one cron job attempts to print debug text into stderr; so the file of /root/dead.letter gets created and its size grows continuously. It could eventually threaten dom0 disk space. Maybe there are two solutions: one is to redirect the output to a specific log file; and rotate log files in the script. And the other one is simply to redirect the output /dev/null. By considering the function of this cron job and the printed contents are straight and simple, this patch set goes with the later solution. Change-Id: I4875e5e3837e6f0249e314c6c5f408c79145c6c1 Closes-Bug: 1503966
119 lines
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119 lines
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# lib/nova_plugins/hypervisor-xenserver
# Configure the XenServer hypervisor
# Enable with:
# VIRT_DRIVER=xenserver
# Dependencies:
# ``functions`` file
# ``nova`` configuration
# install_nova_hypervisor - install any external requirements
# configure_nova_hypervisor - make configuration changes, including those to other services
# start_nova_hypervisor - start any external services
# stop_nova_hypervisor - stop any external services
# cleanup_nova_hypervisor - remove transient data and cache
# Save trace setting
MY_XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Defaults
# --------
# Allow ``build_domU.sh`` to specify the flat network bridge via kernel args
FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE_DEFAULT=$(sed -e 's/.* flat_network_bridge=\([[:alnum:]]*\).*$/\1/g' /proc/cmdline)
if is_service_enabled neutron; then
XEN_INTEGRATION_BRIDGE=$(sed -e 's/.* xen_integration_bridge=\([[:alnum:]]*\).*$/\1/g' /proc/cmdline)
# Entry Points
# ------------
# clean_nova_hypervisor - Clean up an installation
function cleanup_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# configure_nova_hypervisor - Set config files, create data dirs, etc
function configure_nova_hypervisor {
if [ -z "$XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL" ]; then
die $LINENO "XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL is not specified"
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT compute_driver "xenapi.XenAPIDriver"
iniset $NOVA_CONF xenserver connection_url "$XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL"
iniset $NOVA_CONF xenserver connection_username "$XENAPI_USER"
iniset $NOVA_CONF xenserver connection_password "$XENAPI_PASSWORD"
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT flat_injected "False"
# Need to avoid crash due to new firewall support
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT firewall_driver "$XEN_FIREWALL_DRIVER"
local dom0_ip
dom0_ip=$(echo "$XENAPI_CONNECTION_URL" | cut -d "/" -f 3-)
local ssh_dom0
ssh_dom0="sudo -u $DOMZERO_USER ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@$dom0_ip"
# Find where the plugins should go in dom0
xen_functions=`cat $TOP_DIR/tools/xen/functions`
PLUGIN_DIR=`$ssh_dom0 "$xen_functions; set -eux; xapi_plugin_location"`
# install nova plugins to dom0
tar -czf - -C $NOVA_DIR/plugins/xenserver/xenapi/etc/xapi.d/plugins/ ./ |
$ssh_dom0 "tar -xzf - -C $PLUGIN_DIR && chmod a+x $PLUGIN_DIR/*"
# install console logrotate script
tar -czf - -C $NOVA_DIR/tools/xenserver/ rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh |
$ssh_dom0 'tar -xzf - -C /root/ && chmod +x /root/rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh && mkdir -p /var/log/xen/guest'
# Create a cron job that will rotate guest logs
$ssh_dom0 crontab - << CRONTAB
* * * * * /root/rotate_xen_guest_logs.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
# Create directories for kernels and images
echo "set -eux"
cat $TOP_DIR/tools/xen/functions
echo "create_directory_for_images"
echo "create_directory_for_kernels"
} | $ssh_dom0
# install_nova_hypervisor() - Install external components
function install_nova_hypervisor {
pip_install_gr xenapi
# start_nova_hypervisor - Start any required external services
function start_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# stop_nova_hypervisor - Stop any external services
function stop_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# Restore xtrace
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: