As we are moving forward to test XenAPI in the gate, it is necessary to move dom0 related modifications to be performed from domU. For this purpose, a new user is created, and that user should be used to talk to dom0 from domU. This change creates that user, makes it possible for dom0 to log in to domU with that account, and configure that account to be able to talk down to dom0. Also move several steps to the nova xenserver plugin: - dom0 plugin installation - create kernels and images directory - install console rotate script - configure a cron to execute console rotate script Configuration changes: A new configuration option, DOMZERO_USER has been created, that specifies a user account that is configured to be able to do passwordless ssh to dom0. Change-Id: If9de0b297a67b7cdb5de78d8dd0e8b2ca578b601
137 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
137 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable File
# This script is run on an Ubuntu VM.
# This script is inserted into the VM by prepare_guest_template.sh
# and is run when that VM boots.
# It customizes a fresh Ubuntu install, so it is ready
# to run stack.sh
# This includes installing the XenServer tools,
# creating the user called "stack",
# and shuts down the VM to signal the script has completed
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o xtrace
# Configurable nuggets
function setup_domzero_user() {
local username
local key_updater_script
local sudoers_file
# Create user
adduser --disabled-password --quiet "$username" --gecos "$username"
# Give passwordless sudo
cat > $sudoers_file << EOF
$username ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL
chmod 0440 $sudoers_file
# A script to populate this user's authenticated_keys from xenstore
cat > $key_updater_script << EOF
set -eux
DOMID=\$(sudo xenstore-read domid)
sudo xenstore-exists /local/domain/\$DOMID/authorized_keys/$username
sudo xenstore-read /local/domain/\$DOMID/authorized_keys/$username > /home/$username/xenstore_value
cat /home/$username/xenstore_value > /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Give the key updater to the user
chown $username:$username $key_updater_script
chmod 0700 $key_updater_script
# Setup the .ssh folder
mkdir -p /home/$username/.ssh
chown $username:$username /home/$username/.ssh
chmod 0700 /home/$username/.ssh
touch /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown $username:$username /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 0600 /home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Setup the key updater as a cron job
crontab -u $username - << EOF
* * * * * $key_updater_script
# Install basics
apt-get update
apt-get install -y cracklib-runtime curl wget ssh openssh-server tcpdump ethtool
apt-get install -y curl wget ssh openssh-server python-pip git vim-nox sudo python-netaddr
pip install xenapi
# Install XenServer guest utilities
dpkg -i $XS_TOOLS_PATH
update-rc.d -f xe-linux-distribution remove
update-rc.d xe-linux-distribution defaults
# Make a small cracklib dictionary, so that passwd still works, but we don't
# have the big dictionary.
mkdir -p /usr/share/cracklib
echo a | cracklib-packer
# Make /etc/shadow, and set the root password
echo "root:$GUEST_PASSWORD" | chpasswd
# Put the VPX into UTC.
rm -f /etc/localtime
# Add stack user
groupadd libvirtd
useradd $STACK_USER -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -G libvirtd
echo "$STACK_USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
setup_domzero_user "$DOMZERO_USER"
# Add an udev rule, so that new block devices could be written by stack user
cat > /etc/udev/rules.d/50-openstack-blockdev.rules << EOF
KERNEL=="xvd[b-z]", GROUP="$STACK_USER", MODE="0660"
# Give ownership of /opt/stack to stack user
chown -R $STACK_USER /opt/stack
function setup_vimrc {
if [ ! -e $1 ]; then
# Simple but usable vimrc
cat > $1 <<EOF
syntax on
se ts=4
se expandtab
se shiftwidth=4
# Setup simple .vimrcs
setup_vimrc /root/.vimrc
setup_vimrc /opt/stack/.vimrc
# remove self from local.rc
# so this script is not run again
rm -rf /etc/rc.local
# Restore rc.local file
cp /etc/rc.local.preparebackup /etc/rc.local
# shutdown to notify we are done
shutdown -h now