The scheduler_default_filters config option moved out of the DEFAULT option group into a more specific group, and the old option is deprecated as a result so we need to update our usage. Change-Id: I5d6574d19c3f16abadddb19f34cb645dcdcc07f4
80 lines
2.2 KiB
80 lines
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# lib/nova_plugins/hypervisor-fake
# Configure the fake hypervisor
# Enable with:
# Dependencies:
# ``functions`` file
# ``nova`` configuration
# install_nova_hypervisor - install any external requirements
# configure_nova_hypervisor - make configuration changes, including those to other services
# start_nova_hypervisor - start any external services
# stop_nova_hypervisor - stop any external services
# cleanup_nova_hypervisor - remove transient data and cache
# Save trace setting
_XTRACE_VIRTFAKE=$(set +o | grep xtrace)
set +o xtrace
# Defaults
# --------
# Entry Points
# ------------
# clean_nova_hypervisor - Clean up an installation
function cleanup_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# configure_nova_hypervisor - Set config files, create data dirs, etc
function configure_nova_hypervisor {
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT compute_driver "fake.FakeDriver"
# Disable arbitrary limits
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_instances -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_cores -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_ram -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_floating_ips -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_fixed_ips -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_metadata_items -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_injected_files -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_injected_file_path_length -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_security_groups -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_security_group_rules -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT quota_key_pairs -1
iniset $NOVA_CONF filter_scheduler enabled_filters "RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,CoreFilter,RamFilter,DiskFilter"
# install_nova_hypervisor() - Install external components
function install_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# start_nova_hypervisor - Start any required external services
function start_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# stop_nova_hypervisor - Stop any external services
function stop_nova_hypervisor {
# This function intentionally left blank
# Restore xtrace
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# End: