#!/usr/bin/env bash # ``stack.sh`` is an opinionated OpenStack developer installation. It # installs and configures various combinations of **Cinder**, **Glance**, # **Heat**, **Horizon**, **Keystone**, **Nova**, **Neutron**, and **Swift** # This script's options can be changed by setting appropriate environment # variables. You can configure things like which git repositories to use, # services to enable, OS images to use, etc. Default values are located in the # ``stackrc`` file. If you are crafty you can run the script on multiple nodes # using shared settings for common resources (eg., mysql or rabbitmq) and build # a multi-node developer install. # To keep this script simple we assume you are running on a recent **Ubuntu** # (14.04 Trusty or newer), **Fedora** (F20 or newer), or **CentOS/RHEL** # (7 or newer) machine. (It may work on other platforms but support for those # platforms is left to those who added them to DevStack.) It should work in # a VM or physical server. Additionally, we maintain a list of ``deb`` and # ``rpm`` dependencies and other configuration files in this repo. # Learn more and get the most recent version at http://devstack.org # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following along as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # Make sure custom grep options don't get in the way unset GREP_OPTIONS # Make sure umask is sane umask 022 # Not all distros have sbin in PATH for regular users. PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin # Keep track of the DevStack directory TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Check for uninitialized variables, a big cause of bugs NOUNSET=${NOUNSET:-} if [[ -n "$NOUNSET" ]]; then set -o nounset fi # Set start of devstack timestamp DEVSTACK_START_TIME=$(date +%s) # Configuration # ============= # Sanity Checks # ------------- # Clean up last environment var cache if [[ -r $TOP_DIR/.stackenv ]]; then rm $TOP_DIR/.stackenv fi # ``stack.sh`` keeps the list of ``deb`` and ``rpm`` dependencies, config # templates and other useful files in the ``files`` subdirectory FILES=$TOP_DIR/files if [ ! -d $FILES ]; then die $LINENO "missing devstack/files" fi # ``stack.sh`` keeps function libraries here # Make sure ``$TOP_DIR/inc`` directory is present if [ ! -d $TOP_DIR/inc ]; then die $LINENO "missing devstack/inc" fi # ``stack.sh`` keeps project libraries here # Make sure ``$TOP_DIR/lib`` directory is present if [ ! -d $TOP_DIR/lib ]; then die $LINENO "missing devstack/lib" fi # Check if run in POSIX shell if [[ "${POSIXLY_CORRECT}" == "y" ]]; then set +o xtrace echo "You are running POSIX compatibility mode, DevStack requires bash 4.2 or newer." exit 1 fi # OpenStack is designed to be run as a non-root user; Horizon will fail to run # as **root** since Apache will not serve content from **root** user). # ``stack.sh`` must not be run as **root**. It aborts and suggests one course of # action to create a suitable user account. if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]]; then set +o xtrace echo "DevStack should be run as a user with sudo permissions, " echo "not root." echo "A \"stack\" user configured correctly can be created with:" echo " $TOP_DIR/tools/create-stack-user.sh" exit 1 fi # OpenStack is designed to run at a system level, with system level # installation of python packages. It does not support running under a # virtual env, and will fail in really odd ways if you do this. Make # this explicit as it has come up on the mailing list. if [[ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]]; then set +o xtrace echo "You appear to be running under a python virtualenv." echo "DevStack does not support this, as we may break the" echo "virtualenv you are currently in by modifying " echo "external system-level components the virtualenv relies on." echo "We recommend you use a separate virtual-machine if " echo "you are worried about DevStack taking over your system." exit 1 fi # Provide a safety switch for devstack. If you do a lot of devstack, # on a lot of different environments, you sometimes run it on the # wrong box. This makes there be a way to prevent that. if [[ -e $HOME/.no-devstack ]]; then set +o xtrace echo "You've marked this host as a no-devstack host, to save yourself from" echo "running devstack accidentally. If this is in error, please remove the" echo "~/.no-devstack file" exit 1 fi # Prepare the environment # ----------------------- # Initialize variables: LAST_SPINNER_PID="" # Import common functions source $TOP_DIR/functions # Import config functions source $TOP_DIR/inc/meta-config # Import 'public' stack.sh functions source $TOP_DIR/lib/stack # Determine what system we are running on. This provides ``os_VENDOR``, # ``os_RELEASE``, ``os_UPDATE``, ``os_PACKAGE``, ``os_CODENAME`` # and ``DISTRO`` GetDistro # Global Settings # --------------- # Check for a ``localrc`` section embedded in ``local.conf`` and extract if # ``localrc`` does not already exist # Phase: local rm -f $TOP_DIR/.localrc.auto extract_localrc_section $TOP_DIR/local.conf $TOP_DIR/localrc $TOP_DIR/.localrc.auto # ``stack.sh`` is customizable by setting environment variables. Override a # default setting via export:: # # export DATABASE_PASSWORD=anothersecret # ./stack.sh # # or by setting the variable on the command line:: # # DATABASE_PASSWORD=simple ./stack.sh # # Persistent variables can be placed in a ``local.conf`` file:: # # [[local|localrc]] # DATABASE_PASSWORD=anothersecret # DATABASE_USER=hellaroot # # We try to have sensible defaults, so you should be able to run ``./stack.sh`` # in most cases. ``local.conf`` is not distributed with DevStack and will never # be overwritten by a DevStack update. # # DevStack distributes ``stackrc`` which contains locations for the OpenStack # repositories, branches to configure, and other configuration defaults. # ``stackrc`` sources the ``localrc`` section of ``local.conf`` to allow you to # safely override those settings. if [[ ! -r $TOP_DIR/stackrc ]]; then die $LINENO "missing $TOP_DIR/stackrc - did you grab more than just stack.sh?" fi source $TOP_DIR/stackrc # Warn users who aren't on an explicitly supported distro, but allow them to # override check and attempt installation with ``FORCE=yes ./stack`` if [[ ! ${DISTRO} =~ (trusty|vivid|wily|7.0|wheezy|sid|testing|jessie|f22|f23|rhel7|kvmibm1) ]]; then echo "WARNING: this script has not been tested on $DISTRO" if [[ "$FORCE" != "yes" ]]; then die $LINENO "If you wish to run this script anyway run with FORCE=yes" fi fi # Check to see if we are already running DevStack # Note that this may fail if USE_SCREEN=False if type -p screen > /dev/null && screen -ls | egrep -q "[0-9]\.$SCREEN_NAME"; then echo "You are already running a stack.sh session." echo "To rejoin this session type 'screen -x stack'." echo "To destroy this session, type './unstack.sh'." exit 1 fi # Local Settings # -------------- # Make sure the proxy config is visible to sub-processes export_proxy_variables # Remove services which were negated in ``ENABLED_SERVICES`` # using the "-" prefix (e.g., "-rabbit") instead of # calling disable_service(). disable_negated_services # Configure sudo # -------------- # We're not as **root** so make sure ``sudo`` is available is_package_installed sudo || install_package sudo # UEC images ``/etc/sudoers`` does not have a ``#includedir``, add one sudo grep -q "^#includedir.*/etc/sudoers.d" /etc/sudoers || echo "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers # Conditionally setup detailed logging for sudo if [[ -n "$LOG_SUDO" ]]; then TEMPFILE=`mktemp` echo "Defaults log_output" > $TEMPFILE chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/00_logging fi # Set up DevStack sudoers TEMPFILE=`mktemp` echo "$STACK_USER ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" >$TEMPFILE # Some binaries might be under ``/sbin`` or ``/usr/sbin``, so make sure sudo will # see them by forcing ``PATH`` echo "Defaults:$STACK_USER secure_path=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" >> $TEMPFILE echo "Defaults:$STACK_USER !requiretty" >> $TEMPFILE chmod 0440 $TEMPFILE sudo chown root:root $TEMPFILE sudo mv $TEMPFILE /etc/sudoers.d/50_stack_sh # Configure Distro Repositories # ----------------------------- # For Debian/Ubuntu make apt attempt to retry network ops on it's own if is_ubuntu; then echo 'APT::Acquire::Retries "20";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80retry >/dev/null fi # Some distros need to add repos beyond the defaults provided by the vendor # to pick up required packages. function _install_epel_and_rdo { # NOTE: We always remove and install latest -- some environments # use snapshot images, and if EPEL version updates they break # unless we update them to latest version. if sudo yum repolist enabled epel | grep -q 'epel'; then uninstall_package epel-release || true fi # This trick installs the latest epel-release from a bootstrap # repo, then removes itself (as epel-release installed the # "real" repo). # # You would think that rather than this, you could use # $releasever directly in .repo file we create below. However # RHEL gives a $releasever of "6Server" which breaks the path; # see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1150759 cat <&3 while [ true ]; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf "[%c]" "$spinstr" >&3 local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep $delay printf "\b\b\b" >&3 done } function kill_spinner { if [ ! -z "$LAST_SPINNER_PID" ]; then kill >/dev/null 2>&1 $LAST_SPINNER_PID printf "\b\b\bdone\n" >&3 fi } # Echo text to the log file, summary log file and stdout # echo_summary "something to say" function echo_summary { if [[ -t 3 && "$VERBOSE" != "True" ]]; then kill_spinner echo -n -e $@ >&6 spinner & LAST_SPINNER_PID=$! else echo -e $@ >&6 fi } # Echo text only to stdout, no log files # echo_nolog "something not for the logs" function echo_nolog { echo $@ >&3 } # Set up logging for ``stack.sh`` # Set ``LOGFILE`` to turn on logging # Append '.xxxxxxxx' to the given name to maintain history # where 'xxxxxxxx' is a representation of the date the file was created TIMESTAMP_FORMAT=${TIMESTAMP_FORMAT:-"%F-%H%M%S"} LOGDAYS=${LOGDAYS:-7} CURRENT_LOG_TIME=$(date "+$TIMESTAMP_FORMAT") if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then # Clean up old log files. Append '.*' to the user-specified # ``LOGFILE`` to match the date in the search template. LOGFILE_DIR="${LOGFILE%/*}" # dirname LOGFILE_NAME="${LOGFILE##*/}" # basename mkdir -p $LOGFILE_DIR find $LOGFILE_DIR -maxdepth 1 -name $LOGFILE_NAME.\* -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; LOGFILE=$LOGFILE.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME} SUMFILE=$LOGFILE.summary.${CURRENT_LOG_TIME} # Redirect output according to config # Set fd 3 to a copy of stdout. So we can set fd 1 without losing # stdout later. exec 3>&1 if [[ "$VERBOSE" == "True" ]]; then # Set fd 1 and 2 to write the log file exec 1> >( $TOP_DIR/tools/outfilter.py -v -o "${LOGFILE}" ) 2>&1 # Set fd 6 to summary log file exec 6> >( $TOP_DIR/tools/outfilter.py -o "${SUMFILE}" ) else # Set fd 1 and 2 to primary logfile exec 1> >( $TOP_DIR/tools/outfilter.py -o "${LOGFILE}" ) 2>&1 # Set fd 6 to summary logfile and stdout exec 6> >( $TOP_DIR/tools/outfilter.py -v -o "${SUMFILE}" >&3 ) fi echo_summary "stack.sh log $LOGFILE" # Specified logfile name always links to the most recent log ln -sf $LOGFILE $LOGFILE_DIR/$LOGFILE_NAME ln -sf $SUMFILE $LOGFILE_DIR/$LOGFILE_NAME.summary else # Set up output redirection without log files # Set fd 3 to a copy of stdout. So we can set fd 1 without losing # stdout later. exec 3>&1 if [[ "$VERBOSE" != "True" ]]; then # Throw away stdout and stderr exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Always send summary fd to original stdout exec 6> >( $TOP_DIR/tools/outfilter.py -v >&3 ) fi # Set up logging of screen windows # Set ``SCREEN_LOGDIR`` to turn on logging of screen windows to the # directory specified in ``SCREEN_LOGDIR``, we will log to the file # ``screen-$SERVICE_NAME-$TIMESTAMP.log`` in that dir and have a link # ``screen-$SERVICE_NAME.log`` to the latest log file. # Logs are kept for as long specified in ``LOGDAYS``. # This is deprecated....logs go in ``LOGDIR``, only symlinks will be here now. if [[ -n "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We make sure the directory is created. if [[ -d "$SCREEN_LOGDIR" ]]; then # We cleanup the old logs find $SCREEN_LOGDIR -maxdepth 1 -name screen-\*.log -mtime +$LOGDAYS -exec rm {} \; else mkdir -p $SCREEN_LOGDIR fi fi # Basic test for ``$DEST`` path permissions (fatal on error unless skipped) check_path_perm_sanity ${DEST} # Configure Error Traps # --------------------- # Kill background processes on exit trap exit_trap EXIT function exit_trap { local r=$? jobs=$(jobs -p) # Only do the kill when we're logging through a process substitution, # which currently is only to verbose logfile if [[ -n $jobs && -n "$LOGFILE" && "$VERBOSE" == "True" ]]; then echo "exit_trap: cleaning up child processes" kill 2>&1 $jobs fi # Kill the last spinner process kill_spinner if [[ $r -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error on exit" generate-subunit $DEVSTACK_START_TIME $SECONDS 'fail' >> ${SUBUNIT_OUTPUT} if [[ -z $LOGDIR ]]; then $TOP_DIR/tools/worlddump.py else $TOP_DIR/tools/worlddump.py -d $LOGDIR fi else generate-subunit $DEVSTACK_START_TIME $SECONDS >> ${SUBUNIT_OUTPUT} fi exit $r } # Exit on any errors so that errors don't compound trap err_trap ERR function err_trap { local r=$? set +o xtrace if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then echo "${0##*/} failed: full log in $LOGFILE" else echo "${0##*/} failed" fi exit $r } # Begin trapping error exit codes set -o errexit # Print the kernel version uname -a # Reset the bundle of CA certificates SSL_BUNDLE_FILE="$DATA_DIR/ca-bundle.pem" rm -f $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE # Import common services (database, message queue) configuration source $TOP_DIR/lib/database source $TOP_DIR/lib/rpc_backend # Service to enable with SSL if ``USE_SSL`` is True SSL_ENABLED_SERVICES="key,nova,cinder,glance,s-proxy,neutron" if is_service_enabled tls-proxy && [ "$USE_SSL" == "True" ]; then die $LINENO "tls-proxy and SSL are mutually exclusive" fi # Configure Projects # ================== # Clone all external plugins fetch_plugins # Plugin Phase 0: override_defaults - allow plugins to override # defaults before other services are run run_phase override_defaults # Import Apache functions source $TOP_DIR/lib/apache # Import TLS functions source $TOP_DIR/lib/tls # Source project function libraries source $TOP_DIR/lib/infra source $TOP_DIR/lib/oslo source $TOP_DIR/lib/lvm source $TOP_DIR/lib/horizon source $TOP_DIR/lib/keystone source $TOP_DIR/lib/glance source $TOP_DIR/lib/nova source $TOP_DIR/lib/cinder source $TOP_DIR/lib/swift source $TOP_DIR/lib/heat source $TOP_DIR/lib/neutron-legacy source $TOP_DIR/lib/ldap source $TOP_DIR/lib/dstat source $TOP_DIR/lib/dlm # Extras Source # -------------- # Phase: source run_phase source # Interactive Configuration # ------------------------- # Do all interactive config up front before the logging spew begins # Generic helper to configure passwords function read_password { local xtrace xtrace=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set +o xtrace var=$1; msg=$2 pw=${!var} if [[ -f $RC_DIR/localrc ]]; then localrc=$TOP_DIR/localrc else localrc=$TOP_DIR/.localrc.password fi # If the password is not defined yet, proceed to prompt user for a password. if [ ! $pw ]; then # If there is no localrc file, create one if [ ! -e $localrc ]; then touch $localrc fi # Presumably if we got this far it can only be that our # localrc is missing the required password. Prompt user for a # password and write to localrc. echo '' echo '################################################################################' echo $msg echo '################################################################################' echo "This value will be written to ${localrc} file so you don't have to enter it " echo "again. Use only alphanumeric characters." echo "If you leave this blank, a random default value will be used." pw=" " while true; do echo "Enter a password now:" read -e $var pw=${!var} [[ "$pw" = "`echo $pw | tr -cd [:alnum:]`" ]] && break echo "Invalid chars in password. Try again:" done if [ ! $pw ]; then pw=$(generate_hex_string 10) fi eval "$var=$pw" echo "$var=$pw" >> $localrc fi # restore previous xtrace value $xtrace } # Database Configuration # ---------------------- # To select between database backends, add the following to ``local.conf``: # # disable_service mysql # enable_service postgresql # # The available database backends are listed in ``DATABASE_BACKENDS`` after # ``lib/database`` is sourced. ``mysql`` is the default. initialize_database_backends && echo "Using $DATABASE_TYPE database backend" || echo "No database enabled" # Queue Configuration # ------------------- # Rabbit connection info # In multi node DevStack, second node needs ``RABBIT_USERID``, but rabbit # isn't enabled. RABBIT_USERID=${RABBIT_USERID:-stackrabbit} if is_service_enabled rabbit; then RABBIT_HOST=${RABBIT_HOST:-$SERVICE_HOST} read_password RABBIT_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR RABBIT." fi # Keystone # -------- if is_service_enabled keystone; then # Services authenticate to Identity with servicename/``SERVICE_PASSWORD`` read_password SERVICE_PASSWORD "ENTER A SERVICE_PASSWORD TO USE FOR THE SERVICE AUTHENTICATION." # Horizon currently truncates usernames and passwords at 20 characters read_password ADMIN_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR HORIZON AND KEYSTONE (20 CHARS OR LESS)." # Keystone can now optionally install OpenLDAP by enabling the ``ldap`` # service in ``local.conf`` (e.g. ``enable_service ldap``). # To clean out the Keystone contents in OpenLDAP set ``KEYSTONE_CLEAR_LDAP`` # to ``yes`` (e.g. ``KEYSTONE_CLEAR_LDAP=yes``) in ``local.conf``. To enable the # Keystone Identity Driver (``keystone.identity.backends.ldap.Identity``) # set ``KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_BACKEND`` to ``ldap`` (e.g. # ``KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_BACKEND=ldap``) in ``local.conf``. # Only request LDAP password if the service is enabled if is_service_enabled ldap; then read_password LDAP_PASSWORD "ENTER A PASSWORD TO USE FOR LDAP" fi fi # Swift # ----- if is_service_enabled s-proxy; then # We only ask for Swift Hash if we have enabled swift service. # ``SWIFT_HASH`` is a random unique string for a swift cluster that # can never change. read_password SWIFT_HASH "ENTER A RANDOM SWIFT HASH." if [[ -z "$SWIFT_TEMPURL_KEY" ]] && [[ "$SWIFT_ENABLE_TEMPURLS" == "True" ]]; then read_password SWIFT_TEMPURL_KEY "ENTER A KEY FOR SWIFT TEMPURLS." fi fi # Save configuration values save_stackenv $LINENO # Install Packages # ================ # OpenStack uses a fair number of other projects. # Bring down global requirements before any use of pip_install. This is # necessary to ensure that the constraints file is in place before we # attempt to apply any constraints to pip installs. git_clone $REQUIREMENTS_REPO $REQUIREMENTS_DIR $REQUIREMENTS_BRANCH # Install package requirements # Source it so the entire environment is available echo_summary "Installing package prerequisites" source $TOP_DIR/tools/install_prereqs.sh # Configure an appropriate Python environment if [[ "$OFFLINE" != "True" ]]; then PYPI_ALTERNATIVE_URL=${PYPI_ALTERNATIVE_URL:-""} $TOP_DIR/tools/install_pip.sh fi # Install subunit for the subunit output stream pip_install -U os-testr TRACK_DEPENDS=${TRACK_DEPENDS:-False} # Install Python packages into a virtualenv so that we can track them if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]]; then echo_summary "Installing Python packages into a virtualenv $DEST/.venv" pip_install -U virtualenv rm -rf $DEST/.venv virtualenv --system-site-packages $DEST/.venv source $DEST/.venv/bin/activate $DEST/.venv/bin/pip freeze > $DEST/requires-pre-pip fi # Do the ugly hacks for broken packages and distros source $TOP_DIR/tools/fixup_stuff.sh # Virtual Environment # ------------------- # Install required infra support libraries install_infra # Extras Pre-install # ------------------ # Phase: pre-install run_phase stack pre-install install_rpc_backend # NOTE(sdague): dlm install is conditional on one being enabled by configuration install_dlm configure_dlm if is_service_enabled $DATABASE_BACKENDS; then install_database fi if [ -n "$DATABASE_TYPE" ]; then install_database_python fi if is_service_enabled neutron; then install_neutron_agent_packages fi # Check Out and Install Source # ---------------------------- echo_summary "Installing OpenStack project source" # Install Oslo libraries install_oslo # Install client libraries install_keystoneauth install_keystoneclient install_glanceclient install_cinderclient install_novaclient if is_service_enabled swift glance horizon; then install_swiftclient fi if is_service_enabled neutron nova horizon; then install_neutronclient fi if is_service_enabled heat horizon; then install_heatclient fi # Install middleware install_keystonemiddleware if is_service_enabled keystone; then if [ "$KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST" == "$SERVICE_HOST" ]; then stack_install_service keystone configure_keystone fi fi if is_service_enabled s-proxy; then if is_service_enabled ceilometer; then install_ceilometermiddleware fi stack_install_service swift configure_swift # swift3 middleware to provide S3 emulation to Swift if is_service_enabled swift3; then # Replace the nova-objectstore port by the swift port S3_SERVICE_PORT=8080 git_clone $SWIFT3_REPO $SWIFT3_DIR $SWIFT3_BRANCH setup_develop $SWIFT3_DIR fi fi if is_service_enabled g-api n-api; then # Image catalog service stack_install_service glance configure_glance fi if is_service_enabled cinder; then # Block volume service stack_install_service cinder configure_cinder fi if is_service_enabled neutron; then # Network service stack_install_service neutron install_neutron_third_party fi if is_service_enabled nova; then # Compute service stack_install_service nova cleanup_nova configure_nova fi if is_service_enabled horizon; then # django openstack_auth install_django_openstack_auth # dashboard stack_install_service horizon fi if is_service_enabled heat; then stack_install_service heat install_heat_other cleanup_heat configure_heat fi if is_service_enabled tls-proxy || [ "$USE_SSL" == "True" ]; then configure_CA init_CA init_cert # Add name to ``/etc/hosts``. # Don't be naive and add to existing line! fi # Extras Install # -------------- # Phase: install run_phase stack install # Install the OpenStack client, needed for most setup commands if use_library_from_git "python-openstackclient"; then git_clone_by_name "python-openstackclient" setup_dev_lib "python-openstackclient" else pip_install_gr python-openstackclient fi if [[ $TRACK_DEPENDS = True ]]; then $DEST/.venv/bin/pip freeze > $DEST/requires-post-pip if ! diff -Nru $DEST/requires-pre-pip $DEST/requires-post-pip > $DEST/requires.diff; then echo "Detect some changes for installed packages of pip, in depend tracking mode" cat $DEST/requires.diff fi echo "Ran stack.sh in depend tracking mode, bailing out now" exit 0 fi # Syslog # ------ if [[ $SYSLOG != "False" ]]; then if [[ "$SYSLOG_HOST" = "$HOST_IP" ]]; then # Configure the master host to receive cat </tmp/90-stack-m.conf \$ModLoad imrelp \$InputRELPServerRun $SYSLOG_PORT EOF sudo mv /tmp/90-stack-m.conf /etc/rsyslog.d else # Set rsyslog to send to remote host cat </tmp/90-stack-s.conf *.* :omrelp:$SYSLOG_HOST:$SYSLOG_PORT EOF sudo mv /tmp/90-stack-s.conf /etc/rsyslog.d fi RSYSLOGCONF="/etc/rsyslog.conf" if [ -f $RSYSLOGCONF ]; then sudo cp -b $RSYSLOGCONF $RSYSLOGCONF.bak if [[ $(grep '$SystemLogRateLimitBurst' $RSYSLOGCONF) ]]; then sudo sed -i 's/$SystemLogRateLimitBurst\ .*/$SystemLogRateLimitBurst\ 0/' $RSYSLOGCONF else sudo sed -i '$ i $SystemLogRateLimitBurst\ 0' $RSYSLOGCONF fi if [[ $(grep '$SystemLogRateLimitInterval' $RSYSLOGCONF) ]]; then sudo sed -i 's/$SystemLogRateLimitInterval\ .*/$SystemLogRateLimitInterval\ 0/' $RSYSLOGCONF else sudo sed -i '$ i $SystemLogRateLimitInterval\ 0' $RSYSLOGCONF fi fi echo_summary "Starting rsyslog" restart_service rsyslog fi # Finalize queue installation # ---------------------------- restart_rpc_backend # Export Certificate Authority Bundle # ----------------------------------- # If certificates were used and written to the SSL bundle file then these # should be exported so clients can validate their connections. if [ -f $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE ]; then export OS_CACERT=$SSL_BUNDLE_FILE fi # Configure database # ------------------ if is_service_enabled $DATABASE_BACKENDS; then configure_database fi # Configure screen # ---------------- USE_SCREEN=$(trueorfalse True USE_SCREEN) if [[ "$USE_SCREEN" == "True" ]]; then # Create a new named screen to run processes in screen -d -m -S $SCREEN_NAME -t shell -s /bin/bash sleep 1 # Set a reasonable status bar SCREEN_HARDSTATUS=${SCREEN_HARDSTATUS:-} if [ -z "$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS" ]; then SCREEN_HARDSTATUS='%{= .} %-Lw%{= .}%> %n%f %t*%{= .}%+Lw%< %-=%{g}(%{d}%H/%l%{g})' fi screen -r $SCREEN_NAME -X hardstatus alwayslastline "$SCREEN_HARDSTATUS" screen -r $SCREEN_NAME -X setenv PROMPT_COMMAND /bin/true fi # Clear ``screenrc`` file SCREENRC=$TOP_DIR/$SCREEN_NAME-screenrc if [[ -e $SCREENRC ]]; then rm -f $SCREENRC fi # Initialize the directory for service status check init_service_check # Save configuration values save_stackenv $LINENO # Start Services # ============== # Dstat # ----- # A better kind of sysstat, with the top process per time slice start_dstat # Keystone # -------- if is_service_enabled keystone; then echo_summary "Starting Keystone" if [ "$KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST" == "$SERVICE_HOST" ]; then init_keystone start_keystone bootstrap_keystone fi if is_service_enabled tls-proxy; then export OS_CACERT=$INT_CA_DIR/ca-chain.pem fi # Rather than just export these, we write them out to a # intermediate userrc file that can also be used to debug if # something goes wrong between here and running # tools/create_userrc.sh (this script relies on services other # than keystone being available, so we can't call it right now) cat > $TOP_DIR/userrc_early < /dev/null # If cinder is configured, set global_filter for PV devices if is_service_enabled cinder; then if is_ubuntu; then echo_summary "Configuring lvm.conf global device filter" set_lvm_filter else echo_summary "Skip setting lvm filters for non Ubuntu systems" fi fi # Fin # === set +o xtrace if [[ -n "$LOGFILE" ]]; then exec 1>&3 # Force all output to stdout and logs now exec 1> >( tee -a "${LOGFILE}" ) 2>&1 else # Force all output to stdout now exec 1>&3 fi # Dump out the time totals time_totals # Using the cloud # =============== echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "This is your host IP address: $HOST_IP" if [ "$HOST_IPV6" != "" ]; then echo "This is your host IPv6 address: $HOST_IPV6" fi # If you installed Horizon on this server you should be able # to access the site using your browser. if is_service_enabled horizon; then echo "Horizon is now available at http://$SERVICE_HOST$HORIZON_APACHE_ROOT" fi # If Keystone is present you can point ``nova`` cli to this server if is_service_enabled keystone; then echo "Keystone is serving at $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI/" echo "The default users are: admin and demo" echo "The password: $ADMIN_PASSWORD" fi # Warn that a deprecated feature was used if [[ -n "$DEPRECATED_TEXT" ]]; then echo_summary "WARNING: $DEPRECATED_TEXT" fi # Indicate how long this took to run (bash maintained variable ``SECONDS``) echo_summary "stack.sh completed in $SECONDS seconds." # Restore/close logging file descriptors exec 1>&3 exec 2>&3 exec 3>&- exec 6>&-