Ia0957b47187c3dcadd46154b17022c4213781112 proposes to have bashate find instances of setting a local value. The issue is that "local" always returns 0, thus hiding any failure in the commands running to set the variable. This is an automated replacement of such instances Depends-On: I676c805e8f0401f75cc5367eee83b3d880cdef81 Change-Id: I9c8912a8fd596535589b207d7fc553b9d951d3fe
195 lines
6.3 KiB
195 lines
6.3 KiB
# **lib/meta-config** - Configuration file manipulation functions
# Support for DevStack's local.conf meta-config sections
# These functions have no external dependencies and the following side-effects:
# CONFIG_AWK_CMD is defined, default is ``awk``
# Meta-config files contain multiple INI-style configuration files
# using a specific new section header to delimit them:
# [[group-name|file-name]]
# group-name refers to the group of configuration file changes to be processed
# at a particular time. These are called phases in ``stack.sh`` but
# group here as these functions are not DevStack-specific.
# file-name is the destination of the config file
# Save trace setting
INC_META_XTRACE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Allow the awk command to be overridden on legacy platforms
# Get the section for the specific group and config file
# get_meta_section infile group configfile
function get_meta_section {
local file=$1
local matchgroup=$2
local configfile=$3
[[ -r $file ]] || return 0
[[ -z $configfile ]] && return 0
$CONFIG_AWK_CMD -v matchgroup=$matchgroup -v configfile=$configfile '
BEGIN { group = "" }
/^\[\[.+\|.*\]\]/ {
if (group == "") {
gsub("[][]", "", $1);
split($1, a, "|");
if (a[1] == matchgroup && a[2] == configfile) {
} else {
if (group != "")
print $0
' $file
# Get a list of config files for a specific group
# get_meta_section_files infile group
function get_meta_section_files {
local file=$1
local matchgroup=$2
[[ -r $file ]] || return 0
$CONFIG_AWK_CMD -v matchgroup=$matchgroup '
/^\[\[.+\|.*\]\]/ {
gsub("[][]", "", $1);
split($1, a, "|");
if (a[1] == matchgroup)
print a[2]
' $file
# Merge the contents of a meta-config file into its destination config file
# If configfile does not exist it will be created.
# merge_config_file infile group configfile
function merge_config_file {
local file=$1
local matchgroup=$2
local configfile=$3
# note, configfile might be a variable (note the iniset, etc
# created in the mega-awk below is "eval"ed too, so we just leave
# it alone.
local real_configfile
real_configfile=$(eval echo $configfile)
if [ ! -f $real_configfile ]; then
touch $real_configfile
get_meta_section $file $matchgroup $configfile | \
$CONFIG_AWK_CMD -v configfile=$configfile '
section = ""
last_section = ""
section_count = 0
/^\[.+\]/ {
gsub("[][]", "", $1);
/^ *\#/ {
/^[^ \t]+/ {
# get offset of first '=' in $0
eq_idx = index($0, "=")
# extract attr & value from $0
attr = substr($0, 1, eq_idx - 1)
value = substr($0, eq_idx + 1)
# only need to strip trailing whitespace from attr
sub(/[ \t]*$/, "", attr)
# need to strip leading & trailing whitespace from value
sub(/^[ \t]*/, "", value)
sub(/[ \t]*$/, "", value)
# cfg_attr_count: number of config lines per [section, attr]
# cfg_attr: three dimensional array to keep all the config lines per [section, attr]
# cfg_section: keep the section names in the same order as they appear in local.conf
# cfg_sec_attr_name: keep the attr names in the same order as they appear in local.conf
if (! (section, attr) in cfg_attr_count) {
if (section != last_section) {
cfg_section[section_count++] = section
last_section = section
attr_count = cfg_sec_attr_count[section_count - 1]++
cfg_sec_attr_name[section_count - 1, attr_count] = attr
cfg_attr[section, attr, 0] = value
cfg_attr_count[section, attr] = 1
} else {
lno = cfg_attr_count[section, attr]++
cfg_attr[section, attr, lno] = value
# Process each section in order
for (sno = 0; sno < section_count; sno++) {
section = cfg_section[sno]
# The ini routines simply append a config item immediately
# after the section header. To keep the same order as defined
# in local.conf, invoke the ini routines in the reverse order
for (attr_no = cfg_sec_attr_count[sno] - 1; attr_no >=0; attr_no--) {
attr = cfg_sec_attr_name[sno, attr_no]
if (cfg_attr_count[section, attr] == 1)
print "iniset " configfile " " section " " attr " \"" cfg_attr[section, attr, 0] "\""
else {
# For multiline, invoke the ini routines in the reverse order
count = cfg_attr_count[section, attr]
print "inidelete " configfile " " section " " attr
print "iniset " configfile " " section " " attr " \"" cfg_attr[section, attr, count - 1] "\""
for (l = count -2; l >= 0; l--)
print "iniadd_literal " configfile " " section " " attr " \"" cfg_attr[section, attr, l] "\""
' | while read a; do eval "$a"; done
# Merge all of the files specified by group
# merge_config_group infile group [group ...]
function merge_config_group {
local localfile=$1; shift
local matchgroups=$@
[[ -r $localfile ]] || return 0
local configfile group
for group in $matchgroups; do
for configfile in $(get_meta_section_files $localfile $group); do
if [[ -d $(dirname $(eval "echo $configfile")) ]]; then
merge_config_file $localfile $group $configfile
# Restore xtrace
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: