocols=OpenFlow13,OpenFlow15" if [ "$OVS_DATAPATH_TYPE" != "system" ] ; then addbr_cmd="$addbr_cmd -- set Bridge $bridge datapath_type=${OVS_DATAPATH_TYPE}" fi $addbr_cmd sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait br-set-external-id $bridge bridge-id $bridge } function _start_process { $SYSTEMCTL daemon-reload $SYSTEMCTL enable $1 $SYSTEMCTL restart $1 } function _run_process { local service=$1 local cmd="$2" local stop_cmd="$3" local group=$4 local user=${5:-$STACK_USER} local systemd_service="devstack@$service.service" local unit_file="$SYSTEMD_DIR/$systemd_service" local environment="OVN_RUNDIR=$OVS_RUNDIR OVN_DBDIR=$OVN_DATADIR OVN_LOGDIR=$LOGDIR OVS_RUNDIR=$OVS_RUNDIR OVS_DBDIR=$OVS_DATADIR OVS_LOGDIR=$LOGDIR" echo "Starting $service executed command": $cmd write_user_unit_file $systemd_service "$cmd" "$group" "$user" iniset -sudo $unit_file "Service" "Type" "forking" iniset -sudo $unit_file "Service" "RemainAfterExit" "yes" iniset -sudo $unit_file "Service" "KillMode" "mixed" iniset -sudo $unit_file "Service" "LimitNOFILE" "65536" iniset -sudo $unit_file "Service" "Environment" "$environment" if [ -n "$stop_cmd" ]; then iniset -sudo $unit_file "Service" "ExecStop" "$stop_cmd" fi _start_process $systemd_service local testcmd="test -e $OVS_RUNDIR/$service.pid" test_with_retry "$testcmd" "$service did not start" $SERVICE_TIMEOUT 1 local service_ctl_file service_ctl_file=$(ls $OVS_RUNDIR | grep $service | grep ctl) if [ -z "$service_ctl_file" ]; then die $LINENO "ctl file for service $service is not present." fi sudo ovs-appctl -t $OVS_RUNDIR/$service_ctl_file vlog/set console:off syslog:info file:info } function clone_repository { local repo=$1 local dir=$2 local branch=$3 # Set ERROR_ON_CLONE to false to avoid the need of having the # repositories like OVN and OVS in the required_projects of the job # definition. ERROR_ON_CLONE=false git_clone $repo $dir $branch } function create_public_bridge { # Create the public bridge that OVN will use sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br $PUBLIC_BRIDGE -- set bridge $PUBLIC_BRIDGE protocols=OpenFlow13,OpenFlow15 sudo ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-bridge-mappings=$PHYSICAL_NETWORK:$PUBLIC_BRIDGE _configure_public_network_connectivity } function _disable_libvirt_apparmor { if ! sudo aa-status --enabled ; then return 0 fi # NOTE(arosen): This is used as a work around to allow newer versions # of libvirt to work with ovs configured ports. See LP#1466631. # requires the apparmor-utils install_package apparmor-utils # disables apparmor for libvirtd sudo aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd } # OVN compilation functions # ------------------------- # compile_ovn() - Compile OVN from source and load needed modules # Accepts three parameters: # - first optional parameter defines prefix for # ovn compilation # - second optional parameter defines localstatedir for # ovn single machine runtime function compile_ovn { local prefix=$1 local localstatedir=$2 if [ -n "$prefix" ]; then prefix="--prefix=$prefix" fi if [ -n "$localstatedir" ]; then localstatedir="--localstatedir=$localstatedir" fi clone_repository $OVN_REPO $DEST/$OVN_REPO_NAME $OVN_BRANCH pushd $DEST/$OVN_REPO_NAME if [ ! -f configure ] ; then ./boot.sh fi if [ ! -f config.status ] || [ configure -nt config.status ] ; then ./configure --with-ovs-source=$DEST/$OVS_REPO_NAME $prefix $localstatedir fi make -j$(($(nproc) + 1)) sudo make install popd } # OVN Neutron driver functions # ---------------------------- # OVN service sanity check function ovn_sanity_check { if is_service_enabled q-agt neutron-agt; then die $LINENO "The q-agt/neutron-agt service must be disabled with OVN." elif is_service_enabled q-l3 neutron-l3; then die $LINENO "The q-l3/neutron-l3 service must be disabled with OVN." elif is_service_enabled q-svc neutron-api && [[ ! $Q_ML2_PLUGIN_MECHANISM_DRIVERS =~ "ovn" ]]; then die $LINENO "OVN needs to be enabled in \$Q_ML2_PLUGIN_MECHANISM_DRIVERS" elif is_service_enabled q-svc neutron-api && [[ ! $Q_ML2_PLUGIN_TYPE_DRIVERS =~ "geneve" ]]; then die $LINENO "Geneve needs to be enabled in \$Q_ML2_PLUGIN_TYPE_DRIVERS to be used with OVN" fi } # install_ovn() - Collect source and prepare function install_ovn { echo "Installing OVN and dependent packages" # Check the OVN configuration ovn_sanity_check # Install tox, used to generate the config (see devstack/override-defaults) pip_install tox sudo mkdir -p $OVS_RUNDIR sudo chown $(whoami) $OVS_RUNDIR # NOTE(lucasagomes): To keep things simpler, let's reuse the same # RUNDIR for both OVS and OVN. This way we avoid having to specify the # --db option in the ovn-{n,s}bctl commands while playing with DevStack sudo ln -s $OVS_RUNDIR $OVN_RUNDIR if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then # If OVS is already installed, remove it, because we're about to # re-install it from source. for package in openvswitch openvswitch-switch openvswitch-common; do if is_package_installed $package ; then uninstall_package $package fi done remove_ovs_packages sudo rm -f $OVS_RUNDIR/* compile_ovs $OVN_BUILD_MODULES if use_new_ovn_repository; then compile_ovn fi sudo mkdir -p $OVS_PREFIX/var/log/openvswitch sudo chown $(whoami) $OVS_PREFIX/var/log/openvswitch sudo mkdir -p $OVS_PREFIX/var/log/ovn sudo chown $(whoami) $OVS_PREFIX/var/log/ovn else fixup_ovn_centos install_package $(get_packages openvswitch) install_package $(get_packages ovn) fi # Ensure that the OVS commands are accessible in the PATH export PATH=$OVS_BINDIR:$PATH # Archive log files and create new local log_archive_dir=$LOGDIR/archive mkdir -p $log_archive_dir for logfile in ovs-vswitchd.log ovn-northd.log ovn-controller.log ovn-controller-vtep.log ovs-vtep.log ovsdb-server.log ovsdb-server-nb.log ovsdb-server-sb.log; do if [ -f "$LOGDIR/$logfile" ] ; then mv "$LOGDIR/$logfile" "$log_archive_dir/$logfile.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME}" fi done # Install ovsdbapp from source if requested if use_library_from_git "ovsdbapp"; then git_clone_by_name "ovsdbapp" setup_dev_lib "ovsdbapp" fi # Install ovs python module from ovs source. if [[ "$OVN_INSTALL_OVS_PYTHON_MODULE" == "True" ]]; then sudo pip uninstall -y ovs # Clone the OVS repository if it's not yet present clone_repository $OVS_REPO $DEST/$OVS_REPO_NAME $OVS_BRANCH sudo pip install -e $DEST/$OVS_REPO_NAME/python fi } # filter_network_api_extensions() - Remove non-supported API extensions by # the OVN driver from the list of enabled API extensions function filter_network_api_extensions { SUPPORTED_NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS=$($PYTHON -c \ 'from neutron.common.ovn import extensions ;\ print(",".join(extensions.ML2_SUPPORTED_API_EXTENSIONS))') SUPPORTED_NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS=$SUPPORTED_NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS,$($PYTHON -c \ 'from neutron.common.ovn import extensions ;\ print(",".join(extensions.ML2_SUPPORTED_API_EXTENSIONS_OVN_L3))') if is_service_enabled q-qos neutron-qos ; then SUPPORTED_NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS="$SUPPORTED_NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS,qos" fi NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS=${NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS:-$SUPPORTED_NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS} extensions=$(echo $NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS | tr ', ' '\n' | sort -u) supported_ext=$(echo $SUPPORTED_NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS | tr ', ' '\n' | sort -u) enabled_ext=$(comm -12 <(echo -e "$extensions") <(echo -e "$supported_ext")) disabled_ext=$(comm -3 <(echo -e "$extensions") <(echo -e "$enabled_ext")) # Log a message in case some extensions had to be disabled because # they are not supported by the OVN driver if [ ! -z "$disabled_ext" ]; then _disabled=$(echo $disabled_ext | tr ' ' ',') echo "The folling network API extensions have been disabled because they are not supported by OVN: $_disabled" fi # Export the final list of extensions that have been enabled and are # supported by OVN export NETWORK_API_EXTENSIONS=$(echo $enabled_ext | tr ' ' ',') } function configure_ovn_plugin { echo "Configuring Neutron for OVN" if is_service_enabled q-svc ; then filter_network_api_extensions populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ml2_type_geneve max_header_size=$OVN_GENEVE_OVERHEAD populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_nb_connection="$OVN_NB_REMOTE" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_sb_connection="$OVN_SB_REMOTE" if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_sb_ca_cert="$INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_sb_certificate="$INT_CA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.crt" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_sb_private_key="$INT_CA_DIR/private/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.key" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_nb_ca_cert="$INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_nb_certificate="$INT_CA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.crt" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_nb_private_key="$INT_CA_DIR/private/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.key" fi populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn neutron_sync_mode="$OVN_NEUTRON_SYNC_MODE" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_l3_scheduler="$OVN_L3_SCHEDULER" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE securitygroup enable_security_group="$Q_USE_SECGROUP" inicomment /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE securitygroup firewall_driver if is_service_enabled q-log neutron-log; then populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE network_log rate_limit="$Q_LOG_DRIVER_RATE_LIMIT" populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE network_log burst_limit="$Q_LOG_DRIVER_BURST_LIMIT" inicomment /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE network_log local_output_log_base="$Q_LOG_DRIVER_LOG_BASE" fi if is_service_enabled q-ovn-metadata-agent; then populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_metadata_enabled=True else populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn ovn_metadata_enabled=False fi if is_service_enabled q-dns neutron-dns ; then iniset $NEUTRON_CONF DEFAULT dns_domain openstackgate.local populate_ml2_config /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovn dns_servers="$OVN_DNS_SERVERS" fi iniset $NEUTRON_CONF ovs igmp_snooping_enable $OVN_IGMP_SNOOPING_ENABLE fi if is_service_enabled q-dhcp neutron-dhcp ; then iniset $NEUTRON_CONF DEFAULT dhcp_agent_notification True else iniset $NEUTRON_CONF DEFAULT dhcp_agent_notification False fi if is_service_enabled n-api-meta ; then if is_service_enabled q-ovn-metadata-agent ; then iniset $NOVA_CONF neutron service_metadata_proxy True fi fi } function configure_ovn { echo "Configuring OVN" if [ -z "$OVN_UUID" ] ; then if [ -f $OVS_SYSCONFDIR/system-id.conf ]; then OVN_UUID=$(cat $OVS_SYSCONFDIR/system-id.conf) else OVN_UUID=$(uuidgen) echo $OVN_UUID | sudo tee $OVS_SYSCONFDIR/system-id.conf fi else local ovs_uuid ovs_uuid=$(cat $OVS_SYSCONFDIR/system-id.conf) if [ "$ovs_uuid" != $OVN_UUID ]; then echo $OVN_UUID | sudo tee $OVS_SYSCONFDIR/system-id.conf fi fi # Erase the pre-set configurations from packages. DevStack will # configure OVS and OVN accordingly for its use. if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "False" ]] && is_fedora; then sudo truncate -s 0 /etc/openvswitch/default.conf sudo truncate -s 0 /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch sudo truncate -s 0 /etc/sysconfig/ovn fi # Metadata if is_service_enabled q-ovn-metadata-agent && is_service_enabled ovn-controller; then sudo install -d -o $STACK_USER $NEUTRON_CONF_DIR mkdir -p $NEUTRON_DIR/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2 (cd $NEUTRON_DIR && exec ./tools/generate_config_file_samples.sh) cp $NEUTRON_DIR/etc/neutron_ovn_metadata_agent.ini.sample $OVN_META_CONF configure_root_helper_options $OVN_META_CONF iniset $OVN_META_CONF DEFAULT debug $ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG_LEVEL iniset $OVN_META_CONF DEFAULT nova_metadata_host $OVN_META_DATA_HOST iniset $OVN_META_CONF DEFAULT metadata_workers $API_WORKERS iniset $OVN_META_CONF DEFAULT state_path $NEUTRON_STATE_PATH iniset $OVN_META_CONF ovs ovsdb_connection tcp:$OVSDB_SERVER_LOCAL_HOST:6640 iniset $OVN_META_CONF ovn ovn_sb_connection $OVN_SB_REMOTE if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then iniset $OVN_META_CONF ovn \ ovn_sb_ca_cert $INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem iniset $OVN_META_CONF ovn \ ovn_sb_certificate $INT_CA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.crt iniset $OVN_META_CONF ovn \ ovn_sb_private_key $INT_CA_DIR/private/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.key fi fi } function init_ovn { # clean up from previous (possibly aborted) runs # create required data files # Assumption: this is a dedicated test system and there is nothing important # in the ovn, ovn-nb, or ovs databases. We're going to trash them and # create new ones on each devstack run. _disable_libvirt_apparmor local mkdir_cmd="mkdir -p ${OVN_DATADIR}" if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "False" ]]; then mkdir_cmd="sudo ${mkdir_cmd}" fi $mkdir_cmd mkdir -p $OVS_DATADIR rm -f $OVS_DATADIR/*.db rm -f $OVS_DATADIR/.*.db.~lock~ sudo rm -f $OVN_DATADIR/*.db sudo rm -f $OVN_DATADIR/.*.db.~lock~ } function _start_ovs { echo "Starting OVS" if is_service_enabled ovn-controller ovn-controller-vtep ovn-northd; then # ovsdb-server and ovs-vswitchd are used privately in OVN as openvswitch service names. enable_service ovsdb-server enable_service ovs-vswitchd if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then if [ ! -f $OVS_DATADIR/conf.db ]; then ovsdb-tool create $OVS_DATADIR/conf.db $OVS_SHAREDIR/vswitch.ovsschema fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller-vtep; then if [ ! -f $OVS_DATADIR/vtep.db ]; then ovsdb-tool create $OVS_DATADIR/vtep.db $OVS_SHAREDIR/vtep.ovsschema fi fi local dbcmd="$OVS_SBINDIR/ovsdb-server --remote=punix:$OVS_RUNDIR/db.sock --remote=ptcp:6640:$OVSDB_SERVER_LOCAL_HOST --pidfile --detach --log-file" dbcmd+=" --remote=db:Open_vSwitch,Open_vSwitch,manager_options" if is_service_enabled ovn-controller-vtep; then dbcmd+=" --remote=db:hardware_vtep,Global,managers $OVS_DATADIR/vtep.db" fi dbcmd+=" $OVS_DATADIR/conf.db" _run_process ovsdb-server "$dbcmd" # Note: ovn-controller will create and configure br-int once it is started. # So, no need to create it now because nothing depends on that bridge here. local ovscmd="$OVS_SBINDIR/ovs-vswitchd --log-file --pidfile --detach" _run_process ovs-vswitchd "$ovscmd" "" "$STACK_GROUP" "root" else _start_process "$OVSDB_SERVER_SERVICE" _start_process "$OVS_VSWITCHD_SERVICE" fi echo "Configuring OVSDB" if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set-ssl \ $INT_CA_DIR/private/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.key \ $INT_CA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.crt \ $INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem fi sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set-manager ptcp:6640:$OVSDB_SERVER_LOCAL_HOST sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . system-type="devstack" sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . external-ids:system-id="$OVN_UUID" sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . external-ids:ovn-remote="$OVN_SB_REMOTE" sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . external-ids:ovn-bridge="br-int" sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . external-ids:ovn-encap-type="geneve" sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . external-ids:ovn-encap-ip="$HOST_IP" sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . external-ids:hostname="$LOCAL_HOSTNAME" # Select this chassis to host gateway routers if [[ "$ENABLE_CHASSIS_AS_GW" == "True" ]]; then sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait set open_vswitch . external-ids:ovn-cms-options="enable-chassis-as-gw" fi if is_provider_network || [[ $Q_USE_PROVIDERNET_FOR_PUBLIC == "True" ]]; then ovn_base_setup_bridge $OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE sudo ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-bridge-mappings=${PHYSICAL_NETWORK}:${OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE} fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller-vtep ; then ovn_base_setup_bridge br-v vtep-ctl add-ps br-v vtep-ctl set Physical_Switch br-v tunnel_ips=$HOST_IP enable_service ovs-vtep local vtepcmd="$OVS_SCRIPTDIR/ovs-vtep --log-file --pidfile --detach br-v" _run_process ovs-vtep "$vtepcmd" "" "$STACK_GROUP" "root" vtep-ctl set-manager tcp:$HOST_IP:6640 fi fi } function _start_ovn_services { _start_process "$OVSDB_SERVER_SERVICE" _start_process "$OVS_VSWITCHD_SERVICE" if is_service_enabled ovn-northd ; then _start_process "$OVN_NORTHD_SERVICE" fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller ; then _start_process "$OVN_CONTROLLER_SERVICE" fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller-vtep ; then _start_process "$OVN_CONTROLLER_VTEP_SERVICE" fi if is_service_enabled ovs-vtep ; then _start_process "devstack@ovs-vtep.service" fi if is_service_enabled q-ovn-metadata-agent; then _start_process "devstack@q-ovn-metadata-agent.service" fi } # start_ovn() - Start running processes, including screen function start_ovn { echo "Starting OVN" _start_ovs local SCRIPTDIR=$OVN_SCRIPTDIR if ! use_new_ovn_repository; then SCRIPTDIR=$OVS_SCRIPTDIR fi if is_service_enabled ovn-northd ; then if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then local cmd="/bin/bash $SCRIPTDIR/ovn-ctl --no-monitor start_northd" local stop_cmd="/bin/bash $SCRIPTDIR/ovn-ctl stop_northd" _run_process ovn-northd "$cmd" "$stop_cmd" else _start_process "$OVN_NORTHD_SERVICE" fi # Wait for the service to be ready # Check for socket and db files for both OVN NB and SB wait_for_sock_file $OVS_RUNDIR/ovnnb_db.sock wait_for_sock_file $OVS_RUNDIR/ovnsb_db.sock wait_for_db_file $OVN_DATADIR/ovnnb_db.db wait_for_db_file $OVN_DATADIR/ovnsb_db.db if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then sudo ovn-nbctl --db=unix:$OVS_RUNDIR/ovnnb_db.sock set-ssl $INT_CA_DIR/private/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.key $INT_CA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.crt $INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem sudo ovn-sbctl --db=unix:$OVS_RUNDIR/ovnsb_db.sock set-ssl $INT_CA_DIR/private/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.key $INT_CA_DIR/$DEVSTACK_CERT_NAME.crt $INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem fi sudo ovn-nbctl --db=unix:$OVS_RUNDIR/ovnnb_db.sock set-connection p${OVN_PROTO}:6641:$SERVICE_LISTEN_ADDRESS -- set connection . inactivity_probe=60000 sudo ovn-sbctl --db=unix:$OVS_RUNDIR/ovnsb_db.sock set-connection p${OVN_PROTO}:6642:$SERVICE_LISTEN_ADDRESS -- set connection . inactivity_probe=60000 sudo ovs-appctl -t $OVS_RUNDIR/ovnnb_db.ctl vlog/set console:off syslog:$OVN_DBS_LOG_LEVEL file:$OVN_DBS_LOG_LEVEL sudo ovs-appctl -t $OVS_RUNDIR/ovnsb_db.ctl vlog/set console:off syslog:$OVN_DBS_LOG_LEVEL file:$OVN_DBS_LOG_LEVEL fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller ; then if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then local cmd="/bin/bash $SCRIPTDIR/ovn-ctl --no-monitor start_controller" local stop_cmd="/bin/bash $SCRIPTDIR/ovn-ctl stop_controller" _run_process ovn-controller "$cmd" "$stop_cmd" "$STACK_GROUP" "root" else _start_process "$OVN_CONTROLLER_SERVICE" fi fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller-vtep ; then if [[ "$OVN_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE" == "True" ]]; then local cmd="$OVS_BINDIR/ovn-controller-vtep --log-file --pidfile --detach --ovnsb-db=$OVN_SB_REMOTE" _run_process ovn-controller-vtep "$cmd" "" "$STACK_GROUP" "root" else _start_process "$OVN_CONTROLLER_VTEP_SERVICE" fi fi if is_service_enabled q-ovn-metadata-agent; then run_process q-ovn-metadata-agent "$NEUTRON_OVN_BIN_DIR/$NEUTRON_OVN_METADATA_BINARY --config-file $OVN_META_CONF" # Format logging setup_logging $OVN_META_CONF fi _start_ovn_services } function _stop_ovs_dp { sudo ovs-dpctl dump-dps | sudo xargs -n1 ovs-dpctl del-dp modprobe -q -r vport_geneve vport_vxlan openvswitch || true } function _stop_process { local service=$1 echo "Stopping process $service" if $SYSTEMCTL is-enabled $service; then $SYSTEMCTL stop $service $SYSTEMCTL disable $service fi } function stop_ovn { if is_service_enabled q-ovn-metadata-agent; then sudo pkill -9 -f haproxy || : _stop_process "devstack@q-ovn-metadata-agent.service" fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller-vtep ; then _stop_process "$OVN_CONTROLLER_VTEP_SERVICE" fi if is_service_enabled ovn-controller ; then _stop_process "$OVN_CONTROLLER_SERVICE" fi if is_service_enabled ovn-northd ; then _stop_process "$OVN_NORTHD_SERVICE" fi if is_service_enabled ovs-vtep ; then _stop_process "devstack@ovs-vtep.service" fi _stop_process "$OVS_VSWITCHD_SERVICE" _stop_process "$OVSDB_SERVER_SERVICE" _stop_ovs_dp } function _cleanup { local path=${1:-$DEST/$OVN_REPO_NAME} pushd $path cd $path sudo make uninstall sudo make distclean popd } # cleanup_ovn() - Remove residual data files, anything left over from previous # runs that a clean run would need to clean up function cleanup_ovn { local ovn_path=$DEST/$OVN_REPO_NAME local ovs_path=$DEST/$OVS_REPO_NAME if [ -d $ovn_path ]; then _cleanup $ovn_path fi if [ -d $ovs_path ]; then _cleanup $ovs_path fi sudo rm -f $OVN_RUNDIR }