The new lib installs a full Ceph cluster. It can be managed by the service init scripts. Ceph can also be installed in standalone without any other components. This implementation adds the auto-configuration for the following services with Ceph: * Glance * Cinder * Cinder backup * Nova To enable Ceph simply add: ENABLED_SERVICES+=,ceph to your localrc. If you want to play with the Ceph replication, you can use the CEPH_REPLICAS option and set a replica. This replica will be used for every pools (Glance, Cinder, Cinder backup and Nova). The size of the loopback disk used for Ceph can also be managed thanks to the CEPH_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE option. Going further pools, users and PGs are configurable as well. The convention is <SERVICE_NAME_IN_CAPITAL>_CEPH_<OPTION> where services are GLANCE, CINDER, NOVA, CINDER_BAK. Let's take the example of Cinder: * CINDER_CEPH_POOL * CINDER_CEPH_USER * CINDER_CEPH_POOL_PG * CINDER_CEPH_POOL_PGP ** Only works on Ubuntu Trusty, Fedora 19/20 or later ** Change-Id: Ifec850ba8e1e5263234ef428669150c76cfdb6ad Implements: blueprint implement-ceph-backend Signed-off-by: Sébastien Han <sebastien.han@enovance.com>
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