This makes three changes: 1. The quota options set when using the fake virt driver have been renamed so we're getting deprecation warnings on using the old names. Rather than set each quota limit value individually, we can just use the noop quota driver for the same effect. 2. The enabled_filters list for the scheduler was last updated when using the fake virt driver back in Juno via Ic7ec87e4d497d9db58eec93f2b304fe9770a2bbc - with the Placement service, we don't need the CoreFilter, RamFilter or DiskFilter. Also, in general, we just don't need to hard-code a list of scheduler filters when using the fake virt driver. If one needs to set their own scheduler filter list, they can do so using the $FILTERS variable (or post-config for nova.conf). 3. The largeops job, which ran the Tempest scenario tests, has been gone for a few years now, as have the Tempest scenario tests, so the API_WORKERS modification when using the fake virt driver should be removed. If we had a CI job like the largeops job today, we would set the worker config via the job rather than in devstack. Change-Id: I8d2bb2af40b5db8a555482a0852b1604aec29f15
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# lib/nova_plugins/hypervisor-fake
# Configure the fake hypervisor
# Enable with:
# Dependencies:
# ``functions`` file
# ``nova`` configuration
# install_nova_hypervisor - install any external requirements
# configure_nova_hypervisor - make configuration changes, including those to other services
# start_nova_hypervisor - start any external services
# stop_nova_hypervisor - stop any external services
# cleanup_nova_hypervisor - remove transient data and cache
# Save trace setting
_XTRACE_VIRTFAKE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Defaults
# --------
# Entry Points
# ------------
# clean_nova_hypervisor - Clean up an installation
function cleanup_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# configure_nova_hypervisor - Set config files, create data dirs, etc
function configure_nova_hypervisor {
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT compute_driver "fake.FakeDriver"
# Disable arbitrary limits
iniset $NOVA_CONF quota driver nova.quota.NoopQuotaDriver
# install_nova_hypervisor() - Install external components
function install_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# start_nova_hypervisor - Start any required external services
function start_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# stop_nova_hypervisor - Stop any external services
function stop_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# Restore xtrace
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: