Modifications for Ubuntu 13.10: * Add .conf suffix to apache2 config files. In Ubuntu 13.10, files in sites-available should have ".conf" suffix. Otherwise it is not recognized by a2ensite. * libglib2.0-dev is added to lib/files/apt/trema. Trema is an OpenFlow controler framework used by Neutron NEC plugin Ubuntu package dependency seems to be changed. Minor cleanups are also done in OVS configuration: * Set datapath_id before connecting to the OpenFlow controller to ensure datapath_id changes after connected. Previously datapath_id is changed after connecting to the controller. * Drop "0x" prefix from datapath_id passed to OVS. OVS ignores datapath_id with 0x prefix. * Fix a bug that SKIP_OVS_BRIDGE_SETUP skips all confiugration of the plugin agent. It should skip only OVS setup. Change-Id: Ifac3def8decda577b5740c82fe8d24e8520c7777
Neutron third party specific files
Some Neutron plugins require third party programs to function.
The files under the directory, lib/neutron_thirdparty/
, will be used
when their service are enabled.
Third party program specific configuration variables should be in this file.
- filename:
- The corresponding file name should be same to service name,
- The corresponding file name should be same to service name,
calls the following functions when the <third_party>
is enabled
functions to be implemented
: set config files, create data dirs, etc e.g. sudo python setup.py deploy iniset $XXXX_CONF... -
: initialize databases, etc -
: collect source and prepare e.g. git clone xxx -
: start running processes, including screen e.g. screen_it XXXX "cd $XXXXY_DIR && $XXXX_DIR/bin/XXXX-bin" -
: stop running processes (non-screen)