HeroicHitesh 687a3127d3 Migrate from testr to stestr
* Replace .testr.conf by .stestr.conf for migration and update
  .gitignore, test-requirements.txt and lower-constraints.txt
  files accordingly
* Use py3 as the default runtime and 3.18.0 as the minversion
  for tox
* Add group_regex to run all tests

Signed-off-by: HeroicHitesh <email.hiteshkumar@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I704356082e2c25d21aff3c5433efa077259b0b1d
2021-06-30 18:58:35 +05:30

82 lines
2.0 KiB

envlist = pep8,pylint,py3
minversion = 3.18.0
skipsdist = True
ignore_basepython_conflict = True
usedevelop = True
basepython = python3
commands= stestr run --slowest {posargs}
deps = bindep
commands = bindep test
commands =
flake8 {posargs}
commands = pylint --rcfile pylint.cfg diskimage_builder
commands = {posargs}
envdir = {toxworkdir}/venv
commands = {toxinidir}/tests/run_functests.sh {posargs}
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals = find
setenv =
PYTHON=coverage run --source diskimage_builder --parallel-mode
commands =
coverage erase
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
stestr run {posargs}
coverage combine
coverage html -d cover
coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
coverage report
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals =
commands =
rm -rf doc/build
sphinx-build -W -b html -d doc/build/doctrees doc/source doc/build/html {posargs}
deps = {[testenv:docs]deps}
commands = sphinx-build -a -W -E -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
ignore = E125,E126,E127,H202,H803,W503,W504
exclude = .venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc/build,doc/source,*lib/python*,*egg,build,conf.py
deps =
# Run without upper-constraints on python3.5, as since Victoria that
# now is python3.6 only
basepython = python3.5
deps = {[testenv:lower-constraints]deps}