Getting Started With Jenkins and Devstack ========================================= This little corner of devstack is to show how to get an OpenStack jenkins environment up and running quickly, using the rcb configuration methodology. To create a jenkins server -------------------------- cd tools/jenkins/jenkins_home ./ This will create a jenkins environment configured with sample test scripts that run against xen and kvm. Configuring XS -------------- In order to make the tests for XS work, you must install xs 5.6 on a separate machine, and install the the jenkins public key on that server. You then need to create the /var/lib/jenkins/xenrc on your jenkins server like so: MYSQL_PASSWORD=secrete SERVICE_TOKEN=secrete ADMIN_PASSWORD=secrete RABBIT_PASSWORD=secrete # This is the password for your guest (for both stack and root users) GUEST_PASSWORD=secrete # Do not download the usual images yet! IMAGE_URLS="" FLOATING_RANGE= VIRT_DRIVER=xenserver # Explicitly set multi-host MULTI_HOST=1 # Give extra time for boot ACTIVE_TIMEOUT=45 # IMPORTANT: This is the ip of your xenserver XEN_IP= # IMPORTANT: The following must be set to your dom0 root password! XENAPI_PASSWORD='MY_XEN_ROOT_PW'