The various Neutron plugin files need to have unique variables for the xtrace state as they are sometimes nested more than two levels deep and MY_XTRACE is getting stomped. This gives each of the neutron_plugin and neutron_thirdparty include files a unique XTRACE state variable. I don't think this is a problem with any of the other plugin include files (yet) so this just handles Neutron for now. Change-Id: I7c272a48e7974edecaff5f431ff7443dd6622588
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# OpenFlow Agent plugin
# ----------------------
# Save trace setting
OFA_XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
source $TOP_DIR/lib/neutron_plugins/ovs_base
source $TOP_DIR/lib/neutron_thirdparty/ryu # for RYU_DIR, install_ryu, etc
function neutron_plugin_create_nova_conf {
function neutron_plugin_install_agent_packages {
# This agent uses ryu to talk with switches
install_package $(get_packages "ryu")
function neutron_plugin_configure_debug_command {
function neutron_plugin_configure_dhcp_agent {
iniset $Q_DHCP_CONF_FILE DEFAULT dhcp_agent_manager neutron.agent.dhcp_agent.DhcpAgentWithStateReport
function neutron_plugin_configure_l3_agent {
iniset $Q_L3_CONF_FILE DEFAULT l3_agent_manager neutron.agent.l3_agent.L3NATAgentWithStateReport
function neutron_plugin_configure_plugin_agent {
# Set up integration bridge
_neutron_ovs_base_setup_bridge $OVS_BRIDGE
# Check a supported openflow version
OF_VERSION=`ovs-ofctl --version | grep "OpenFlow versions" | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d':' -f2`
if [ `vercmp_numbers "$OF_VERSION" "0x3"` -lt "0" ]; then
die $LINENO "This agent requires OpenFlow 1.3+ capable switch."
# Enable tunnel networks if selected
if [[ "$OVS_ENABLE_TUNNELING" = "True" ]]; then
# Verify tunnels are supported
# REVISIT - also check kernel module support for GRE and patch ports
OVS_VERSION=`ovs-vsctl --version | head -n 1 | grep -E -o "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"`
if [ `vercmp_numbers "$OVS_VERSION" "1.4"` -lt "0" ]; then
die $LINENO "You are running OVS version $OVS_VERSION. OVS 1.4+ is required for tunneling between multiple hosts."
iniset /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovs enable_tunneling True
iniset /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovs local_ip $HOST_IP
# Setup physical network bridge mappings. Override
# ``OVS_VLAN_RANGES`` and ``OVS_BRIDGE_MAPPINGS`` in ``localrc`` for more
# complex physical network configurations.
if [[ "$OVS_BRIDGE_MAPPINGS" = "" ]] && [[ "$PHYSICAL_NETWORK" != "" ]] && [[ "$OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE" != "" ]]; then
# Configure bridge manually with physical interface as port for multi-node
sudo ovs-vsctl --no-wait -- --may-exist add-br $OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE
if [[ "$OVS_BRIDGE_MAPPINGS" != "" ]]; then
iniset /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE ovs bridge_mappings $OVS_BRIDGE_MAPPINGS
# Define extra "AGENT" configuration options when q-agt is configured by defining
# defining the array ``Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS``.
# For Example: ``Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS=(foo=true bar=2)``
for I in "${Q_AGENT_EXTRA_AGENT_OPTS[@]}"; do
# Replace the first '=' with ' ' for iniset syntax
iniset /$Q_PLUGIN_CONF_FILE agent ${I/=/ }
function neutron_plugin_setup_interface_driver {
local conf_file=$1
iniset $conf_file DEFAULT interface_driver neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
iniset $conf_file DEFAULT ovs_use_veth True
function neutron_plugin_check_adv_test_requirements {
is_service_enabled q-agt && is_service_enabled q-dhcp && return 0
# Restore xtrace