The existing vercmp_numbers function only handles, as the name says, numbers. I noticed that "sort" has had a version sort for a long time [1] and, rather than re-implement it badly, use this as a version of vercmp that works a bit more naturally. This is intended to be used in an "if" statement as in prog_ver=$(prog_ver --version | grep ...) if vercmp $prog_ver "<" 2.0; then ... fi A test-case is added to test the basic features and some edge-cases. [1] http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=coreutils.git;a=commitdiff;h=4c9fae4e97d95a9f89d1399a8aeb03051f0fec96 Change-Id: Ie55283acdc40a095b80b2631a55310072883ad0d