#!/bin/bash # This script is run on an Ubuntu VM. # This script is inserted into the VM by prepare_guest_template.sh # and is run when that VM boots. # It customizes a fresh Ubuntu install, so it is ready # to run stack.sh # # This includes installing the XenServer tools, # creating the user called "stack", # and shuts down the VM to signal the script has completed set -x # Echo commands set -o xtrace # Configurable nuggets GUEST_PASSWORD=${GUEST_PASSWORD:-secrete} STAGING_DIR=${STAGING_DIR:-stage} DO_TGZ=${DO_TGZ:-1} # Install basics chroot $STAGING_DIR apt-get update chroot $STAGING_DIR apt-get install -y cracklib-runtime curl wget ssh openssh-server tcpdump ethtool chroot $STAGING_DIR apt-get install -y curl wget ssh openssh-server python-pip git vim-nox sudo chroot $STAGING_DIR pip install xenapi # Install XenServer guest utilities XEGUEST=xe-guest-utilities_5.6.100-651_amd64.deb wget http://images.ansolabs.com/xen/$XEGUEST -O $XEGUEST cp $XEGUEST $STAGING_DIR/root chroot $STAGING_DIR dpkg -i /root/$XEGUEST chroot $STAGING_DIR update-rc.d -f xe-linux-distribution remove chroot $STAGING_DIR update-rc.d xe-linux-distribution defaults # Make a small cracklib dictionary, so that passwd still works, but we don't # have the big dictionary. mkdir -p $STAGING_DIR/usr/share/cracklib echo a | chroot $STAGING_DIR cracklib-packer # Make /etc/shadow, and set the root password chroot $STAGING_DIR "pwconv" echo "root:$GUEST_PASSWORD" | chroot $STAGING_DIR chpasswd # Put the VPX into UTC. rm -f $STAGING_DIR/etc/localtime # Add stack user chroot $STAGING_DIR groupadd libvirtd chroot $STAGING_DIR useradd stack -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -G libvirtd echo stack:$GUEST_PASSWORD | chroot $STAGING_DIR chpasswd echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> $STAGING_DIR/etc/sudoers # Give ownership of /opt/stack to stack user chroot $STAGING_DIR chown -R stack /opt/stack # Make our ip address hostnames look nice at the command prompt echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $STAGING_DIR/opt/stack/.bashrc echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $STAGING_DIR/root/.bashrc echo "export PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\\u@\\H:\\w\\$ '" >> $STAGING_DIR/etc/profile function setup_vimrc { if [ ! -e $1 ]; then # Simple but usable vimrc cat > $1 <